
Economy , Newsline

Biden Slush Fund Pays Far-Left Activist Groups

Posted on Wednesday, June 5, 2024
by Ben Solis

Nearly two years ago, President Joe Biden signed the woefully misnamed “Inflation Reduction Act” (IRA) into law, a bill which earmarked hundreds of billions of dollars for “climate” spending. Just as conservatives warned at the time, the Biden administration has since funneled that taxpayer money to various nonprofits and activist groups which have used it to advance a host of left-wing causes.

The case of the “Climate Justice Alliance” (CJA) is indicative of how Biden’s IRA money laundering scheme works. As City Journal reported late last month, the Biden Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently handed CJA $50 million in grant money to distribute essentially as CJA sees fit.

But CJA doesn’t appear interested in cleaning up rivers or pursuing any other worthwhile climate goals. Instead, the group’s website describes its mission as working toward “regenerative economic solutions and ecological justice—under a framework that challenges capitalism and both white supremacy and hetero-patriarchy.”

One example CJA points to of challenging “white supremacy” is its support for “a free Palestine.” As City Journal relays, “Grassroots Global Justice Alliance, one of CJA’s affiliated groups, ‘organized an illegal anti-Israel protest in the Capitol Rotunda in December at which more than 50 activists were arrested.’”

CJA has also reportedly offered financial support for an effort to stop the construction of a new police and firefighter training facility in Atlanta.

In other words, under the guise of fighting “climate change,” the Biden administration just handed $50 million to a radical left-wing activist group with a record of anti-Israel and Defund the Police extremism that is committed to “challenging” capitalism.

But it doesn’t stop there.

In April the Biden EPA also announced that it was awarding nearly $14 billion in IRA funds to three organizations – the Climate United Fund, the Coalition for Green Capital, and Power Forward Communities. Those entities will be charged with establishing “national clean financing institutions that deliver accessible, affordable financing for clean technology projects nationwide.”

In essence, these groups will create quasi-banks to loan and distribute money to private-sector investors, developers, and community organizers.

This move by Biden’s EPA is in apparent violation of the IRA itself, which stipulated that the EPA, not private nonprofit groups, should be directly in charge of distributing taxpayer dollars.

Rep. Max Miller (R-OH), chairman of the Subcommittee on the Environment for the House Committee on Space, Science, and Technology, raised this point in a letter to Biden EPA Administrator Michael Reagan last December. As Miller alleges, “the EPA unilaterally chose to move from making the grant awards themselves to outsourcing this work to their favorite politically aligned nonprofit organizations.”

Many of these nonprofits have executives with close ties to high-level Democrat circles or even the Biden administration itself. For instance, Anthony Foxx, who served as Secretary of Transportation for Barack Obama, is on the board of the Climate United Fund. David J. Hayes, a board member for the Coalition for Green Capital, served as Deputy Secretary of the Interior for Obama and Bill Clinton.

Despite Miller’s warning, however, the EPA has plowed ahead with its plan, and billions in taxpayer dollars are now set to be distributed to dozens of groups with virtually no oversight from Congress or the executive branch.

But lack of oversight appears to be a key feature of the EPA’s distribution scheme. By distancing the Biden administration from the groups that ultimately receive IRA funding, the government can mask the extent to which taxpayer dollars are being used to fund the most extreme elements of the left’s social agenda.

Take, for example, the group Inclusiv, which received $1.87 billion in IRA funding and describes its mission as helping “low- and moderate-income people and communities achieve financial independence through credit unions.” The 2023 Inclusiv conference featured a drag queen, and photos showed individuals vulgarly mocking Catholic nuns.

Professor Carlos Rodrigo Íñiguez, an economist who previously advised the Spanish government, described the entities receiving IRA funding as “semi-financial groups with a strong radical leftism stance,” calling the funding decisions “unfair, divisive, and economically unwise.” He also pointed out that the precursors to these groups have supported far-left causes going back decades, to at least the radical feminist movement in the 1970s. “Back then, it was called ‘positive social impact,’” he said.

Professor Íñiguez also said that Biden’s behavior reminds him of the late Spanish dictator Francisco Franco. “When the Spanish dictator realized he was in his sunset hours, he attempted to pass the national assets to his political friends… I hear an echo of this in Biden’s decisions,” he explained.

Professor Joachim Buchholz, another retired economist who advised German Chancellor Helmut Kohl, also expressed concern that Biden’s IRA handouts appear to have “deprived taxpayers of influence” and oversight in funding decisions. According to him, the Biden EPA’s scheme “contradicts democratic rules” and favors certain groups aligned with the Democrat Party.

Perhaps worst of all, even if Biden loses this November, it can’t reverse the billions of dollars that his administration has already handed out. It seems Americans may be stuck footing the bill not only for the left’s “green revolution,” but also for their broader war on traditional American values and institutions.

Ben Solis is the pen name of an international affairs journalist, historian, and researcher.

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4 months ago

How can any President, especially Biden, get away with spending our tax dollars this way? It isn’t by the people, for the people in the United States of America. I am disgusted!

4 months ago

TREASON ALL THE WAY with the Executive Branch of the government. Continued MISUSE of the taxpayer monies. Of course, the arm of DOJ also has its share of misfits that need to be charged and exorcised. So long as the people remain asleep, the wolves will keep devouring everything in sight until there is nothing left of the nation.

4 months ago

Biden should be charged with Treason! What a Disgraceful individual!

4 months ago

Biden belongs in jail.

4 months ago

Sadly, we know that anyone on the Left will skate free — the so-called conservatives need to grow a pair . . .

4 months ago

FJB is a slimy b*stard.

4 months ago

Wouldn’t it be logical and in the best interests of America NOW and for future generations if these funds were applied to our national debt.

4 months ago

Yes isn’t this neat the EPA has no oversight and should there be a regime change come next year look for the MSM pundits to blame the new administration for these wasteful spending if even they dare to do so.

4 months ago

There is so much wrong in this administration I’m not sure 4 years is enough to sort it out, providing Trump is elected. Congress needs a bigger GOP majority and even then untangling Biden’s mess is a daunting task.

4 months ago

I wonder how many illegal and far left anti-American causes the obiden administration is funding?? the Biden administration has since funneled that taxpayer money to various nonprofits and activist groups. VOTE they out THEN jail them.

4 months ago

Wow ! What an amazing article . Congress should impeach Biden IMMEDIATELY on the facts of this article . Basically , the DEMOCRATs in Congress passed legislation ( the Inflation Reduction Act ) and then the Biden Administration handed out this money to friends of Biden , and of the DEMOCRATs , all with Leftist agendas .

4 months ago

This is proof that POTUS Biden is a most traitorous criminal self serving President! Truly UNACCEPTABLE!!

4 months ago

Say it isn’t so!!!! Old slow corrupt “Biden the Inept” is using illegal slush funds to get himself reelected.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
4 months ago

If we’re the Gokd Standard of Freedom and the Lamp of the World, glad I don’t live anywhere WORSE. It’s always about the money, isn’t it? Namely THEM taking from US.

4 months ago

The democrats will still be undermining America even when Trump is elected. How many Americans know about these IRA outlays. My local paper has nothing but dem news. How they are struggling to keep their seat in the state House. Oh really. There is no mention of the Republican that is running against them. We have become a one party country in other words a dictatorship. Even ole Joe is running to the leaders of our allies for support against Trump. Only he forgets the people in those allied countries stand behind Trump. When Trump appeared on TikTok thousands demonstrated in London. They finally heard the truth. And don’t forget most people on TikTok are young people. That is why ole Joe kept asking for more money to close and secure the border. He would have done the same he did now but then had the okay of the reps. This way we can cut this plan to shreds because it is no plan. It is so convoluted even Mayorkas got lost trying to explain it. That is no plan but ole Joe said it was his plan, so when it flops, as sure as the sun will come up tomorrow, it will. We know we can blame him and him alone. Please rep candidates everywhere let your people back home know about all this shenanigans that Obiden is pulling. Every day. Jan 6 and the 2020 election was also orchestrated by the dems with Pelosi and Obiden in charge. VOTE TRUMP if you want to save America.

R. Whitfield
R. Whitfield
4 months ago

I agree. The Biden Administration is going out of its way to give Tax dollars to left wing organizations. The solution seems to me to be that the Agencies involved should lose an equal amount in annual funding in the next budget. Congress will have to pass a law to hold these government agencies fiscally accountable for the use of the funding that they receive.

At a place where truth rules
At a place where truth rules
4 months ago

We are being duped, and it is our fault to not raise the roof , and stop this travesty. Where are the elected (non-representatives) – for they certainly do not represent the people! When were you last asked? NEVER! About right.

4 months ago

Democrats are murders, liers and thieves! Furthermore, they’re the biggest enemy to America!

4 months ago

This is yet another item that can be categorized as embezzlement for the sake of the “Democrat” party and their manchild “President”.

4 months ago

Words from the past… “Things in our country run in spite of government, not by aid of it.”
AND… “Be thankful we’re not getting all the government we’re paying for.”

4 months ago

Every day there is another tragic dishonest situation being shoved down our throats, taking away this Country. And NOTHING IS BEING DONE ABOUT IT!! The “bad excuse” of a President that we have and his regime is destroying our nation. And nothing is being done to stop it!! He and his regime should be arrested for treason immediately. We have an election in November that could change things, but it probably won’t because the Biden Regime will cheat and remain in office. GOD BLESS AMERICA!!

4 months ago

What ever became of “checks and balances”? Who was asleep at the wheel when all of this was handed out

4 months ago

No telling how many billions of tax payer dollars this dumb ass Biden has wasted. He isn’t concerned about our crushing national debt.

Ray Doyle LFP, WA
Ray Doyle LFP, WA
4 months ago

sounds like a massive amount of breaking campaign fiance law violations?

4 months ago

I wonder what type of voter fraud organization the Biden team are putting together to steal this election.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
4 months ago

How the Leftists are funded

4 months ago

The blame lies with both democrats and republicans, in particular McCarthy as the Speaker who failed to block it from coming to the floor. Not that Speaker Johnson has a better record of blocking crappy bills from being put on the floor but that one is on McCarthy who met with Biden and gave away a TRILLION in government over spending.
Why vote for the GOP when they are weak in fiscal matters.

3 months ago

And why do they spend so much on ‘climate change'(global warming?) The climate has been changing since God created the earth. And it will continue to change until He decides to just do away with everything. Remember the ICE AGE? Humans aren’t responsible for that ending. Some people are morons.

3 months ago

Everything the Marxist Socialist Democrat Leadership and their administration do is aimed toward the destruction of American Values, The Constitution, Christ Followers, and Freedom. They even name their organizations as Imposters of truth to cover up their true deviate meanings. Trump and a new administration may be able to squelch some of their destructive actions, but we as a people must stand up for Truth and DENY these Lying Marxist Socialist Democrats at every turn. Vote Conservative Constitututionalist for every office being fought for. Go to your lState, County, Local, and School District meetings, let the Truth be known and deny them their goals at every election and every turn of events.

3 months ago

It’s only $$$$$ Billions $$$$$$ they robbed from taxpayers, not to mention the money isn’t really there, it’s increasing the national debt which will rob our children and our children’s children to pay interest on that debt.

3 months ago

So! It is okay for this babbling fool to pay other jerks to destroy this country but not pay a broad to hush up!

3 months ago

This article is an excellent description of JOBAMA’S despicable deceitful behaviors.

Jim Rymer
Jim Rymer
4 months ago

I’m still trying to figure out WTF “ecological” and “climate justice” are. New terms for old-fashioned handouts.

4 months ago

Is there anything honest about the Biden administration? Anything at all……?

Donald King
Donald King
4 months ago

If I recall correctly, the left side of the aisle has also contributed to 3rd party candidates in order to draw votes away from Republican candidates.

3 months ago

Sad to see again we are paying for our own Demis.

3 months ago

+This boondoggle would not have passed without the support of Republicans and I hope they rue the day.

Robert Chase
Robert Chase
3 months ago

Government out of control. Too large and too powerful for our good!

4 months ago

This is just SAD news for America. We really are doomed.

Jim Carlyle
Jim Carlyle
4 months ago

Terrific comment by the Spaniard economist–Biden simulating the Spanish dictator and Fascist Generalissimo Francisco Franco

Brenda G
Brenda G
3 months ago

Surprise! Surprise!Money laundering? Favorite activist groups?Connections between Obama, Clinton and Biden ???Are the Republican leaders participating in this too?Anyone Surprised if that were the case?Does all of this bother anyone but me?How did these politicians all have multiple homes, and not just little cottages, bank accounts that would make anyone of us question what did they do to get all this?

3 months ago

Another reason to vote for TRUMP!

Stephen V.
Stephen V.
4 months ago

More reasons why we desperately need a Convention of States. If you don’t already support it go to I believe it’s our country’s only hope for survival.

Robin Walter Boyd
Robin Walter Boyd
2 months ago

The Biden administration uses our tax dollars to fund violent and destructive Progressive/Communist organizations that make our lives miserable and have resulted in mass property destruction, personal injuries and even deaths. Why are we allowing Progressive Democrats to destroy the democratically run Constitutional Republic that allowed the U.S. to become such a great nation in such a relatively short period of time? WHY?!

3 months ago

Yep, the “citizen soldiers” that Hussein Obama organized and funded just keep changing their names from black lives matter and antifa to whatever the flavor of the month is.

3 months ago

Is there no end to the corruption? Why isn’t this plaster all over the news and social media? Republicans in congress are explicate to the corruption. Defund the EPA, DOJ and any other government agency that is not for American People First. This has to stop NOW! Give the American people a fighting chance.

3 months ago

It’s easy when Congress is Ham-strung and is unable to get anything passed that is not in accordance with White House wishes. Democrats stick together like two dogs in heat. If the Republican Party was half as consistent in their voting they might have a chance. Too many RINOS. Starting back with Ronnie Reagan, at least he changed parties even though he remained a Dumbocrat at heart; and proved it quite convincingly after people were DUMB enough to elect him. Proof some people never learn, and some are too DUMB to do so.

Governor Tim Walz giving a speech at a Podium in September 2024 Disasters USA Government home page under magnifying glass.
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