April 8, 2024
Washington, D.C. – As Biden’s border crisis raises the threat of illegal aliens voting at unprecedented levels, AMAC Action is leading a nationwide campaign to demand that Congress act to prevent non-citizens from casting ballots in November.
Since Joe Biden took office, 8 million people have crossed the border illegally. That figure is higher than the individual populations of 38 states.
Along with posing a severe threat to U.S. national security, this mass wave of illegal migration has created an unprecedented threat to the integrity of American elections – a threat actively aided and abetted by the Biden administration.
Under the provisions of a 2021 Biden Executive Order, the U.S. Marshals Service is required to provide everyone in its custody information on how to register to vote. This apparently includes convicted felons and illegal aliens who are ineligible to vote.
In other words, the Biden administration is giving illegal aliens step-by-step instructions for how to break U.S. election laws.
In addition, 14 states, including the critical swing states of Nevada, Minnesota, and Pennsylvania, have no ID requirement for voting, creating substantial risk of noncitizens casting ballots.
Even states that do have some form of Voter ID laws are not safe from the threat of noncitizens voting. For instance, in 18 states, including Michigan, individuals can vote with a student ID, which does not distinguish between citizens and noncitizens.
Equally as alarming, in 18 states, noncitizens can obtain a driver’s license that has no designation of their legal status, potentially giving millions of noncitizens seamless access to the polls.
This November, untold numbers of noncitizen voters could potentially determine the outcome of multiple elections, including the contest for the White House.
That is why AMAC has launched an urgent campaign to demand federal action to secure our elections. AMAC members are disgusted by what they are seeing at the border and fed up with the intentional effort to undermine the integrity of our elections.
To date, more than 30,000 members have sent messages to Congress demanding action on this issue – including 21,000 within the first 24 hours after launch.
The campaign is still ongoing, and we encourage every concerned American to add their voice to stop the threat from noncitizens voting.
Non citizens can’t vote! They need to get their citizenshipand register after that to vote. No other country in the world lets foreigners vote.
Need a grass roots campaign that 1 day for voting in person, make it a national voting day, (time off from work and school) check in with photo ID. Strict absentee ballots issued with accounting how many issued and how many returned. No unattended drop boxes.
More polling places open in neighborhood schools, no computer voting or tallying the votes, need to keep an audit trail with paper ballots and strict guidelines to protect count intregrity and counting procedure.
Put our elections back into a trustworthy process.
Everyone to show picture ID
No illegal allowed to vote
If the Democrats and rinos get their way, and they’ve already proven fraudulent voting in 2020, tho’ of course denying it, they will remain in power. Not long ago I watched a short video caught by a conservative, of Nancy Pelosi: “Everyone should be able to vote”. All these unknows spread out through our once Constitutional Republic, are getting your money, your food, your housing. Those watching this treason against this nation at the border, plus border guards have seen people you would never, ever want to encounter.
This nation, unlike never before in it’s history desperately needs strong Americans, dedicated citizens willing to first get on their knees and pray for strength and guidance to the God Who created this nation. And be willing to, as our Founders did, pledge “Our lives, honors and fortunes.” There is so much going on in America it will make your head spin. There has never,. ever been a nation like this one, and it’s crumbling under us.
May God Himself once again, be led to bless this nation. But We The People must also listen and obey Him.
Only a few short years ago one might have been laughed at for even making this suggestion. Seems like a no-brainer that only citizens have the right, and privilege, to vote. However, the Biden administration is filled with no-brainers so very little that is decided these days makes good sense.
No non citizens nor convicted felons should ever have the right to vote. Never!
Satan wants a 1 world government in the end times. People who side with this, don’t know God. God alone is good. If people want the side that’s good, they have to ask Christ Jesus to save them. We can enter Heaven simply by asking to be saved. Of course, we have to mean it. A time, the Tribulation, is coming, and a lot of signs make it look like it’s close. It will be a 7 year period which will seem good at first, but at the halfway point, the 1 world in satan’s control will place a statue of self in the rebuilt Jewish temple, and demand to be worshiped. It will have some powers, so people who don’t know God and the bible will, as anyone who doesn’t won’t have the mark of the beast and won’t be able to buy or sell. The church, (anyone trusting Christ as Savior) will be raptured before this time. A lot of people own bibles, but few read them.
Don’t tell anyone in the Democratic Party in the State of New Mexico to stop illegals from voting or felons from voting. Because they won’t another is not and honest Democrat in the State of New Mexico and they are all complicit in dishonest voting practices!!!!!
Amazing how Biden’s cabinet refuses to read and Biden himself refuses to guard the United States from foreign dangers. As it stands, federal laws are to be followed for voting and each state can make their own rules for local elections but not a presidential election.
Who cannot vote?
This information is very clear to me, so why can’t the democrats read?
I believe you should submit a finger print on your registration to vote and then one on your ballot. If they don’t match then your vote shouldn’t count. No illegal should be allowed to vote in any elections.
Yes, think I’ll go to Italy or France and vote in their next election. Only in America, because we have people like Joe Biden, crazy Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer and the list goes on. Just sick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Non citizens are not allowed to vote in federal elections, it is already illegal.
Why are you not on “Truth Social”
If Biden’s illegal alien actions are not grounds for removal from office, then nothing is. Democrats are the perpetrators of election interference and are THE threat to democracy. It is unfathomable to watch this occur right before our very eyes. It’s like sitting on Titanic’s bow 3 miles from the iceberg and watching the crew steer straight into disaster.
Why wasn’t this addressed in 2021 when Biden signed the order????
I still feel sick from commenting on HRC’s behavior….
But, now, I feel well enough to express my gratitude to AMAC for their “secure the elections” campaign. They have my vote, and will have my donation!!