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The Most Dangerous Lame Duck in History?

Posted on Thursday, March 3, 2022
by AMAC Newsline

AMAC Exclusive – By Shane Harris


With Democrats’ likelihood of retaining control of Congress slipping away, an astonishingly low approval rating, and more than half of Democrat voters saying they want someone else on their party’s ticket in 2024, Joe Biden may already be a lame duck president by year’s end. But that isn’t likely to stop the radical policies emanating from the White House – and may only encourage the embattled president to double down on his destructive progressive overreach to cement his imagined “legacy.”

After taking office last January, Biden quickly pivoted from his campaign message of “unity” and “bipartisanship” to a hardcore left-wing agenda. On day one, he passed a slew of executive actions rescinding many of President Trump’s successful policies, including a moratorium on oil and gas exploration on public lands, canceling the Keystone XL Pipeline, and turning the southern border into a nightmare.

In Congress, the White House worked in lockstep with progressive lawmakers to advance an extreme left-wing agenda straight out of the Bernie Sanders/Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez playbook. After passing billions of dollars’ worth of government handouts under the guise of “pandemic relief,” Congressional Democrats pursued everything from a federal takeover of elections to mass amnesty for illegal immigrants.

The infrastructure bill, the only remotely bipartisan (and even that is debatable) major legislative initiative passed this Congress, was only ever on the table because Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer had promised to ram through Biden’s massive $3.5 trillion “human infrastructure” bill immediately after – something which was only blocked thanks to Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) realizing that passing the bill would amount to political suicide.

All of that, however, may pale in comparison with what Americans might expect from a lame duck Democrat Congress and a Democrat president who know that his party may not regain undivided power for a long time. Even if Republicans do win back the majority in November’s midterms, Democrats will still have unified control of government for two months before Republicans take control in January. That’s a long time for Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and Joe Biden to go for broke – literally.

With a historically weak president in the White House, an unfavorable Senate map in 2024 and 2026, and a potentially huge Republican majority to overcome in the House, Democrats could potentially be out of power for several electoral cycles, increasing the urgency to pass their progressive agenda while they still can. Moreover, given their age and the growing opposition within the Democratic Party to older, white leaders, it’s highly unlikely that Pelosi, Schumer, or Biden will ever be in such a position of power again – further incentivizing a radical final act from the three.

The possibilities are truly frightening. In a last-ditch effort to save their Senate Majority, Democrats might try and add Washington, D.C., and Puerto Rico as states. Democrats might also be inclined to try again on a federal takeover of elections, or even some of the various progressive provisions of Biden’s Build Back Better Act, the Green New Deal, or other extreme left-wing priorities.

Some of these prospective legislative initiatives might be blocked by Senators Manchin and Sinema, two Democrats who have shown they are not afraid to buck their party – in part because they themselves have tough reelection bids looming in 2024.

Nonetheless, the White House will still be in Democrat hands for at least another two years after November’s elections, and with the growth of presidential power in recent decades, Biden still can enforce the woke agenda from the top-down. If Biden decides that his chances – or those of a potential successor – are doomed in 2024, he might happily jump off the liberal deep end in a bid to convince himself and others that his legacy is that of a martyr for progressive causes. As counterintuitive as it may be, a Democratic wipeout in the upcoming midterms could end up convincing the President to govern even more liberally.

In this case, it would likely be up to the courts to counteract any abuse of power from the executive branch. Already since Biden has taken office, judges have stepped in to block Biden’s vaccine mandate for federal contractors as well as to order Biden to continue President Trump’s “remain in Mexico” policy. Such actions would likely become more common under a lame duck Biden presidency. States would also still have some recourse to counter Biden’s actions, as has been seen in places like Florida and Texas.

In short, Americans would be wise to continue holding Democrats accountable, even in the event of a Republican victory this November. The most dangerous government is an unwatched one, no matter if they have one day or one year left in power.

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carolyn exposito
carolyn exposito
2 years ago

Watch out for the Puppet-master coming out from behind the curtain. Obama is alarmed at the ineptness of his puppet and he’s going to be more “hands-on” with WEEKLY MEETINGS AT THE WHITE HOUSE, to better manage this out-of-control old man. As if we didn’t already know this is Obama’s 3rd term, he’s making it clear now for everyone to see. Shades of Putin being revealed!

Mack camp
Mack camp
2 years ago

Impeachment this dude sounds as weak as he sounds getting punked out by someone he said he wasn’t scared of he’s killing us all!!

Robin Walter Boyd
Robin Walter Boyd
2 years ago

The reason Biden is dangerous is not that he’s a lame duck, it’s that he’s a puppet. The Biden administration is controlled by the billionaire Socialists and Communist Chinese responsible for installing Biden as president. We must act!

Joanne 4 justice.
Joanne 4 justice.
2 years ago

I have absolutely no faith in the Socialist Dem party to do ANYTHING GOOD OR POSITIVE for America ! This Administration is way too indebted to their Socialist – Communist allies ( who supported them in the CROOKED presidential election) ; now it is payback time for favors rendered !!!!!!

Mark Rakow
Mark Rakow
2 years ago

I find it ironic and interesting – but certainly not surprising – that this article refers to the current president only as “Biden” or “Joe Biden,” yet it consistently refers to the former president as “President Trump.”

Speaking of ironic and interesting, I happened to read through some of the comments below, and I have a question: Why is it that so many Republicans instantly respond to a differing opinion with crude name-calling, and/or telling others they’re stupid, they hate America, they’re traitors, they’re communists/socialists/Marxists, et cetera?

Frankly, if you can’t disagree without being disagreeable, then your opinion is probably wrong. .

2 years ago

I don’t claim to be clairvoyant, our state of the union, as it now stands, is being on the precipice of WW III. Hopefully those who lied, cheated, and stole, in order to get this administration installed, will realize, that they made a colossal mistake, when they find themselves in the same boat as the Ukrainians.

Rich C
Rich C
2 years ago

Hopefully the entire Democratic party will self destruct. Those Democrats that think they can somehow bring the party back to a central position are deceived. Time to form another party and get rid of the radicals. Unfortunately, too many Americans see the radicals as the new saviors of the country. Sad.

Wild fking Man
Wild fking Man
2 years ago

This is Amac, all these liberal old losers?lovers?? BYE!!!!

2 years ago

The author uses the word ‘liberal’ and its variants incorrectly. There is nothing even slightly liberal about the intentions of today’s Democrats.

2 years ago

The only reason Biden is in our WH is hatred. Those who voted for Biden were Trump haters. The Trump haters would have voted for the devil himself just to get President Trump out of office. I hope they’ve learned a lesson from their huge mistake and do a lot better in the future!

Tim Buktu
Tim Buktu
2 years ago

Biden, his administration, and the Democratic controlled Congress have been complete failures across the board. Pick a topic, any topic. Going Green causes wars… who would have thunk it? This administration lives in fantasyland, devoid of the realities of the world. And all their pundits can do is blame Trump. They’re looking and walking backwards in life, sure to fall sooner or later. Hopefully sooner.

2 years ago

Excuse me, but could any sane person not realize that flooding EVERY & ONLY White countries with MILLIONS of non-Whites and telling everyone to “assimilate” to create a blended humanity is White GENOCIDE?
Africa will still be full of Africans.
Asia will still be full of Asians.
Only White children will suffer from this insanity.
It’s White Genocide.
Except they don’t call it GENOCIDE when it’s done to White children.
They call it “diversity”
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.

2 years ago

None of this dribble can hide the fact the Putin Republicans are on the wrong side of history and that but for having Biden(or Bush, Clinton or Reagan –anybody but Trump) in the White House right now we would have Putin eventually marching across Europe one country after the next. Think I am wrong, here is a basic sanity test– Yes or No, Trump lost the election fair and square. If your answer is NO, move away from the keyboard, do not vote ever again and do not have children. Incoming———-

2 years ago

“…mass amnesty for illegal immigrants aliens.”

Never give an inch.

2 years ago

This man could not orchestrate a one man parade going in the right direction. A loser, an empty suit from day one.
NO admin could be this incompetent creating one crisis after another, if not by design.The enemy is within for there is not ONE single policy that has enhanced America. Every policy has embolden our enemies and weakened America beginning with our energy supply, open borders and the list goes on of reckless policies that demonstrate only hate and contempt for America and its people.

2 years ago

If the Rs take the house and senate there should be impeachment hearings. The Ds wouldn’t hesitate. However, there’re still plenty of rinos involved so it’s questionable. Rinos first impulse is to retreat, second to surrender, then go home and promise to act the conservative part if given another chance. They’re like people on the titanic caught up in a card game and refusing to leave. They don’t believe the country is in mortal peril.

Andrew P
Andrew P
2 years ago

Another factor is Murkowski. She might lose her reelection this year, and in the lame duck session, she will vote with the Democrats.

2 years ago

An insult to lame ducks everywhere. He’s more of a lame BRAIN.

2 years ago

You chose to call him a “lame duck” after some thought I think you should call him “limp dick” it is much more accurate.

2 years ago

lame brain

Jake the snake
Jake the snake
2 years ago

I can guarantee that if the Republicans Gian control of congress biden will die of a heart attack in a year and harris will be in prison forever along with schiff, pelosi, the fbi and doj directors will be in prison right next to her. Fauci will be handed over to the world court for a quick trial and hanging.

The democrats have become criminals top to bottom. If they loose power they are all going down.

2 years ago

Remove the marxist democrats and their destruction of Our Country!

Bill T
Bill T
2 years ago

Biden will go down as the worst American president hands down. He actually believes he’ll be the next FDR , His build back better leftist socialist agenda isn’t what true American citizens want and never will want in our country. He’s a legend in his own mind , and even left leaning democrats are distancing themselves from his terrible policies. He lied to our country and it’s extremely obvious what his true and destructive intentions are, destroy capitalism completely and then have a one size fits all communist style government. That’s really all’s this is about. Total power and control over everything and everyone. Full blown TYRANNY.

jan scott
jan scott
2 years ago

Why are Biden and the leftists in Congress even still in office. They clearly are not supporting or protecting the U. S. Constitution, a promise that President-elect Biden took an oath to do before taking office. Are Congressional members asked to do the same? They obviously, as a group, are not ensuring the rights and protections afforded to U. S. citizens by the U. S. Constitution as it was written and been amended — just the opposite, and very quickly and definitely.

David Millikan
David Millikan
2 years ago

Should be Titled: THE

2 years ago

Joebama and marxist democrats MUST be overwhelmingly DEFEATED in 2022 and 2024 and beyond!
Don’t think for a minute that these traitors will quit.
They hate America,Citizens and Freedom.
Their type of EVIL will only stop when they are ALL REMOVED!!
Let’s Go People ,, Our Country,Our Freedom ,Our way of life depend on ELIMINATING these radical traitors!

2 years ago

Remove the ba**d Biden, invoke the 25th amendment and impeach this son of a b**ch.

2 years ago

That fraud biden was a lame duck from the start. He infiltrated our government via fraud

2 years ago

So true , but really does anyone believe that weak demented weasel Biden is in charge of anything ! It’s the regime behind the closed doors that’s in charge ! And I think one of them is Obama ! He wants to finish destroying America !

2 years ago

Biden didn’t pivot from his campaign promises of unity and bipartisanship. The wild-eyed crew of kid leftists he allowed into the White House have been pulling his strings from day one. The only thing they care about is the end result – the complete transformation of the United States! Biden is just their useful idiot puppet going through the motions, thinking he’s in charge. We’re being run into the ground by Obama’s underlings!

H. Gail Mathews
H. Gail Mathews
2 years ago

I can’t understand how the people could say Trump was in bed with Putin, look at the creep Joe, family, and others who clearly are in bed with Russia and China. We have absolute crooks running our country and not a word is said about it. And the fake news is so fake you can see right through their scum!

2 years ago

Trump put us first Biden puts us last we were so much better off under Trump and our enemies respected us now they laugh at us come on 2024!!!!

Pete from St Pete
Pete from St Pete
2 years ago

Calling Biden a “lame duck” is an insult to waterfowl in general. It is more appropriate to call him a “LAME LOON”.

Bob L.
Bob L.
2 years ago

‘Lame duck” isn’t the term to accurately describe Sleepy Joe, he is just the front for the people behind the curtain who are actually running (ruining) this country. They have enlisted him with the promise of historic fame a a President as well as padding his and family net worth with ill-gotten gains. I wish those “behind the throne” people would be exposed.

I wish everything being called (credited) to him would be referred to as originating from his administration (regime) which is where all the insanity and illegal actions come from.

Tim Toroian
Tim Toroian
2 years ago

They all are not woke loons, many are outright communists just using woke as cover.
Biden is the worst threat to the country than even Nixon.

2 years ago

Biden is dangerous not only because he is in mental decline, having always been an idiot, but also because he is surrounded by woke loons installed because of identity politics, not their credentials.

Marie Langley
Marie Langley
2 years ago

Hopefully Nasty Pelosi will be sent home in November. Good riddance and don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out!
One of my friends ran a half marathon recently down in Southern California and had her hat on which says LET’S GO BRANDON!!!!! She said she was shocked at how many compliments she got from people about the hat because it is California. Maybe the stupid people who voted for this clown are starting to wake up. Let us pray!!!!!!!!!

Betsy t
Betsy t
2 years ago

Why this destructive train wreck has not been impeached is beyond comprehension and confirms what a path to destruction this country is on.

2 years ago

Bydumb is the puppet of the obamanation . Nothing is said or done without “Barry’s” order.
Joey (the gaffe) is NOT my president.

2 years ago

A lame brain is a more accurate description of the liar, crook, and traitor infesting the White House.

2 years ago

The chance of a nuclear war is getting stronger and stronger. Who will fight for America when they all hate us and we have the weakest leader in history. Perhaps this is the beginning of the end?

2 years ago

I’m thinking this article is a joke. We all know the disaster Biden is, and is creating for America. The same for Piglosi and Schmuckie…..
But if anyone actually believes our current, corrupt and non-functional court system will fix this, they need serious help.
The Commie Party owns every institution in America. There is no ‘fix’. Except eliminating the Commies, and the RINOs.

Enuf Said
Enuf Said
2 years ago

Well, when the Repugs regain the House–then the investigations of the Big Man of 10% will keep his sorry behind busy!!

Broccoli Free Zone
Broccoli Free Zone
2 years ago

To compare Xiden to Carter is an insult to Carter. As horrible as Carter was for the country, Xiden is almost as bad as if Osamma bin Laden was in the office.

anna hubert
anna hubert
2 years ago

brain dead impotent duck what is really scary that there are people just as brain dead allowed to vote

2 years ago

Well written article! Agree 100%. It’s going to be a long 2 yrs with this evil administration, but the world is starting to wake up thanks to people like you!

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

Dangerous since swearing in

2 years ago

It’s almost Spring…..time to clean a little house, along with the speaker, Senate…..and most of all the illegitimate “R”esident in the WH. Dominion machines need to be crushed, burned or somehow destroyed.

Philip Hammersley
Philip Hammersley
2 years ago

Biden has nothing REAL to tout. The unemployment numbers do not reflect ANY of his actions–simply people returning to previous jobs shut down by blue-state governors. Zero NEW jobs CREATED. “Bipartisan” infrastructure has, at most, 10% money for actual infrastructure. The rest, like Barry’s great plan, funds friends and contributors of DIMMs. Pay for play, anyone?

Myrna Wade
Myrna Wade
2 years ago

The war on Ukraine may get the attention of enough American voters to change how much power the lame ducks can use. The truck convoy shows that we have more than the vote to express the will of the plain people.

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