A Brand New Year
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I had to use a reveal on the one in the middle. And I still don’t see a difference there!
Wow. Required one reveal for me. Still not entirely sure what the difference is…
Getting tough on us!
I agree with the previous post. I still don’t see the one in the middle.
Toughest one in a long time…very busy picture…found three quick… but four and five eluded me.
Had to ask for reveals on both…I still can’t find the difference in the one that is located in the middle
of the picture. Happy New Year !!!!!
OMG…seriously? It took me 12 min to find the last one!! Good job puzzle person!!
Happy New Year! Wonder where this picture was taken? International, is it the Tower Bridge in London? I wasn’t going to take a ‘reveal’, but broke down to see where it was located. The building’s windows are different- but today’s was difficult for the 5th difference. Harder!
I aslo had to have a reveal on the one in the middle. It took me a long time to even detect the difference after it was revealed. Thanks for throwing in a really tough one to keep us on our toes!!
OMG the one in the middle is so tiny you need a magnifying glass to see it.
4:22 Tough puzzle. Found three and then took a long time to find the other ones. As for the one in the middle, look at the two really bright lights. Then move to the left to the smaller lights in the windows. On the picture on the right, just above the lighted windows, there are two tiny inverted “V”s of light that are missing on the left photo. I don’t recall ever seeing such a tiny difference in any prior puzzles.
This one was pretty dang tough and after seeking reveals, I still could not see the difference. C’est la vis, “Tomorrow is another day”
much harder than usual and it took me over 3 minutes. The middle one is the hardest but I did spot it. For those having trouble seeing the differences – on the 2nd pix there is a white sign with red letters that isn’t on the 1st pix.
I also found 3 pretty quickly but had to use 2 reveals…like others, I still don’t see the difference on the one in the middle…
If all these “spot the difference” puzzles were this hard I would not even bother to do them.
Is there really a difference in the middle one. They had to reveal it to me
5 Total Differences 0 Differences Remaining 0 Missed Clicks 0 Reveals Used 2:39 Time
Best time ever! (There is a sign right in the center of the middle circle above and to the right of the two smaller signs.)
After using the reveal for the one in the middle, I zoomed way in to discover the difference to be the size of a sign or marquee. Very difficult indeed!
Happy New Year. C’mon 2021!!
I looked at the picture and thought, “oh no, I will never be able to find the differences on this one!” I had to laugh out loud as – believe it or not – no reveals and my best time in a long, long time! Love doing these puzzles! Happy New Year to all!
Had never known about the Reveal before this puzzle because I never needed it, but after reading the comments I used it. STILL can’t see the difference even with a magnifier and Don’s description! Guess my eyes are too old,
Challenging, Good Puzzle. Thank you, Have a Blessed Day!
Stop blurring it so quick. Can’t see the reveal !
1:56 and no reveals, one of my better ones!!
Today’s poser was a doozy. Needed to use the reveal as the last one which was smack in the middle otherwise my eyes would have gone blurry.
Thanks for today’s challenge. Happy and Healthy New Year!
I hope this one isn’t shades of what’s to come in 2021! It’s the first time I gave up and used any reveals!
Nice picture of Tower Bridge across the Sacramento River in Sacramento, California. This puzzle was a great challenge. I used one reveal below the raised span of the bridge. I still have difficulty seeing the difference but will look later. Great picture. Great puzzle. Very challenge. Great fun.
One miss, and I can’t see the difference in the one I missed. Looks like everyone has the same opinion. Happy New Year everyone!
I had to use 2 reveals. Had three of them right away but the other two I had to give up.
It’s a railing I missed it too, but that was my only one.
NO WAY. Was at 10 seconds when i had to reveal the one in the middle. WE WE ROBBED. ha, ha. Anyway, Happy New Year to all.
hard one, even after seeing 2 reveals I still couldn’t spot the differences
I am so glad I’m not alone…I couldn’t see the difference on the middle one even after my reveal.
Bad and a serious waste of time! The last one shows virtually no difference on a desktop 21 inch monitor.
too small can’t see
3:54 This is more like it, one of the hardest ones in a long time…Didn’t think I would ever find the one that was under the bridge!
Took me 4:48 but I found them all without a reveal. The one under the raised bridge was the hardest for me to find. Great puzzle!
Wow! Easiest one for me yet.1:09 usually takes me 5or6 minutes. Got lucky I guess. Happy New Year to all.
Boy, this one was tough, or else I just wasn’t focused enough. 7:03 with one reveal. I couldn’t spot the difference on the bridge superstructure in the foreground, really pretty obvious once it was revealed. Love testing myself with all the puzzles and quizzes.
I was stumped also by the middle lower picture. Believe the difference (if you ‘stretch out’ the picture) is the one sign on the left has a picture, same area right side has lettering.
The one in the middle…zoom in on it. One has a large white sign with lettering. The other the sign is covered up with smoke.
I too found 3, and had to take two reveals, yup still don;t see the difference in the mid picture.
When I use the “Reveal,” ( usually for the 5th item), it only shows for one second, perhaps less than one second, too quick for me to see what it is. AMAC,will you please allow the real to show for about 5 seconds? And with the “Results,” will you please display all of the differences? Perhaps the “spotted” and “not spotted” differences could be different colors? Thank you. Otherwise, I enjoy your games & puzzles & look forward to playing them daily.
6:18 Toughest puzzle in a long time. First 3 easy, the last two were difficult because of the lack of clarity of the picture. I came close to using a reveal, but managed to finally see the differences.
A toughie for sure. I used a reveal for the last one after looking for nearly 10 minutes. Still don’t see it. Happy New Year!
8:05, 1 missed click. Yes, it was tough.
Someone in the comments said this is in Kalifornia – no wonder it’s screwed up!
This was a toughie but i made it through ! Happy New Year everyone!
that was a pain… two of them I still don’t see the difference, but oh, well, still always love these spot the difference puzzles.
2:43 with 2 reveals. These are still fun to do. Happy New Year to all! See your comments again next year!
Ditto, Walt. I needed a reveal on the fourth one in the middle and still don’t see the difference
The next one will be one blue eye and one brown eye at four hundred yards!