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Media Blackout on Biden Bombshells—It’s the Laptop All Over Again

Posted on Wednesday, May 17, 2023
by Andrew Abbott

AMAC Exclusive – By Andrew Abbott


It’s been one week since House Republicans released a shocking report that sheds new light on the extent of the Biden family’s lucrative business dealings with foreign entities. Yet despite witnessing what could become one of the greatest scandals in American political history, liberal media outlets are running the same playbook they used three years ago with the Hunter Biden laptop scandal – either denying the legitimacy of the story or ignoring it altogether.

It’s a full-scale media blackout.

The House Oversight Committee’s report identified nine members of the Biden family who received a combined $10 million from foreign companies during and after Biden’s time as vice president. Joe Biden’s son, Hunter, received $1,000,000 from a Romanian official known for corrupt business practices while Joe Biden was vice president, according to the report. An additional $2 million from the same official went to a company controlled by Hunter Biden’s business partner.

Bank records show few details as to what services were exchanged for these payments. A summary of the report alleges clear evidence of “a scheme to peddle influence from 2015 to 2017.”

House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-KY) said in a press conference that his committee’s report proves that “while Vice President Biden was lecturing Romania on anti-corruption policy, in reality he was a walking billboard for his son and family to collect money.”

“We’ve never seen a presidential family receive these sums of money from adversaries around the world,” he said, adding, ”We’re just talking about a couple of countries today.”

In response to the explosive allegations, the White House and Biden family lawyers have vigorously denied any impropriety. Hunter Biden’s attorney dismissed the House report entirely as “repackaged misstatements of perfectly proper meetings and business by private citizens.” Missing from his statement was any explanation of what valuable services Hunter Biden, a known drug addict, was providing to honestly earn millions of dollars from corrupt foreign businesses.

The Biden family’s blanket denials have by and large been good enough for the media, however, which has launched an all-out effort to erase the story from the national conversation as quickly as possible. On the day the report was released, the New York Times incredibly ran the headline “House Republican Report Finds No Evidence of Wrongdoing by President Biden.”

20 paragraphs in, after engaging in a dizzying game of semantics to downplay the significance of the House report, the Times admits that Joe Biden “falsely denied his son had ties to Chinese businesses.” In other words, Biden lied.

In the last few paragraphs of the story, the Times also concedes that “officials allied with Mr. Biden played a role in wrongly discrediting Hunter Biden’s laptop” (a shameful cover-up in which the Times itself played a major role) while simultaneously trying to distract from the issue at hand by claiming that “presidents’ families have long made money off the family name.”

Politico followed a similar playbook, reporting, “Comer releases Biden family probe update without showing link to president.” Like the Times, Politico implied that because the House report did not provide a “smoking gun” explicitly linking the president to criminal activity, the extremely suspicious business activities the report uncovers should simply be ignored. The Hill ran a virtually identical headline: “House GOP digs in on Biden family dealings without directly connecting president.” Axios dismissed the report as just “another swing at the Biden family.”

This complete lack of journalistic curiosity should be whiplash-inducing for anyone who lived through the Russia Hoax, in which the same media that is now demanding forensic proof of a crime before covering the story spent years insisting there was evidence of “collusion” where in fact none existed.

Other liberal newsrooms have tried to shift the focus of the corruption scandal away from Biden and instead target House Republicans for daring to investigate the president’s family. An NBC News article last week declared, “House Republicans escalate attacks on Biden family, alleging business with foreign nationals,” portraying the First Family as innocent victims of the big bad GOP. NPR similarly reported, “House Republicans ramp up claims Biden family received money from foreign contacts,” attempting to subtly undermine the legitimacy of the report through the framing of the story.

Some news outlets have, to their credit, given the story the attention it is due. The Wall Street Journal Editorial Board, for instance, noted, “There may not be a smoking gun, but there’s plenty of suspicious smoke worth investigating.” The New York Post also kept the focus on the Biden family’s shady dealings in its coverage.

However, it appears that the same people responsible for covering up the Hunter Biden laptop scandal in 2020 are now heading down a strikingly similar path.

After all, censoring the Hunter Biden laptop story until after the 2020 election very likely helped install Joe Biden in the White House. Maybe, they think, they can pull it off again.

Andrew Abbott is the pen name of a writer and public affairs consultant with over a decade of experience in DC at the intersection of politics and culture.

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Wayne Waldack
Wayne Waldack
1 year ago

While I am not privy to the entire scope of the Durham Report on the Issues that have been dumped on “45”, it seems that every the “Fake Media and the Lefties” accuse “45” of something, PROOF eventually surfaces that exonerates “45” as either innocent of the many FALSE CLAIMES or he was Absolutely or Mostly Correct as to his assessment of what happened. We the American People and Americans who wish to live under the U.S. Constitution have been lied to and Our GREAT Country has been weakened by the current Administration, the Clinton and Obama Administration and their families.

bob smith
bob smith
1 year ago

sorry that i’ve come to this conclusion but the swamp is too deep. adios estados unidos

Marc Ziegler
Marc Ziegler
1 year ago

As it happens now as it has happened many times before, the lame stream media is in the back pocket of the Marxists Socialist Democrats. The Media is now nothing more than a wing of the Democratic Party. Without a fair and unbiased media, this country as we know it, is over. Biden and almost every other liberal Dem, is almost always given a free pass for all their complicit and unethical behavior. The deep state and liberal media have always let it happen. The only way America can continue to exist, as most sane people want and expect, we will need to change the way the mainstream liberal media performs and reports the real news, not fake news, to the public,

I have said this before, and I continue to think that, knowingly lying to the public by any elected official or any mainstream media outlet, should be a Felony, punishable by fine or imprisonment, or both. Until we replace the constant steam of misrepresented fake news with truthful and believable news, America, as we know it, will not continue as our founding fathers had hoped. They believed in an unbiased media to keep the federal government in check and as we have seen recently, that has not worked very well. Free speech would not be curtailed if the speech, or written word, is true and not fabricated! To determine how truthful speech is will be found over time and by a preponderance of evidence which would be obvious to anyone. Biden’s constant lying about Hunters laptop is a perfect example of a proven lie and a need for prosecution. Politicians and Media Pundits will think twice before spouting off untrue and made-up nonsense, especially before elections; and if they know that jail was in their future.

How can we do this without infringing on the Bill of Rights? That will require much thought and maybe an Amendment to the Constitution. The COS, if established, might also look into this matter because of its importance. 2024 elections are coming up soon, and wouldn’t it be nice to know that the news we are hearing is truthful and correct and not some false narrative forced down our throats!

Linda T
Linda T
1 year ago

There are reports after reports on the Biden family’s illegal dealings, and much duscovery into shell corporations and money being laundered throughout nine Biden family members, but nothing to take it into the court system to get it fully discovered and litigated. Is this going to keep getting shoved under the rug until the statute of limitations stops it all and they’re off scott free?

David Millikan
David Millikan
1 year ago

Excellent article.
The FAKE NEWS (cnn, abc, cbs, nbc, msnbc, fascistbook, and rest of Communist liberal media) are ALL owned and run by Communist China and George Soros.
Soros is buying Vice Media which will spew more lies and propaganda for more FAKE News.
Even the Local news doesn’t report the TRUTH about their criminal buddies and their crimes against the American people.
FAKE news is just as GUILTY as biden’s, obama’s, and clinton’s.

1 year ago

The Dimrats are disgusting. Biden is a pathological liar and Criminal. Where is the accountability?

1 year ago

Choose Freedom Republican or Communist Democrat. I’ll never understand the Democrat Left’s quest for power in taking down freedom. When they achieve it, their expected power will evaporate to a Dictator. They will be the first into re-education camps.

1 year ago

This corrupt communist family and party is exactly why the founding fathers put the second amendment in place. The treasonous democrats would love to disarm Americans and put a dictator in place just as Hitler did. God help America and get rid of these satanist and demons in Washington. Lary

1 year ago

So it doesn’t matter about the who, what, where, when of the main stream, left wing, media. What Republicans have to do is not be shocked every time the left wing media ignores these stories. Just understand that this is where we are right now. Do you think Democrat voters are going to be shocked by any story on one of their own. All they know is in their minds republicans are worse. I mean I can see the first year or two being shocked, but their is nothing, and I do mean nothing, that is going to turn Democrats into Republicans. They don’t care if their politicians lie, cheat, steal, sell favors to China, Ukraine, Iraq, they just don’t care. This isn’t really even news anymore.

1 year ago

Russia Russia Russia. Fake news and now a fake president.

1 year ago

Jackass Joe Biden is the MOST CROOKED PRESIDENT EVER!!! . . . Yet OUR Mainstream Media promotes Him like He’s the exact opposite! . . . As a Republican, I guess I’ll just believe MY OWN “LYING” EYES & EARS!

John Bass
John Bass
1 year ago

Good article Andrew Abbott.

What else is news? Until the American public get’s fed up with all the lies, crimes and double standards, it’s going to continue. So until we get to that point, everyone might as well get used to bending over and grabbing their ankles…cause it’s only going to get worse.

Gabe Hanzeli
Gabe Hanzeli
1 year ago

The biden fmaily is completely corrupt and has corrupted the entire government.

1 year ago

***TRUMP 2024****

George M
George M
1 year ago

The Democrats own the Media and tell you only what THEY want you to know …….

1 year ago

No schitt? Who’d a thunk it! It’s not just the regular lamestream media, it’s also Fox, as controlled opposition. Dominion owns control of Fox also, so now you know why the huge settelment [to themselves]and why Tucker got canned!

1 year ago

Is there any honor in Washington these days? It seems rather doubtful whether party has ant legitimatacy

1 year ago

The author should delineate between media (of which he is a part and he and many others on the right and center are reporting on this) and the leftist/government apologist media who are trying bury this story.

If you think they will publish something that will knowingly hurt their man, you are dreaming.

Chris K
Chris K
1 year ago

Kinda like how conservative media ignored the Dominion lawsuit, Thomas corruption, etc

Michael Lewis
Michael Lewis
1 year ago

The E. W. Scripps Company was a newspaper company founded on November 2, 1878, when Edward Willis Scripps published the first issue of the Cleveland Penny Press. In 1894, Scripps and his half-brother, George H. Scripps, organized their various papers into the first modern newspaper chain.
E.W. said the following about newspapers in 1878: A newspaper must at all times antagonize the selfish interests of that very class which furnishes the larger part of a newspaper’s income… The press in this country is dominated by the wealthy few…that it cannot be depended upon to give the great mass of the people that correct information concerning political, economical and social subjects which it is necessary that the mass of people Shall have in order that they vote…in the best way to protect themselves from the brutal force and chicanery of the ruling and employing classes.
 Pulitzer Prize Winning Washington Post Writer
“The number of corporations controlling most of America’s daily newspapers, magazines, radio, television, books and movies has dropped from fifty to ten to six.”
Conclusion: Corporations Have Been “Enthroned”
“Today, with six mega-corporations with interlocking interests in world government controlling all information given to the people, journalism has ceased to fulfill its role as the guardian of individual liberties and the watchdog of government and corporate abuse. It is overwhelmingly documented as the guardian of one-world democratic socialism.” Ben Bagdikian, 2000. The Media Monopoly, 6th edition
“The 20th century has been characterized by three developments of great political importance: the growth of democracy; the growth of corporate power; and the growth of corporate propaganda as a means of protecting corporate power against democracy.” -Alex Carey, Australian social scientist who pioneered the investigation of corporate propaganda (see Taking the Risk Out Of Democracy, Univ of New South Wales, 1995)

Walter Cronkite:
“Yield Up Precious Sovereignty”
“A system of world government is mandatory. The proud nations someday will see the light and yield up their precious sovereignty.”
Walter Cronkite. A Reporter’s Life.
NY: Alfred A. Knopf, 1997. 

1 year ago

Interesting that nobody here bothered to talk about the $2 billion kushner got from the saudis. That’s $1,990,000,000 more than the Biden’s received.

1 year ago

If you are one of the few people still watching cnn or msnbc or reading the New York Times you are being duped . Quit being a follower and start doing your own research. The brainwashing and indoctrinating is immense.

1 year ago

The NY Times quote: “while simultaneously trying to distract from the issue at hand by claiming that “presidents’ families have long made money off the family name.”

Well alrighty then, if the Biden crime family “have long made money off the family name”, it must be ok! Right????

What a bunch of scheming liars these “journalists” are! They are so deep in BS they are drowning.

1 year ago

Seemingly, The media is treated as a fourth branch of government. Either the Bidens are guilty of illegalities or they are not. If they are, prosecute them. Enough of the helpless wringing of hands.

William Hodge
William Hodge
1 year ago

The Obidens are scum that has sucked at the public tit for a career. The epitome of uselessness.

1 year ago

STOP rehashing the past and look to the future right now. It is REPARATIONS. We are currently a society the absolute majority of whom had clearly have had NOTHING to do with anything involving slavery. And where are the minority heading. Is it legal to charge anyone for a past in which they had no involvement. STOP and think people. This is clearly the most outrageous Democratic ploy to destroy our economy, our safety; this is Hitler all over again.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 year ago

The government is corrupt. The media is corrupt. I admit it: I like DeSantis but I’m voting Trump. Why? Because he p-sses both off!

Pat R
Pat R
1 year ago

Who REALLY owns the media these days? Have these owners been hood-winked by associating with no one but leftist elites who are in lock-step ideologically, morally (or immorally) and don’t truly have a clue what honest working America is like?
We may not be at the end of humanity quite yet, but the door is ajar & noises of it are just on the other side. Sounds a lot like this portion of Scripture: 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12 (New King James Version) –

The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders, 10 and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved. 11 And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie, 12 that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

1 year ago

I’m weary of reading articles about Hunter Biden’s laptop. If it’s so interesting, how about publishing it?

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