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0:46…Great score for me.
2:28 only used 3 reveals. I hate this game
2:36 seemed like it took forever to get the last one.
:38 After a great cup of Chick-fil-A coffee. Good Morning!!
1:51 for me.
I marvel how some people can solve these puzzles so quickly. Good job. I am not as efficient as I would like to be. I found 4 of the 5 differences but could not locate the last difference without a reveal. After the reveal it was so obvious. Great puzzle. This was a difficult puzzle for me. I know these types of puzzles will improve my perception skills.
I really don’t usually have missed clicks… I see the difference and click on it, just not “exactly” where they want me to… Sometimes where I click is right on the difference, but they seem to want me slightly “off” the difference. Go figure…
It’s been said that “Baroque is a condition that occurs when one runs out of Monet.”
1:49 Two mis-hits. The circle on the end of the plant is way off-center.
It only took me 279 missed clicks till I found the last two!
45 seconds, no reveals. Best time. Noticed from other comments about clicking problems so retried the puzzle just to see and found one difference that would not react to clicks at all. Obvious glitch in the program.
Stupid weeds gave me hay fever.
No changes —
Same pic as sent earlier by AMAC
Same differences as sent earlier by AMAC
This was a hard one!
Wow, this one was tough. Had to take a reveal for the last one.
Too bad the flowers in the background were blurry which made it harder to focus. One of my worst times with two reveals.
I see no difference on the toe of the boot
Lucky today, 25 seconds, 1 missed clicks.
41 secs.
Why do I get a completed puzzle on some Wednesdays? It’s not even the same puzzle I had on Monday?
I didn’t find two, but when I got he reveals, I still couldn’t see a difference. Oh, well. Better luck next time.
tough one for me…hate the ones that are blurry backgrounds :(…. guess I am color blind today and didn’t catch that difference and had to do a reveal for it.
Way too obscure.
I clicked on the correct errors every time and ended up with 9 wrong clicks !
3:39 boy, that was slow going. Tougher puzzle.
Thank you that was quite a challenge!
2:16 dang wouldn’t take my click on the missing leaves
What is a missed click?
1:58, That was a hard one!!
The picture was too fuzzy… Also, puzzles should be side by side…
Sometimes I find them very easily when others complain about how hard they were, as in today’s puzzle. Other times I search for several minutes while others finish in seconds.Go figure. I’d rather search for hours than give up and reveal, but I’ve even done that a few times. Still, I think I enjoy these the most.
Well, this one really left a lot to be desired!! I only found 2. Even after reveals had to really study the circles to find the difference. Oh well, better luck next time.
2:01 ????♀️????♀️
6 missed clicks. why are they so resistant to identifying actual differences????? over nine minutes this time, and I had to ask for a reveal. Oh, somebody mentioned a color difference; well, I CAN just barely detect a color difference, so I guess it’s my slight red-green color blindness kicking in . . . 🙁
not the best picture to use
Rather difficult one for me. I did find all of them, but it took 4:56 to do it. Those missing leaves stole 4 missed clicks for me.
Thank you for providing fun and challenges! You have diverse puzzles and mix the difficult with the easier ones. Different for all.