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1:17 Not my best
Super easy! Love these!
:43 secs….. Getting better with practice. Love these games Thanks AMAC
WOW!!! 29 seconds. Best yet for me.
31 sec for me!
21 seconds
:25. If only the puzzle could be a little more larger to make it more challenging.
1:31 and proud of it:)
1:21 Not bad, not too bad at all!
1:21 Not bad…not bad at all!
0:46, my best ever. I usually bomb at this, lol.
I bombed on this one. 2:45. I could not find the last one not in the bowl. Goodness! Worst time ever for me.
I’ve signed up several times & I keep getting messages to sign up….
0:59 Best ever. Must be the melon!
0:35 no misses or reveals and first time I’ve played the game!
2:23 not a good time for me, couldn’t get the one in the bowl.
:58!! Delicious… 🙂 🙂
Not bad at all, 0:58
30 seconds!! No misses, no hints used!!! Personal best!!!
2:53 the bowl was tough!!
0:53. Want to eat this right now!
1:30 mins. I need to sharpen my eyes. A fun game.
33 seconds. I’ts amazing how much better you can do on these games when you use a desktop rather than a smart phone!
Love these puzzles. Missed one of the seed deals.
23 seconds. And I’m watching a track meet at the same time.
22 secs. TA-DA!
30 seconds with one missed click…woot woot!
30 seconds with 1 missed click, woot woot!
18 secs. Pretty good.
Got them all…3:03
1:24. Stumbled over the piece missing from the bowl, so could have been a bit quicker.
:21, best I’ve done on any of the puzzles. Really enjoying these.
Glad the old ones are still up. Gives me a chance to go back and do those that came before I started here.
34 sec piece in the bowl got me
45 seconds!
26 seconds…no misses or reveals
:40 no reveals. I’m on a roll!!