Amsterdam – Anne Frank Museum
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Been There
2:51 The one in the water was the hardest. The rest I found fairly quickly.
2:09 not too bad today!!! 🙂
3:25 took me a 1:20 just to find the bridge. Duh!
1:48 no misses. YAY! Thanks for today’s puzzle.
1:31… Yes… the water was the hardest… I accidentally
found one when my finger touched the screen on my iPhone by accident. It didn’t even count as a missed click. ?
I found all of them quickly except that one in the water which took forever! 4:26 – not my best time for sure!
I hate it when I don’t hit the center of the difference area and it counts as a miss!
1:38 Not bad. Love these.
4:09 and four misses that were random clicking because I gave up. It was the reflection in the water that I couldnt see. Not a good day. Went to the court house to license vehicles and got sent home because I didnt have an appt. Argh!
the Bridge = 6 flowers = 1 bridge support = 1 less umbrella???
5:59 This one was hard for me. I spent a good three min looking for the one that was the reflection in the water.
1:12 … My 30 oz coffee mug is working today.
1:30. Found the last one with a tap that was a mistake not looking at picture. Best time.
1.13 not too bad
Time was 1:36… good timing for me.
You finished in 0:41
2:29 minutes. The water reflection was the last to find.
This one went smoothly….. .44 seconds and it was rather easy….
5:11 with one reveal. I missed the reflection in the water of the houseboat. Am I getting rusty or what? These seem to give me trouble latedly, despite the fact this was on my desktop with 17-in monitor vs iphone.
I found all but the reflection real fast but, took forever to get the last…actually had to use “reveal” for the very first time!
46 sec pretty good
I’m sooo excited!! Only took 1:45 to find them all. I Love doing these!
Wish I had read the comments first. Then I wouldn’t have had to use a reveal for the last one.
These are my favorite, but I was off the mark today. 10: 26 with 5 misses. At least I found the water reflection , but my downfall was the space between the clock tower and the tree branches, which everybody else probably spotted immediately. I finally gave up and hit the reveal, for only the second time thus far. By the way, there’s a sixth red umbrella along the bridge in the right side picture, just a bit higher than the missing roof on a boat, which makes 2 differences in my opinion, but could only be circled once.
Lots to look at in those pictures. Very hard this week. The water reflection was a doozy for me to find, which by the way I didn’t. I gave up and used the reveal. I admit it.
1:55. No misses. No reveals.
1:44. I needed ‘Reveals’ for differences 4 & 5, though.
Lotta stuff goin’ on in that picture…
There were actually 6. There’s a blue umbrella missing & a red tree/flower box missing. It only let me count that as one.
1:59 No misses, no reveals.
Only 0:38…It must be because I decided to start at the bottom, today, and that’s where the 1st 3 were.
these are such fun even though sometimes I don’t gt them all right…so what…fun is fun!!!
2:50 — pretty good for me. yup, found the reflections last.
3:34 I love these but, I’m not doing so well lately.
I executed this puzzle in less than a minute. A first ! … and discovered I didn’t enjoy it anywhere near as much as having to study the scene carefully to find the issues. There may be a lesson in that.
:52 no reveals or missed clicks. Must be having a good day.
thanks. fun as usual.
This one was a challenge for me!!.Barley squeaked by with 5 mins. I like haveing a really difficult one from time to time!!I
In this Amsterdam picture I found 6 differences. Did anyone else find 6 as well?
1.32 – but this was hard; the differences seemed very subtle. And some I was sure were different, were not., Oh well, every one is a friendly challenge to myself.
1:07 getting better. Great Picture.
There are six flower bunches in one photo, 5 in the other. Also there is a cone-shape showing near where the 6th flower bunch is missing in one pic, but not the other. I don’t understand why that is not considered two differences!
3:01 with 1 reveal (the bridge pilon) no missed clicks
You finished in 0:26
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