Winter Activities
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Wow, sneaky! I checked the laces twice- lol! That’s a fall waiting to happen-
I had to click on the berries 3 times before it was accepted, so it says I had 2 missed clicks. I’ve only played spot the difference a couple times before. Not sure what I did wrong to not have it accept my first click on the berries. But it was fun! Thanks for these games.
You’ve got the berries messed up. I had to click 10 times to get the circle. It’s the little berry on the right. Not fair!!
Fix the berries….
1:39 Yes, it took multiple clicks on the berries before it would circle them.
you’ve got to be kidding with this spot the difference. there’s only 2!!!
2:46 w/no help. Pretty picture.
2:09 this was a hard one.
Not a good puzzle although it’s pretty. The berries don’t work.
Couldn’t find the last one. 5:27. Used a reveal. I checked those laces a few times, too. (blind). I also clicked 5 times on the berries before it took.
37 seconds
I had 6 missed clicks because the difference could only be circled on 1 picture and not the other.
1:30. This was a little more challenging than some of the previous ones. Pretty picture! Merry Christmas!
1.08 yup the lace was hard to spot
The second black mark on the bottom of the bowl took me several minutes.
1:00. Had to start several times because AMAC system would not let me click on the differences. This is the second day in a row that I had problems with the PM edition and had to go to the AM edition.
oops not too good..
1:38 with 1 reveal kinda crazy to me
1:27 fast for me!
5:49. Tough, but I found them all without help or a reveal. I found the 3 on the right pretty quickly, but the 2 on the left really really took some intense scrutiny.
Clicked on the berries 6 times before it would accept the click!
the string of berries was miserable and inaccurate.
Berry, berry user unfriendly!
2:28 – another difficult one!
37 seconds 1 missed click
Got all but one right away – the subtle bump in the snow at the bottom did me in…did not see that one. even WITH my glasses!
3:56 with one missed click (thought I noticed a second difference in the laces on the left most skate – I’d already ID’ed it. Had to use reveals on the scarf and snow. Still enjoyed it though. Perhaps because I did the puzzle the day after it was posted I had no problem with the berries.
1:46 with 4 missed clicks because I’m doing this on my phone and it doesn’t always work right. Otherwise, I’d had it much quicker. Gotta start doing these on my laptop.
5:46, got 4 gave up on the last one. Old eyes ain’t what they use to be…
0:56 — Under a minute!!! For me, that’s like lightning!!!
It wouldn’t accept my clicks FOUR TIMES on the berries.
Well poop!! Just bad really bad. Better luck next week!! Spent a LOT of time looking at snow!! Waste of time of course!
Very difficult to do on the phone. Be more forgiving on the area touched. The berries were way off.
33 seconds. Let’s hope Santa Claus brings this ‘puzzle-maker’ a new clicker. Or bigger berries.
Not a fun one. My eyes are not what they were 40 years ago. The surgeries did not sharpen them enough for these petty changes. Got 3 on my own.
1:42 Good for me
The reveal should last a little longer so I can see where I went wrong. It flashes way too fast!
The reveal only showed four differences..