
Economy , Newsline

Biden Schemes With California To Gut U.S. Auto Industry

Posted on Monday, April 1, 2024
by Aaron Flanigan


President Joe Biden observes an electric vehicle charging demonstration by electrician's apprentice Abigail Jean-Baptiste at the Infrastructure Talent Pipeline Challenge, Wednesday, November 2, 2022, in the State Dining Room of the White House. (Official White House Photo by Adam Schultz)
President Joe Biden observes an electric vehicle charging demonstration by electrician's apprentice Abigail Jean-Baptiste at the Infrastructure Talent Pipeline Challenge.

As Americans face sticker shock at car dealerships throughout the country and major manufacturers continue waves of layoffs, the Biden administration is on the verge of delivering what would be its most devastating blow yet to the American auto industry.

Earlier this month, reports revealed that Biden’s Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is poised to approve a Clean Air Act waiver request from California that would culminate in a total ban on sales of new gas- or diesel-powered vehicles in the Golden State by 2035. If the waiver goes through, it would likely have cascading negative effects throughout the entire U.S. auto industry and economy at large.

According to the Competitive Enterprise Institute, “The EPA is expected to grant California a waiver of federal preemption under Section 209(b) of the Clean Air Act (CAA), allowing the State to implement its Advanced Clean Cars II (ACC II) program. The ACC program includes California’s [zero-emission vehicle (ZEV)] sales mandates, motor vehicle greenhouse gas (GHG) emission standards, and tailpipe standards for conventional air pollutants.”

In effect, the California rule would force consumers to purchase electric cars and trucks powered by batteries or fuel cells – thus allowing Biden to bypass Congress and any direct federal action while still securing a major victory for his mission to abolish gas-powered cars.

Of course, Biden’s anti-car crusade is unlikely to end in California. Other blue and purple states have a long history of adopting California’s vehicle regulations in the months and years following their enactment. According to the California Air Resources Board, as of this January, 18 states (in addition to Washington, D.C.) have adopted California’s light- and heavy-duty vehicle regulations under Section 177 of the Clean Air Act.

The Biden administration’s expected approval of the new California waiver, therefore, serves as an ominous sign that these states—and perhaps others—could take their cues from California and transform into anti-gasoline dystopias. Millions of Americans could soon find that they are prohibited by law from purchasing a new – and far less expensive – gas-powered vehicle in their home state.

Perhaps equally troubling is the fact that the Biden EPA has no constitutional or statutory authority to unilaterally impose such rules. In fact, last year, House Republicans—with eight Democrats joining—passed the Preserving Choice in Vehicle Purchases Act, which affirms that California cannot use its waiver authority under the Clean Air Act to ban internal combustion engine vehicles.  

Reports of the Biden administration’s intentions to approve the California waiver come on the heels of a March 20 EPA announcement which outlined new standards imposing the strictest vehicle-emissions regulations ever enacted. These regulations apply to “passenger cars and light trucks for model years 2023 through 2026”—including cars, pickups, and vans—in yet another instance of the Biden White House’s aggressive push to force Americans into purchasing expensive electric vehicles.

As a part of these regulations, in 2030, somewhere between 31 percent and 44 percent of all new cars, SUVs, and pickup trucks sold will be required to be fully electric.

The growing number of policies aimed at phasing out the use of automobiles should also prove beyond any reasonable doubt that America’s skyrocketing gas prices are a feature—not a bug—of the left’s broader progressive platform.

For decades, owning a car has been considered a staple of the American Dream. But as Biden has made clear, the left is willing to sacrifice all of that on the altar of their vision for a “green revolution.”

Biden’s increasing commitment to imposing electric vehicle mandates has also contributed in no small part to the soaring cost of automobiles. According to the Detroit Free Press, the “number of car buyers paying $1,000 or more a month to finance a new vehicle” recently reached an all-time high. Moreover, approximately one in three car buyers are taking out six- to seven-year loans on used vehicles to make monthly payments more affordable—even though only one percent of auto loans lasted that long in 2004.

To make matters worse, climbing interest rates are leading to skyrocketing loan rates for both new and used cars. The average used car loan has reached a whopping 125 percent of the car’s original value. Meanwhile, more and more drivers are falling behind on their car payments, and Biden’s war on American energy has yielded sky-high gas prices.

Earlier this year, former president and presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump made headlines when he warned of an impending “bloodbath” to the U.S. auto industry if Joe Biden is reelected. Despite the media’s flagrant distortion of his comments, in the days since he made the remarks, it appears the Biden administration has been working overtime to validate Trump’s admonition.

As Democrats continue to accelerate their anti-energy agenda fueled by the left’s lofty ambitions of achieving a progressive utopia devoid of oil, gasoline, and traditional cars, the U.S. auto industry, countless American families, and untold numbers of American workers are hurtling toward the brink of destruction.

Aaron Flanigan is the pen name of a writer in Washington, D.C.

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6 months ago

Well people here goes more of our freedom to make our choice as to what we want. Again unelected officials are deciding what is best for us taking away the freedom of choice.

6 months ago

I would expect nothing less from this regime as it goes about systematically dismantling this once great nation of ours. China has invested its money quite well in buying off so many in the political class of this country.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
6 months ago

NO Energy=No EVs for CA since Newsome wont build more plants *&No Nuclear

Jeff Buehrle
Jeff Buehrle
6 months ago

Guess this will ultimately be karma for the auto workers who support Biden

6 months ago

Expect another exodus of Californians as this crap-show policy draws nearer. They’ll want their gasoline, but they’ll bring their idiotic, liberal tree-hugging, D-I-E ideology with them.

6 months ago

Welcome to the USA (United Soviets of America). The communist party is finally fulfilling their dream of conquering our once great nation. All without firing a shot, but, infiltrating the media, the education system, and, finally, the government.

6 months ago

All of the supporting evidence gives credibility to this article… but something else is afoot…. and that is UN Agenda 21, which is designed to force people out of their cars and single-family homes by planting them in high-density, urban housing projects that only allow them to use public transportation.
Of course, the politicos and captains of industry will be allowed to live in lavish, country estates… but we won’t.

zoe frost
zoe frost
6 months ago

Not just ChiComs, Globalist elitists share OWNERSHIP of the open borders/America LAST fraud puppet AND his handler! The traitors (like Sorazz) have spent $billions bribing and/or blackmailing people in key places including judges, DAs, governors, Senators, House Reps, the pResident and man behind the curtain leading the destruction of our Constitutional Republic, Commie traitor Obamie. The originator of weaponizing DOJ, FBI, IRS against his opposition, O’s many vices have him firmly under control. (Heck, s since O was raised Communist, and to hate America and Americans, even though he’s amassed $billions, bet he’d gladly be a traitor for free!) If somehow JoeBama’s elected in Nov., say bye bye to our beloved freedoms/opportunities Constitutional Republic the evil expletives are hell bent on destroying!

6 months ago

This has nothing to do with green and everything to do with controlling the distance we can travel and implementing their 15 minute cities.

ray doyle lake forest park.
ray doyle lake forest park.
6 months ago

if biden and the democrats were not committing voter fruad they would stop while they are behind.

it is clear their policies are completely unpopular. they are way behind in the polls. an intelligent politician woudl change directions. not the democrats. they will continue and hope their voter fraud will cover for them.

Michael Stevens
Michael Stevens
6 months ago

Pay very close attention to this story. If things progress as the article supposes, BUY stock in NAPA Autoparts, PepBoys, AutoZone, Advance and/or O’Reilly. The state of California will look like Cuba in a generation.

6 months ago

Not gut the Auto Industry, just the “US” Auto Industry… Why else build all those plants south of the border then give the industry tariff free access from Mexico… The UAW sold out it workers along with Biden and the Democrat Party of China. How does a US worker complete with $1.00hr labor and little environment standards? That’s the point…Lower your standard of living and like it.

Bacon Nivison
Bacon Nivison
6 months ago

Leading to the irony of the Unions supporting Peddo-Joe. Vote for Joe, lose your Job! “OK.” Ah the mysteries of human behavior.

6 months ago

The rule of law has never slowed down Slow Joe and the Dems. But consider this: All of this is being done under the umbrella of a relatively easy to sell greener and cooler earth. But virtually all of the electification of the American car will, in one way or another, benefit China, the Biden family piggy bank. Coincidence?

6 months ago

Time to start buying and storing gas powered vehicles.

Allan Terry
Allan Terry
6 months ago

It’s not too late to reverse the destruction, but it soon will be. People who believe Joe Biden is doing a great job as president and that inflation isn’t higher than 3.7% aren’t facing reality.
A recently retired big oil executive was recently interviewed by radio talkshow host Andrew Willkow. The big oil exec said Joe Biden has conspired (aka bought off) with some oil industry leaders to temporarily increase gasoline production–thereby keep gasoline prices low–until after the November 5th election. Then we can expect gas prices to skyrocket!
This is part of global elites’ plan to lower our standard-of-living (“Equity” with other nations) and impose totalitarian control. Once automobiles and home ownership become unaffordable, Biden and friends want 99% of people living in high-rise apartments and required to take public transportation. There will be no trips out of the city without Big Brother’s permission. Sorry, you can’t attend your brother’s funeral 100 miles away. The UN’s 30-30 plan will require 30% of the U.S. be placed off-limits to human activity by 2030.
Total surveillance and a digital currency will complete the task of total control. Government apartments will outlaw firearms within their walls, making resistance nearly impossible. The gold coins everyone was told to invest in will be confiscated by the feds (like FDR did in 1933). How were people going to spend them, anyway? A hacksaw and a digital currency replacing small change?
Biden and Obama may be dead and gone by then. They can smile on their deathbeds, knowing the “transformative change” Obama wanted had become irreversible.

Craig in Houston
Craig in Houston
6 months ago

You can have my ICE car.
When you pry it from my cold dead fingers.

6 months ago

This is not sustainable. The American people are waking up to the truth that the entire climate crisis is a massive hoax. Scientists are finally becoming emboldened to speak out against the “97% of scientists” agree lie. Americans are recognizing that the climate activists have completely overstepped, and their unscientific “solutions” are worse for the planet than the “crisis” they purport to address. Ironically, it is “Gen-Z” that is rebelling the most. The climate hoax is running out of oxygen (pun intended), and sanity will return.

Tim Toroian
Tim Toroian
6 months ago

Gasoline is hard to bootleg and not good after a few months of storage. The answer may be natural gas. Internal combustion engines can be converted to run on it, you can sort it for long periods underground, and it will be usable for ages. When gasoline is outlawed what will be the value of collector cars?

5 months ago

Biden panders to unions to supposedly be pro union. I wonder if anyone from the autoworkers unions are reading this.

Mike L
Mike L
5 months ago

Amazing that the UAW can not see the writing on the wall. With sleepy joe pushing electric cars, less parts are needed, no more workers in engine casting plants, transmission plants, axle plants, etc. This will cut the work force of the UAW by 35-40%. Watch BYD (of China) take over electric car production, they out produce Tesla now. 
  Speaking of Tesla, they cut prices again, which will lower the resale value of their cars, under cutting all current Tesla owners, maybe making their car loans underwater. Any electric car will have “nil” for a resale value because of associated with battery replacement costs. No one wants to cough up $$ to replace batteries in 100,000-mile electric cars. Electric cars may become the most expensive throw away car.   

6 months ago

Beware Citizens, more marxist democrat party plans to destroy America.
Rumor has it that the biden clone halfwhit whitmer is planning to follow suit in Michigan.
These politicians have forgotten who they are supposed to be working for.
THROW THE democrats, rinos and any anti American representatives out.

6 months ago

The molting Joe Biden is regarded as a modern-day Hitler and neo-nazi. After all, neo-nazi groups have recently endorsed the drooling and inept slob for re-election (filmed)…as if he really was ‘elected’ at all. pity.

Rick Williamson
Rick Williamson
6 months ago

The auto industry should call California’s bluff and sell more gas-powered vehicles in the states that will allow them. Let the EV states pay huge premiums for their cars until the can’t pay any more.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
6 months ago

(Like the articles picture: Biden probably thinks its a defibrillator in case his heart finally stops.) Awesome! The next “government-mandated pandemic shutdown” Gavin and 10% Joe can drive his 1967 427cc Corvette Sting Ray to the French Laundry. Of course, Gavin will have to act as driver because Biden is too fricking old to. “Rules for thee, not for me…”

5 months ago

Joey B is the best class act communist I am aware of. His agenda is on track to sell us out to the globalists in record time. Only ONE problem. God! God’s WILL will be done. He won’t let evil prevail. Pray for our nation and watch what GOD will do.

5 months ago

No one should be forced to purchase anything in America by our government — we must let the market decide on things like this.

5 months ago

If nothing is made in America, how can the American auto industry be laying off workers?
“the fact that the Biden EPA has no constitutional or statutory authority to unilaterally impose such rules.” This would be true if we were under the Constitution that the founding fathers gave us. (That Constitution does not delegate any authority to the federal government to regulate automobile emissions.) However, since we are under the Constitution that Lincoln gave us, the President can do just about anything that he wants to do.

5 months ago

Its less about the green agenda than the ultimate goal of having fewer people own vehicles and have the freedom to move about as they wish. That’s why there is little concern about the practical concerns of expense, the environmental issues with the batteries, and lack of charging stations. Ultimately they don’t believe they will be needed. To phase anything out they make those things too expensive, scare, or too inconvenient. Think: beef, gasoline, air travel, gas powered appliances, middle class homes). If fewer people own vehicles they are more dependent on things delivered to them (or not, if you’re considered a “troublemaker”), being able to purchase things on their own, being able to independently congregate, work with, and associate with others, etc. It comes down to “progressively” placing people’s daily lives under government control. Foil hat firmly on.

Edward Michael Wheatley
Edward Michael Wheatley
5 months ago

When the UAW’s went on strike last year, they wanted to have better wages, and more benefits. They were on strike for quite awhile. The strike may be settled, the consequences are coming, especially all this talk about electric vehicles. Biden’s taking away our freedom of choices and our freedom of speech. This isn’t what we want, Joe Biden must be ousted.

6 months ago

I’ll never buy electric I’m a mechanic and will just keep repairing my laser

6 months ago

Interest rates for auto loans: Back in the 1980’s (Jimmy Carter era) I was employed as a Consumer Loan Processor for a major bank in NJ. Interest rate were at an all time high due to high inflation. Used car interest rates were as high as 30%, people had no choice but to pay the inflated rates if they needed a car.
Today just about everyone drives a new vehicle, their mind set is the biggest, the best, the most! I live within my means but grocery prices have made it difficult to buy most items. And to top it off…insurance companies are raising their rate as well. My current insurance company State Farm is raising auto premiums. WHY??? Because they state that everyone is driving a new car and they are keeping up with the times! Really??? Sorry but it’s time to get rid of the trash in DC and for the American people to be satisfied with what they have rather than trying to impress the neighbors with their most recent “toys”!!!

Randall L. Beatty
Randall L. Beatty
6 months ago

Biden acts like he knows what is best for the American people and Dems fall for it well they will be just as taken to the cleaners just like the rest of us once Biden gets into office if Trump looses it is all over then Dems will live to regret what they have done when there is no more freedom in this country then it will be to late.

6 months ago

As I have said all along, anything to do harm to America

Brenda G
Brenda G
6 months ago

We as legal citizens/voters, not illegal aliens? Need to stop being pusses and require those who we vote into political positions be accountable for their actions, how they vote. Or? They get kicked out of their jobs.It’s called, ” Merit based”. Do what you say,to the goals given.No exceptions!Sounds good, hmm? How do we be sure it’s done?

6 months ago

Biden is

6 months ago

It’s going to be near impossible to gut the U.S. auto industry in 7 months. That’s how long Joe Biden has to do it. Regarding CA, those idiots voted Ndwscum in. IDC if they are riding electric skateboards.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
6 months ago

If the law says the EPA can’t give California the waiver, then sue them in court.

6 months ago

I live in California but by 2035 I probably will have died and have no children or wife to survive me.

Robert Williams
Robert Williams
6 months ago

Technological innovation and disruption is as old as capitalism and is the bedrock of how we remained so very prosperous while the rest of the world sought the path of the Luddites and live in intergenerational poverty! The idea that Biden is scheming with California or any other entity to destroy our auto industry is right-wing fewer fantasy and the whole idea smells of to much liquor consumption by a writer with a deadline, bank paper, and a bone to pick with our President!

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