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CBO: Medicaid Spending on Illegal Aliens Has Cost Taxpayers over $16.2 Billion Under Open Border Czar Harris

Posted on Friday, October 4, 2024
by Outside Contributor

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Last week, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) released its analysis of the cost to taxpayers of Vice President Kamala Harris’ open border agenda on the Medicaid program. CBO estimates that the Biden-Harris Administration’s open border agenda cost federal and state taxpayers more than $16.2 billion to provide Medicaid-funded emergency services to illegal aliens since taking office. This is a staggering increase of 124% compared to the same period under the Trump Administration.

This analysis responds to a request from House Budget Committee Chairman Jodey Arrington (R-TX) calling on CBO to produce an analysis of Medicaid spending on emergency services for illegal aliens.

Chairman Arrington’s Statement:

“The Congressional Budget Office’s analysis confirms that the mass migration of illegal immigrants is costing billions of dollars to Medicaid – a program created to serve the health care needs of the most vulnerable Americans. This is on top of the executive action taken to provide $9 billion in Obamacare to illegal immigrants.

This Administration’s failure to secure the border not only brought millions of aliens unlawfully into the country but has also drained federal resources and disincentivized individuals from pursuing legal avenues for migration.

With over $16.2 billion flowing from federal and state governments’ coffers to pay for emergency services for illegal aliens, it is clear that Open Border Czar Vice President Harris’s failed border policies remain the greatest threat to both the United States’s national security and our economic standing.”


President Clinton signed into law the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 (PRWORA) which barred illegal aliens from accessing most federal benefits, including Medicaid.

Despite PRWORA’s limitation on illegal aliens receiving federally funded Medicaid benefits, such aliens may receive Medicaid benefits for emergency services.

Specifically, Medicaid is required to cover health care services necessary to treat an emergency medical condition for illegal aliens who would otherwise qualify for Medicaid if not for their immigration status.

The Bottom Line

Our unprecedented $35 trillion national debt is unsustainable and poses a significant risk to our nation’s fiscal security. The Biden-Harris Administration’s open border policies have led to millions of illegal aliens flooding across the Southwest border and ultimately tapping into health care benefits financed by hard working Americans’ tax dollars.

House Budget Committee Republicans are leading the charge to fully understand the budgetary effects of the surge in illegal migration and the impact on critical federal health care programs such as Medicaid, which must be safeguarded for the most vulnerable American citizens.

Reprinted with Permission from The House Budget Committee

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of AMAC or AMAC Action.

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3 days ago

Hey, the Democrat Party has its priorities, and those priorities include giving the best medical care possible to their new, easy manipulated voter base of illegal aliens. Honestly, what did everyone think was going to happen when our borders were flung open and 12 to 15 million illegals were allowed to stroll into our country?

Along with taxpayer funded medical care, illegal aliens also get taxpayer funded housing, food, schooling and an assortment of several other perks. When you add the total list of everything that has been spent to support the illegal population, the CBO estimates over $400 billion dollars have been spent this year alone. That’s an annual expense that will keep mounting up for as long as we continue this insanity.

The solution to stopping the train wreck remains the same as it has always been: Get every Democrat out of elective office and fire all the Democrats embedded in the so-called Deep State. Easy? Of course not, but it is the only way you stop the runaway spending and have a chance of restoring fiscal sanity. Anything short of that will just ensure that the reckless and unsustainable spending will continue until foreigners no longer want to buy our ever more worthless debt known as U.S. Treasury Bonds. The choice is up to the American people, if they still have enough brains left to make the right decision and then stick to it.

3 days ago

If you vote for a Democrat, you are a MORON, you know who you are.

3 days ago

Runaway spending is disastrous for our economic security. In any household, if there’s not enough income and if we don’t curb our spending, we’ll go into debt. Working longer hours, taking on a second job, or looking for employment that pays better are the options. But we must immediately move on that, or we risk losing our homes, our credit, and our families.

So, what do harris and walz want to do on a national scale? Instead of “curbing their spending”, they want to ensure that all of us, including illegal immigrants, have access to an “opportunity economy”. And what does that mean? To the democrats, that means taking money from hard-working taxpayers so the government can hand it over to felons wanting sex-change surgery, the Taliban (Hannity just said this administration wants to give them $3 billion), billion-dollar electric charging stations, and so many other untraditional causes. They want to increase home ownership by giving new homeowners a $25,000 gift and help new businesses with a $50,000 tax credit. This is a manipulative form of economy which is not sustainable. It just raises prices even further!

President Trump, by comparison, grew the economy organically. He removed expensive regulations and cut tax rates for just about everyone. Businesses expanded and offered better incomes because of tight competition for labor. Despite lower taxes, the Treasury took in more revenue simply because more people were working, more stuff was being sold, and wages were higher. That’s both sensible and sustainable.

Biden/harris drained $1 billion from FEMA to pay for some of their pet projects, including giving illegal immigrants medical care, an education, drivers’ licenses, free housing, and 3 meals a day. Harris (where’s biden?) moved immediately on that, but not for suffering Americans. All they can cough up for Americans citizens in flood-ravaged western North Carolina and other states in the Appalachian Mountains is a measly $750. Really??!! There has been a total shift of priorities, and they won’t work in the long run. Biden, harris, and walz are heartless and clearly don’t care about families–our neighbors and fellow citizens–when they need us the most.

anna hubert
anna hubert
3 days ago

Anyone else in the corporate world would be in prison for life for embezzlement ,add the treason to it and what do you get? reelection

David Millikan
David Millikan
3 days ago

Keep working and paying higher and higher taxes for those Illegal Alien Terrorist Criminals to get everything free while you can’t even afford food. Vote democrat for higher taxes at 80 percent tax rate under Communist harris tax increase plan. You will have nothing but her Illegal Alien Terrorist Criminals will get everything free.
Don’t forget, your kids will starve too.

23 hours ago

When we immigrated to the US we couldn’t knock on the door by Medicaid. Even though we were legal residents. We paid for our own healthcare. And here millions and millions of illegals, for that is what they are, get free healthcare under the guise of an emergency. Don’t make me laugh. They paid thousands to the Cartels to get here and then we citizens have to pay for their living expenses. While they couldn’t be bothered to apply to come here legally. Gimme gimme and gimme some more. Nowhere is it written that others have to take care of these people. Everyone is responsible for him or herself and their offspring. DEI cannot be achieved by legislation. You create laziness and take initiative away. And since the government can’t provide for every citizen many of us have to go. More pandemics will come. COVID and the vaccin are still killing people but not enough or fast enough. By 2030 they want the world population down to 500 million. VOTE TRUMP/VANCE especially you young people. Your future depends on it.

1 day ago

biden harris obama destroying the usa

1 day ago

Liberalism is a mental disorder. It celebrates and elevates the “worst” of us rather than “our brightest and most qualified” . It leads to increased chaos and anarchy and eventually the destruction of a nation where by the Government has to step in and dictate everything. This is where America is heading. Evil is winning.

23 hours ago

None of the illegal aliens sucking Medicare dry pays the monthly $174 copayment that taxpayers who worked their lives-long are forced to pay! ????

Elizabeth Misa
Elizabeth Misa
23 hours ago

This is not sustainable! Americans over all the years have had to go to work, make money and pay for their health insurance from work. With all the freebies that the illegals get what motivates them to get a job! Nobody paid for my health insurance and medical bills when I was younger. Today, how long does it take to get an appointment at your doctor? It takes months to get in. Why, because they are taking care if the illegals. And when you do get an appointment, you don’t even get to see your doctor! You get the Physician Assistant, or Nurse Practitioner. We are also seeing Rationing of medical services, especially if you are over 80 years old.

1 day ago

Why are criminal aliens getting Medicaid? That’s for US citizens only.

Marc Andrew Ziegler
Marc Andrew Ziegler
23 hours ago

Can anyone tell me how the corrupt Biden/Harris regime can spend millions of dollars on illegal aliens without Congress approval? Just recently the lame regime spent millions on illegals out of Fima’s budget and now no money is let for Hurricane victims. How in the world is helping illegals, who broke the law, considered a natural disaster, that’s a policy disaster? Where is Congress in all of this. Total disgrace!!!
Vote Trump, MAGA

23 hours ago

Just imagine…that amount alone used to help Americans in North Carolina.

Roseann Carpenter
Roseann Carpenter
23 hours ago

This is truly an outrage! These people should never have been encourage, invited even, by Biden/Harris in the first place. Their medical needs are their own personal responsibility. Of course these people taking personal responsibility, is the major reason they have left their native country, they’re unwilling to revolt, as our country had to do, to get the freedoms we now still have. Just a thought, The dims want to give these people the right to vote.

22 hours ago

where do they get the authority to give anything to illegals

Bernard Paul Giroux
Bernard Paul Giroux
19 hours ago

Our local health care organization lost $70 million last year; most of that loss was in their emergency room care, where illegals overwhelmed the system in 2023. Illegal immigrants being allowed in this country not only violates the law, it destroys our republic and its sovereignty as a nation. Harris is guilty of violating her oath of office and could be impeached.

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
21 hours ago

These big time spenders need to be in prison. Kyle L.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
22 hours ago

90-days I have to wait for a VA appointment for a torn knee meniscus; bet I could get seen that day by a specialist if I was an illegal gang member from Venezuela. CNN says Trump is lying about FEMA… OK, show me a FEMA 18-wheeler handing out water & supplies. So why don’t you? Because they don’t exist. Call me “unpatriotic” but until this country changes it’s ways, I refuse to fly an American flag. American is dying… no, America is being MURDERED!

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
22 hours ago

Have Illegals clean up after storms then for the South

22 hours ago

remember who pissed away your medical benefits when the emergency room tells you they do not accept medicare. vote for trump and keep your health benefits

21 hours ago

This administration is the filthiest ever – even worse than Obama’s, and noticeably worse than Clinton’s.
Theirs is sewage-pipe-level conduct.
The “Democrats” obviously feel that they no longer need even a pretense of propriety or order.

Charlotte Mahin
Charlotte Mahin
21 hours ago

It is a good thing the REAL people in this country are compassionate and giving because our current regime does not have a compassionate or giving spirit about their own citizens. Yet 90% of the media keeps telling their far-left base that the Republicans are lying about this dereliction of duty. If for no other reason, we must put Trump and Vance in the White House to change the hateful actions of the current regime. They have blood on their hands from so many of their policies that they are too numerous to count. If they get another 4 years, there may be nothing left of our former Democracy. Use to be the press could not get away with lying. What happened to that rule? The press is suppose to be impartial and that was the way we kept our government in check. They are our worst enemy.

21 hours ago

Patriots, have you had enough yet? Trump 2024.

22 hours ago

The Republicans dropped the ball somewhere along the line. Harris was deceptive for a long time. Lying was her best skill Along with the other Marxists and criminals in our government, they will go to any and all lengths to, become dictators of America. This includes murder, with a gun or manipulation of weather to wipe out a whole city or state. .With Biden gone, she let her real identity of a true Marxists be revealed. She really hates us, that being Americans: regardless of age, gender or status or race. She hates us all from pre-born through elderly. It shouldn’t be any surprise that money is their leverage. But it should be clear, that our strength is God. “This is the word of the LORD to Zerubbabel: Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, says the LORD of hosts.

19 hours ago

Democrats will use the illegal immigrants to steal the election. The Democrats cannot win anything unless they lie and cheat. It is totally Beyond me how anybody can say they are a Democrat. Everything the Democrats stand for is wrong. They don’t even know what a woman is. If children are so smart they know what sex they want to be they probably should be able to drive buy beer, own guns and serve in the military. But I digress. Democrats are functional morons

20 hours ago

Crooked,corrupt administration!

18 hours ago

Other costs not mentioned: non- English speaking illegals get a certified translator for medical, legal encounters. School age illegals burdening government schools and negatively impacting citizen students. The true costs to us are incalculable!

8 hours ago

The Dems Do Not care about American Citizens, The Dems give Billions to but only $750 to Citizens suffering a disaster Hurricane

17 hours ago

More reason NOT to vote for the cacklin’ idiot.

17 hours ago

Maybe taxpayers need to sue our government and politicians for misappropriation of taxpayer money. JMO

Sean Rickman
Sean Rickman
17 hours ago

That dollar figure is not sustainable.The syndicate that is in charge of AMERICA is so concerned about non and anti AMERICANS and the dollars that they can throw at them native born AMERICANS seem to be last.Homelessness,poverty and such that we have here should not be as bad as it is.We need to turn this around and need to make AMERICA first but it won’t happen unless we vote the leftists and their really weird agenda way,way out of power.

Tim Toroian
Tim Toroian
22 hours ago


kamala harris getting off plane and flint michigan sign
FEMA funds and kamala harris at a meeting with FEMA
senate building, senate filibuster

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