Elections Quiz Question 1 out of 13On what day are most elections around the world held? Monday Tuesday Sunday Saturday You must select an answer before proceeding to the next question.Submit AnswerQuestion 2 out of 13For how long is a United States Senator voted to office? 6 years 4 years 2 years 8 years You must select an answer before proceeding to the next question.Submit AnswerQuestion 3 out of 13Historically, what occupation dictated when Election Day could be held? Teaching Farming Military Local Government You must select an answer before proceeding to the next question.Submit AnswerQuestion 4 out of 13What country charges about a $15 fine for not voting? Australia England France Canada You must select an answer before proceeding to the next question.Submit AnswerQuestion 5 out of 13How many members are there in the US Electoral College? 100 270 538 618 You must select an answer before proceeding to the next question.Submit AnswerQuestion 6 out of 13What state uses automatic voter registration? Washington New York California Oregon You must select an answer before proceeding to the next question.Submit AnswerQuestion 7 out of 13What happens if no candidate receives a majority of votes in the Electoral College in a Presidential Election? The House Votes The Senate Votes There is Another Election The Previous President Remains You must select an answer before proceeding to the next question.Submit AnswerQuestion 8 out of 13What country bans media coverage of election day until 7pm that night? Germany Mexico New Zealand Italy You must select an answer before proceeding to the next question.Submit AnswerQuestion 9 out of 13Do US Senators have a term limit? Yes No You must select an answer before proceeding to the next question.Submit AnswerQuestion 10 out of 13Many states used to restrict the purchase of what on Election Day? Cigarettes Medication Alcohol Clothing You must select an answer before proceeding to the next question.Submit AnswerQuestion 11 out of 13In the first election in the US only white men who owned property could vote. What percent of the population was this? 30% 23% 14% 6% You must select an answer before proceeding to the next question.Submit AnswerQuestion 12 out of 13Which US President is the only to ever receive 100% of the electoral college votes? Ronald Reagan George Washington Abraham Lincoln Franklin D. Roosevelt You must select an answer before proceeding to the next question.Submit AnswerQuestion 13 out of 13Which of the following US Presidents did NOT lose the popular vote? John Quincy Adams George W. Bush Rutherford B. Hayes Abraham Lincoln You must select an answer before proceeding to the next question.Submit Answer Subscribe to AMAC Daily News and Games Email If You Enjoy Games Like This - Subscribe to the AMAC Daily Newsletter! It's easy and FREE Subscribe Today! First Name Last Name Email *By providing your email address and subscribing, you agree to allow AMAC to send you "Join AMAC" emails, if you are not already an AMAC Member. Share Read more articles by The Association of Mature American Citizens Subscribe Login Notify of new follow-up comments new replies to my comments Label Name* Email* Label Name* Email* 11 Comments Most Voted Newest Oldest Inline Feedbacks View all comments Phyllis 5 years ago 9/13. Doug 5 years ago I got 7of13 I don’t know about other countries election laws Joseph Squicciarini 5 years ago Senators DO have a term limit. It is because there term ends that we have another election six years later. Rita 5 years ago 8 of 13. I didn’t know about the election laws of other countries. Jim 5 years ago In 1860, Lincoln won a plurality, 39.8%, but not a majority of the popular vote. However he easily swept the Electoral College. Diana Erbio 5 years ago 10 out of 13…? Paul Lubell 5 years ago 12 of 13. Should have had 100% but forgot about Lincoln’s 1864 election. ROBERT 5 years ago What Doug said. Spike 5 years ago Got 12/13, need to brush up on other countries election process. Guessed Lincoln’s 1864 election did not include southern states, and used two new states added after 1860, but before the election of 1864 to help him win, West Virginia & Nevada. wpDiscuz110Would love your thoughts, please comment.x()x| ReplyInsert Login Login Join Renew Member Benefits Newsline Member Benefits Advocacy Our Actions About Advocacy Issues Get Involved Weekly Update Annual Report Find Your Representative AMAC App Better for America Podcast Book Club AMAC Blog FAQ About Us Overview Our Team Our Stance on Key Issues Magazine Medicare Games Voice Your Opinion in AMAC Polls AMAC in the Media AMAC Action AMAC Foundation Social Security Guarantee Prime Directives Brief Prime Directives Details Sweepstakes Contact Advertise with AMAC Terms & Conditions Privacy Policy