The Moon
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This reminds me that there are 2 kinds of countries in the world. Those that use the metric system, and those that have put several MEN ON THE MOON.
Everybody happy? We complained about “too hard” and now have these non-challenging (but maybe feel good because I’m so speedy?) games. It was fun when we struggled to find that LAST one (in my opinion). Finishing in record time is not a goal for some of us.
Would you believe there are still people that say the Moon Landing was a Fake??!!
Can’t get it to accept my clicks. How do I do it on my smartphone.?
Terrible centering,
Saw all 5 immediately but had to click 51 times to get them to register – frustrating and not fun !
Agree about not worrying about time. Also I only do a puzzle once and take that time, whether I like it or not. 2:02 this time. Hope everyone has a wonderful Labor Day weekend.
2:19 not one of my better efforts. I must be a little spacey today !!!
My record for these is 22 seconds, but that was quite some time ago. I thought I was going to beat it this time, but I got confused by the closeness of the differences and ended up with a time of 1:14.
39 seconds for me. UNBELIEVABLE! Great start to my day! And, hopefully, my day will close with a spectacular view of the Blue Moon. Doesn’t get much better than this.,
Spot the Difference won’t open up.
You finished in 0:36
0:51, Actually this is the second time I try this one, and I beat my first timing. Lol.
1:21 not much effort here but then, it was kind to my eyesight. Lol.
16 seconds. That’s got to be my fastest, but if so, everyone else (who is always faster at these than I am) would have record times as well.
29 seconds…4 missed clicks. Not much challenge here, and the frazzlin’ clicker makes it worse.
2:15 UGH!! could not find the the little hold on the plate above the hatch! Going blind I guess!!
1:13. This was really an easy “Find the difference” puzzle. Have a happy Labor Day weekend folks. Also, remember what Day really means.
0:58. Love having easy ones now and then.
Amazing photo compared to when we watched in black and white TV coverage at the time! Also seems terribly claustrophobic as well.
NASA and astronauts were/are amazing people!!
2:05, 15 missed clicks. Most of that time was used trying to find where to click. Found all the differences but not the click point. Not a good puzzle.
50 seconds
1:43 Have a good night!
3:20 with one reveal and two missed clicks because I didn’t click in the appropriate spot on two of tge differences.
2:04 – Found the 1st four in a blink, thought the 5th was circled until I realized the circle was for something else.
1:18, no misses This was fun
1:01 today. Good for me…. 🙂
.:58..good timing go me. Missed clicks on those bunched together. Well, we’re halfway to the weekend guys hope you’re having a blessed day.
1:41 Decent for me.
2:25 with 1 miss. Differences bunched together.
41 sec,,, a personal best for me. I was riding high until I read Sallo’s comment.
:24 they glared at me…
My personal best ever, 46 sec, but with 4 supposedly missed clicks that weren’t really missed clicks. Frustrating!
40 seconds
32 seconds. One of my better attempts.
26 seconds! Good time!
This one was EASY! Finished in .26.
38 seconds. You know it’s easy if I get under a minute!
44 seconds. My best. On one of them, I clicked and it circled one that was next to the one I had found. So it gave me a free one!
36 seconds! I am amazed I could spot them so easily this late in the day…
36 seconds one miss
.35 limited item so all the things had to be right up there
55 seconds w/1 missed click?
:29 My best time yet.
49 seconds, don’t understand what happened to my first post.
49 seconds.