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19 seconds….not too bad for a grouchy old man and 5 fingers (well…less than that now) of Jamison’s here. =]
1:00**2 Missed clicks
2:46 Took a while to find the flag.
1;00**With 2 missed clicks
1:04 With one missed click.
1:51 no missed clicks but had to give up and use a reveal
Phone screen doesn’t include the whole picture so I missed the top right corner one. 2:05 for the other 4. Not bad, especially on my phone.
My first time having to resort to using a “reveal”…and I still can’t see the difference in the upper corner…sigh.
I had to use the reveal, it circled one that I was credited for a miss….
Also had to use a reveal for the window to upper corner.
:16 My very best, ever.
I did not do well 🙁
1.57 and one reveal the top right corner
Took me 3:33, but I found all of the differences without a reveal.
.42 My best yet I think
1:29; no misses. This is one of my best times solving this puzzle.
Thank you a good challenge!
This is a tough puzzle. I enjoyed the challenge.
I spent lots of time getting the last one which was the one in the upper right hand corner. Got the first 4 right away. 7:12. Good puzzle.
Oh my. 3:56 Had to do a reveal for the upper right corner. This was a hard one for me.
Had to use a final reveal because it didn’t register when I correctly clicked below left of the eagle. Wasted 5 minutes before I used the reveal. Very frustrating, AMAC!
13 sec. Best ever.
1:49 Used a reveal for the upper right corner – just didn’t see it.
3:46 with two missed clicks and one reveal (upper right hand corner window). I finally pound time today to play this one. The extra L was a given which i discovered even before beginning the puzzle.
17 seconds, a new record for me. OK OK, 5:17, and I had to use 1 reveal. Still fun.
I was determined to find that elusive fifth difference, but finally gave up and revealed it @ 17:02. You all know which one it was.
3 were jump off the page easy. The 4th I thought maybe, and was right. The 5th I had to reveal. I am not a fan of these that are not phone friendly. If I have to cast to the TV screen to see it, then it is not a CLEAR difference in my book.
2:05 Had to use a reveal for the last one in the upper right corner.
1:31 and had to use reveal for the last one in the upper right. Geez.
Had to have a reveal for the one to the left of the eagle.. I have no words for this waste of time puzzle!!
2:16 with a 30 second conversation in the middle. My daughter just doesn’t get timed games. LOL!
I used one reveal–the infamous upper right corner.
15 seconds best ever as in that was very easy…. and I liked it….
2:02 no missed clicks but had to use a reveal on that ridiculously small flag