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7:34, must have forgotten to take my blinders off this morning. I looked right at the fifth one several times but didn’t grasp it. Even after revealing it, I had to stare at it ’til I finally realized what the difference is.
6:35 That fifth one is always tough for me.
2:57 with 1 reveal… a very sneaky little difference 🙂
Looks mighty tasty!
4 ‘missed clicks’ but, they wouldn’t take, those shouldn’t count as missed! 🙁
3:05 no misses or reveals
0.44. Today, these jumped out at me. No loafing around here today!
2:12; 1 reveal.
42 seconds, best time ever
2:21 Now my eyes and my mouth are watering.
1:43 Not too bad.
1:03, It looked yummy!!
Can almost smell the baking bread!
2:18 I Love bread!
1:20 this was easy one, but i love doing them all
Whenever I try to play this game, it halts after the first move to ask me to sign up! I’m already signed up!
3:55 with one reveal and one missed click which actually wasn’t, just had to click on the right vs left image to register the short loaf. I admittedly did not notice the difference in the loaf on the upper shelf to right side of photo. I initially looked at this on my phone and decided I’d never be able to see the differences on such a small screen but still had difficulty on my PC’s larger monitor. Oh well, still enjoy the challenge these puzzles and quizzes provide.
1.00 quick one. Love the bread
1:17 Not a fan of this kind of bread. Dry and crusty. It makes good Po-Boys, though, if you’re from New Orleans.
39 seconds, no hints or reveals.
1:34 Words on the price tags were hard to see.
3:47 no misses, no reveals
1:39 – couple of missed clicks as I couldn’t seem to click in the exact right spot
28 seconds. That’s my second fastist time. (To be said in a Don Adams voice.)
43 seconds
2:33 it’s always the “last one” obviously if I found it earlier the time would have been good! Still good brain work for me.
1:36, great time for me.
1.33 I didn’t think I would do this well Thank you
Everyone seems to have done so well. My time was so bad I am not even going to post it. Finally took a reveal on the last one. Sigh….
1:15 ha ha on second try…
1:51. It took me awhile to find the last one. No miss clicks though.
HaHaHa — AMAC sent two links to this one puzzle.
Don’t know how but I finished in :23!
2:05 1 miss. They really need to work on their circle placement!!! Unfortunately 1 reveal. Could not find that missing top of bread on the left top!! But boy does that bread look good!
49seconds. YUM!
Posting slightly out of focus puts us folks with impaired vision at a distinct disadvantage.
55 seconds. Plus the POS clicker does not work worth a doggone….
I wish there was a new selection of games every day. I enjoy all of them very much and look forward to Monday and Wednesday for the new. I’m notoriously impatient.
1:08 a record for me
You finished in 1:11
Missed Clicks: 1
Reveals Used: 0
late at night & my 76 yo eyes aren’t doing so well – too blurry…excuses, excuses, excuses hahaha
2:23 no missed clicks but had to use a reveal on that one sign at the far right center was missing some signage. When I click on some obvious difference and it gives me a missed click because I was a hair off of where they would like me to click, I just don’t count it as a missed click.