Historically, federal law has generally not allowed illegal immigrants to get taxpayer-funded welfare benefits. But that is now changing thanks to President Joe Biden.
It was with good reason that Bill Clinton signed a bipartisan welfare reform bill in 1996, championed by Speaker Newt Gingrich, that restricted which immigrants could gain access to programs like food stamps, cash welfare, and Medicaid. Even then, federal and state budgets were under strain from the growing number of legal and illegal immigrants taking advantage of American generosity.
Politicians from both parties knew then what anyone with common sense knows now: you cannot have an open border and a welfare state, as economist Milton Friedman once famously said.
But under Joe Biden, we have both. And worse still, his administration is doubling down.
While the Biden administration allows, accepts, and maybe even abets illegal immigration, they also have supercharged the welfare state, with significant increases in government handouts to able-bodied adults. Now, they want to make sure those handouts get straight into the outstretched hands of illegal immigrants, including millions who are single adults.
Biden has grown food stamp spending to new record levels, using unlawful administrative tactics that have increased inflation. Under President Trump, food stamp dependency and spending had fallen to 20-year lows. The bipartisan welfare reform in 1996 banned illegal immigrants from receiving food stamps. It’s unclear whether Biden still remembers this, but he himself voted in favor of the 1996 law, one of 24 Senate Democrats who supported the ban on welfare for illegal immigrants. Now, Biden is focused on repealing that restriction.
In 2021, Biden signed “Executive Order 13985: On Advancing Racial Equity and Support for Underserved Communities Through the Federal Government.” Pursuant to that order, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), which oversees the food stamp program, recently released its “USDA Equity Commission” report. The report’s first recommendation for the food stamp program was to “remove eligibility restrictions on receipt based on immigration status.” This goes directly against the 1996 welfare reform.
In early April 2024, the Biden administration’s Department of Health and Human Services also finalized a regulation that explicitly bans states from double-checking citizenship information when someone is applying for Medicaid coverage. They also are barring states from limiting what are called “reasonable opportunity periods” for a non-citizen to produce information that would prove they are eligible for the program.
These changes serve an obvious purpose – to take tools away from states that can help prevent wrongful welfare payouts to illegal immigrants.
The administration also proposed another rule last year, again outside of the legislative process and strictly through rulemaking, to change the definition of “lawfully present” in order to expand Medicaid and other taxpayer-subsidized medical coverage to previously ineligible non-citizens. This rule hasn’t been finalized yet, but when it is, it will add hundreds of thousands of new non-citizens to taxpayer-funded welfare programs. That doesn’t even take into account the hundreds of thousands of non-Americans that Biden is “paroling” into the country, who will then become officially eligible for welfare in a few years.
Of course, even without these new Biden policies, and despite federal laws, Biden’s open borders have cost taxpayers billions through welfare programs at the state and federal levels.
Part of that cost is the result of existing requirement forcing states to cover “emergency” medical welfare for illegal aliens. Lefty states and pro-open borders advocates are constantly pushing for the definition of “emergency” to be expanded, creating loopholes that add more illegal border crossers into welfare programs.
Florida estimates they have been forced to pay at least half a billion dollars a year to cover this medical welfare for illegal aliens. If other states ran the same accounting, it would become clear how many billions are being spent across the country. That is to say nothing of the many states that have set up “state-funded” programs for illegal aliens like New York and California. Illinois gave away extra welfare to illegal aliens, too, and after racking up a quick billion in costs, they have had to scale those giveaways back.
But Joe Biden isn’t scaling back at all. He’s making sure anyone who scales what little border fence is left gets a welfare card when they hit the ground.
All this added spending in the Medicaid and Food Stamp programs significantly strains systems meant for the truly needy, including the critical Medicare and Social Security programs, which already face a tough road to stay stable amidst the $34 trillion national debt. Taxpayers can only bear so much burden before the system collapses, destroying the entire safety net.
Cleaning up Sloppy Joe’s mess by shutting down the border will be at the top of the priority list for the next president. Right after that, a new president will need to close the existing loopholes and immediately reverse these disastrous new Biden policies that expand welfare for illegal aliens. Anything less than a complete reform of these policies will result in total failure of the system.
Sam Adolphsen is the policy director at the Foundation for Government Accountability, and the former Chief Operating Officer for the Maine Department of Health and Human Services where he oversaw welfare eligibility and fraud investigations.
Very sad, all of this to secure more votes for the communist taking over our country – Called Democrats. They don’t care about American citizens, nor do they care about out of control spending. All they care about is staying in office, by what ever means. Do not be deceived, they know what they are doing and all of this is part of their master plan. Goodbye to “We the People” and hello to communist America.
Who is surprised? Lying Jackass Joe Biden has already GUARANTEED that HE IS THE WORST PRESIDENT IN AMERICAN HISTORY!
So what is the problem? The main stay that most of the Federal agencies now support a Socialist-type government and no longer do their jobs properly and correctly. Gestapo tactics are being used constantly against populace without restraint. Borders wide open. Taxpayer money being misused to support the invasion while this is now increased the national debt beyond recovery. The nation is a laughing stock around the world and this administration continues to fumble in the dark. Will it end? Take a wild guess!
We all knew this was coming from this administration! And how many real Americans are going without needed food and med’s so this can happen?
Joebama and his puppeteers are doing everything they can to destroy our nation before next January, provided that Trump wins in November and provided that we even have an election.
My, my… it looks like our most esteemed “democrat”, President Biden, is out buying votes again with our taxpayer dollars. With all of the Bidens’ nefarious, uninvestigated shenanigans, he just wants to stay in power, increase our debt, and hurt the econmy more, while he violates our rights by illegally diluting the electorate with illegals that he wants to reward, with our money, to illegally cross our border and reside here. What a “unique” presidency… don’t you think?
He sure likes to give away what he is not entitled to by law, doesn’t he??
Time to dump tea into Boston Harbor again. Joe remembers, he was there the last time, too… collecting taxes for the British to be housed in colonists homes.
You allowed this, and you paid them out of your money. Taxpayers are not responsible for illegal acts, WAKE UP!!!
The marxist democrat party and joebama are traitors destroying America!
This country may not make it to November at the rate this administration is going.
We will either go belly up financially or be drawn into another War…. and our SPR is empty thanks to the Vegetable trying to artificially lower gasoline prices.
This Bidenomics stupidity (actually power greed) is anti-USA. These are not just stupid mistakes. These are purposefully calculated to destroy the USA as it is structured. This all is contra-USA to the point of unbelievable, so much so that this citizen considers them treason because this is a plan to destroy this country. The big question I have is, “why haven’t we put these people in jail?” Why is there not enough people in positions of power to have enough patriotism to stand up to this treasonous junk? Joe Biden is a weak greedy person whose strings are pulled by the likes of George Soros. Look at Joe’s wealth and his families wealth. Unlike the Trumps, they did nothing to be so rich other than provide political favors to enemies. Treason, Treason, Treason. Soros and his son and all like them should be thrown into jail. They are real enemies without a doubt. The corruption runs deep. Don’t believe me? Then why did the Soros group buy so many radio stations in the west to address the new Spanish speaking illegal alien, teaching them that America is what they want taught? Trump is the only known hope we have to change these events. But, more importantly, we have to become that hope by standing up for what is right, by voting and taking action for the truth while standing strong against this greedy power fight that is added by our news media. Shame on them, and shame on us for listening.
Castro started hi agitating well before 1950 Promised freedom from oppression and all injustices There were enough fools to follow him Obama promised the transformation and the end of America as we know it Enough fools voted for him Brainless simpleton is just as dangerous as a crooked lying politician
We can give them welfare. Instead of Biden getting a fight to a city to were they want to go, they get them a ticket back to the country they came from!
Buy those votes baby.
This back half of a horse is intent on ruining the country. These damned Democrats can’t give us a logical reason for any of the crap pull. And yet dumbassed people vote for them.
According to Nancy Pelosi, Chuckie Schumer, Adam Shift, Morning Joe and Mica, every democrat in the House of Representatives and Senate, NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, NY TIMES, WASHINGTON POST and all the RINOS, Biden is the best President this country ever had. You cannot make this up!
Liar Liar pants on fire
The man is garbage, if y’all don’t know this by now then don’t cry about it later!
WHO has the ability to stop this BS?!? He is an usurper who is implementing every under-handed, un-American idea Obama can imagine. Unfortunately
Elected Republicans are cowards.
Knew that when he cheated on the election
The dims believe we private sector workers will make enough money to pay for all of their
wish list including supporting 10 million ( and growing) illegals. If you vote for Biden there will be 20 million more (total: 30 million). We elected him once because we were stupid.
What makes us think we are not still stupid ? I think we are.
What next out of this guy everything for votes just like abortion he cannot win he knows it so he will just do anything to get a vote he allows millions of illegals into the country and every Dem in this country is all for it let them vote to keep Biden in office even if it destroys this country very sad Biden needs to go for what he is doing wait till he raises taxes on everyone then you will see what he is really all about that that goes for Obama who is helping Biden run this country and maybe a few more people.
Another act of espionage, treason, and election interference by Dictator Beijing biden.
Butthead Biden evidently doesn’t know what the word ILLEGAL means. We need to get rid of him and that idiot VP. Put someone in there with some common sense and cares about the country and the people.
Close the BANK! Stop bleeding every Tax Payer out of his hard earned wages.
The Socialist Leftist Democratic Politicians are going to push We The People to the point.. We have no choice but to defend ourselves and drive illegals out. We will be forced to fight this Leftist government if it or it’s UN cover attempts to weaken in any way our 2nd Ammendment right (guns or ammo) to defend ourselves from all threats including this Government. ..Taxpayers may very well have to make a stand and refuse to pay taxes until We The People feel we have regained control of this Federal money monster. Voters must understand only conservatism at the federal and state level will ever attempt to answer our demand to control insane spending. Conservatism and Christian revival are our only hopes to save our nation.
Take note of the fact that the child molesting ku klux klan favorite Biden hasn’t known a day of honesty, integrity, peace, and justuice. These unaccomplished miscreants of society thirst for chaos, problems, and cruelty and if none is found, these types create them.
Here in florida they got no problems. I myself was kicked off a program I was never suppose to. When I went to the office the place was full of illegal immigrants. Then went to the DMV full of them. All they needed was a paper from their lawyer and they got license. No test nothing, while our Gov says its not our constitutional rite but a privilege? What is going on?
Nooo!!! Americans only!