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Democrats Latest Lies About Social Security

Posted on Monday, November 14, 2022
by AMAC, Bob Carlstrom

In the days and weeks before Election Day, it is common for the rhetoric to heat up on the campaign trail. But as both sides ramped up their attacks on one another with each passing day, some campaigns made the mistake of going too far, sometimes in an embarrassing way. Both sides have been known at times to engage in some exaggeration on policy issues, but on entitlements Democrats in particular are known for their outlandish and shocking lies. 

One of the most embarrassing and laugh out loud moments of the campaign came days before the 2022 election. On November 1st, the White House posted a tweet that boasted, “Seniors are getting the biggest increase in their Social Security checks in 10 years through President Biden’s leadership.” The problem with the tweet is that social security payments are tied to the federal cost of living adjustment, which is tied to inflation, which is at a 40-year high of nearly 9% thanks to President Biden and Washington Democrats’ reckless out of control spending. 

The 8.7% bonus coming to seniors next year will actually cost seniors more in the long run and puts even further strain on the entitlement program that is facing insolvency within a generation. The gaffe prompted Twitter, now privately owned by Elon Musk, to attach a “context” note to the tweet, following a rush of users who pointed out the false flag operation. Ultimately, the public pressure was too much for President Biden and they eventually deleted the tweet because “the point was incomplete” the White House said to Fox News Digital. Despite being deleted the following day, the tweet will be archived in compliance with the federal Presidential Records Act that requires all federal acts to be archived by administration for historical accuracy. 

One of the most tried and tested Democratic campaign lies of the last half century has centered around social security. In 2020, Democrats screamed from the mountain tops that President Trump’s plan would cut social security, despite the fact that Trump issued no such plan and made no statement to that effect. 

This cycle, “Democrats running for Congress and outside groups supporting them spent $50.4 million on negative and contrast TV ads about Social Security or Medicare from Sept. 14, after primary elections ended, through Oct. 26, according to media tracking firm AdImpact,” Bloomberg Government reports

Things have even gotten personal, like Wisconsin where former President Obama recently held a campaign rally for Democratic Senate candidate Mandela Barnes. “…if Ron Johnson does not understand that – if he understands giving tax breaks for private planes more than he understands making sure that seniors who’ve worked all their lives are able to retire with dignity and respect – he’s not the person who’s thinking about you and knows you and sees you, and he should not be your senator from Wisconsin!”, Obama said, in a thinly veiled swipe at Johnson’s son who has a pilot’s license and owns a small plane.

“Democrats will protect Social Security. We’ll protect Medicare. Republicans like Rick Scott and Ron Johnson want to put it on the chopping block,” Biden tweeted days before the election.

“All they do is they trot out the same old lies, you know, the Republicans want to end Social Security, we want to put it on the chopping block. Nothing could be further from the truth,” Johnson told Fox News. “We want to save social security. We want to bring down inflation. We want to reduce massive deficit spending that sparked inflation.”

Republican National Committee Chairwoman also shot back at Democrats. “I say that’s scare tactics,” McDaniel said on “Fox News Sunday,” adding that “people on fixed incomes right now are dealing with a huge issue with inflation.”

Democrats continue to come up with creative ways to lie about social security while simultaneously employing one of their timeless classics, using fear as a driver. As the truth has prevailed in the past, and history can attest, Democrats will stop at nothing to win control. They’ll even use the livelihood of seniors, threaten American families, and lie about Republicans who are willing to step up and have the tough conversations that Democrats are afraid to engage in with the American people.

Bob Carlstrom is President of AMAC Action 

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Terry Johnston
Terry Johnston
1 year ago

I was a Democrat until I saw Johnson who was one of the most crooked and started taxing SS

1 year ago

This article belongs in politics not finance.

1 year ago

One more reason why we don’t need another politician. We need a smart business man. Kind of like the REAL president.

1 year ago

Two items you don’t mess with, social security and the military. Some of our GOP candidates did and they got called on it. The GOP needs to get their act together, develop an agenda and stop shooting from the hip. We need solutions not criticism. Socialism is kicking us around because we aren’t listening to the people, we don’t need someone who wants to be king. We need someone who wants to Make America Great Again, who plays by the rules, who acts, looks and talks like a leader.

1 year ago

If I had a dime for every time a senior said to me that Republicans will cut Social Security and Medicare…! Yes, it is a lie, but it is an EFFECTIVE lie; and the Republicans do nothing to counter it! The GOP needs to start pushing back on these lies because by remaining silent they lend credence to them.

Robin W Boyd
Robin W Boyd
1 year ago

I collect SS. I paid into the system all of my working life. I am only receiving a small portion of what I put into the system. SS is a Socialist program that should be phased out as all Socialist programs should be. No social control!

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 year ago

They use the lie of “Republicans want to take your Medicare and Social Security!” every election for as long as I remember… The only thing threatening them is a $32T national debt where just interest payments on foreign loans exceed our defense spending!

1 year ago

Like most federal programs, social security is an unconstitutional program.

Lord BK
Lord BK
1 year ago

unfortunately, Seniors fall for this crap. They star in political ads for money. I blame them for being so gullible. Oh, and I am of age.

1 year ago

Why is AMAC as well as other conservatives repeating the left’s agenda by referring to Social Security as “entitlements”??? Welfare is a form of entitlement… Social Security is NOT!!! I worked darn hard for that money that the government robbed me of and it is high time that confess takes a huge pay cut and those monies fully fund our Social Security account to pay us back. It is also high time that Republicans pass term limits as well as legislation that keeps their hands out of our Social Security account, and stop using our tax dollars to pay for illegal aliens free hotel and catered dinners and free checks for brand new vehicles….if someone cannot pass a driver’s Ed test written in English, they shouldn’t be driving because they can’t read the road signs! There are a few things to get started with starting with calling our Social Security monies, OUR money!

1 year ago

Lie, cheat, steal and scare the Populist to gain power. Motto of the leftist radical criminal marxist.

1 year ago

Democrats lie. The sun rises in the east. Water is wet.

1 year ago

This morning Nancy Pelosi said (which is a lie) that the Republicans want to end social security. Somehow, she forgot to say how the Democrats wants to give social security benefits to the illegals coming into the USA.

Allan E Brem
Allan E Brem
1 year ago

What’s new?

1 year ago

Article states that Trump did not have a plan in 2020 to cut Social Security, which I agree with but: Trump said if re-elected would roll the SS funds into the General Fund !! As you brought this up, please explain why Trump wanted to do this, as SS is in a separate fund and has a huge surplus in 2020 & estimated to continue payments to year 2034. It appears that Trump plan was to put this in Gen Fund so the Govt. would not have to pay back the money it has borrowed from fund & the huge interest owed on this money. And that would make the Fed Debt look better for a few short years & would fool a lot of people. And Gen Fund would get the FICA taxes each year instead of the current separate fund. Our founders of Social Security were smart in 1935 by putting this in a separate fund as they feared that some future politicians would try to rob this fund. Please explain this move & would also make a great article in itself in my opinion.

1 year ago

Lying is a requirement to be a Demoncrat. During every election time Dems trot out the tired old lie that Republicans are going to end Social Security and Medicare. Just ignore this old BS.
Smearing opponents with made up BS is another form of lying.
We never heard any sexual allegations against Herschel Walker until just before the election, when it is too late to disprove it before voting. This is a standard Dem. tactic, but unfortunately it works.
People accept falsehoods too easily and instead should be cynical and look for proof before accepting anything the Dems or their propaganda arm, the MSM puts out there.

1 year ago

The Demoncrats continue to use the same old scare tactics. The uninformed sheep will continue to believe these lies and the music goes on, and on……….

James J
James J
1 year ago

doe ray me fa q biden

1 year ago

Democrats are just doing what they do best and that is lying to get or stay in power. They are also not above cheating and doing whatever it takes to win.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 year ago

Been lying since Carter era ??

1 year ago

Stop calling Social Security “Entitlement”! WE PAID INTO IT!
We do not get it for nothing!

Casey C Matt
Casey C Matt
1 year ago

The problem is that a LOT of people believe the Democrat lies and those lies get amplified by the governments controlled media.
In short, we as a country have killed our very own country and no, there is no hope.

1 year ago

Please be fair. It doesn’t help that Sen Scott of Florida in April released his stupid SS and Medicare reform plan. On page 19 he recommended voting every 5 years to reauthorize SS and Medicare. Then when asked about it, a week later gave a horrible answer. He once again gave a horrible answer on Nov 2nd just days before the election. You have to be a bloody moron if you think the Democrats didn’t use his “plan,” to attack the Republicans. I heard it from several Democrats in my own life.
Look, they have a point. We have all heard endlessly for the past 30 years about entitlement reform. Problem is our elected Representatives don’t understand is that Americans get sick and tired about the scarifices we are asked to make, on these programs we have paid into for years, when are elected Representatives spend Trillions of dollars on needless foreign wars for the past 50 years. Please, talk to us about entitlement reform, when you stop handing out billions around the world. Most especially to people whom hate us. Iran, Pakistan, the money hole of the Ukraine war. After they stop their obscene spending, can they then come to the American people and talk to them about entitlement reform.

J. Farley
J. Farley
1 year ago

The Democrats are just doing what they do best. ——- Tell every lie they possible can about Republicans and what have we saw in the past, is whatever they access the Republicans of they are doing themselves!

1 year ago

Social Security is paid to ALL Americans who paid into it when they retire. Democrats need to be careful, as distribution covers ALL races, genders, and religions. This is NOT a white male sis, white supremacy issue. Tread lightly.

Fred Middleton
Fred Middleton
1 year ago

Day One Old Age Assistance 1935. Funds to be held (HELD) in the Treasury Department. “Treasury”? Who controls the Treasury funds? Executive Branch – think this via A to Z. Why the Treasury and not a Stipulated Account-savings type?????

1 year ago

Why and when did people start calling Social Security an Entitlement Program. That’s easy, when the Democrates decided that tax paying Americans needed to take the intended tax savings Social Security funds and push them into the general fund. That was President LB Johnson. My money, I could be saving and earning for retirement, sits in the governments general fund, when it should have been in my bank account. President Obama is the one that rang it the entitlement moniker. Trillions wasted by uncontrolled greed and spending while Social Security is in financial trouble? That entitlement stinks of greed.”Ask not, what your country can do for you but ask what you can do for your country.” John F. Kennedy. I still don’t beleive he was a Democrate!Social Security was designed to help tax paying Americans establish long term savings. It has been turned into an entitlement program. If you don’t pay you can’t play! Or maybe that’s why the Democrates intend on employing 87,000 armed tax agents?Democtates are sucking the life out of America!

1 year ago

Biden spearheaded the taxing of SS benefits yet acts like he’s all in for seniors. Having said that very disappointed that Republicans were meek in the SS area. They should be more vocal on all issues’ Dems do lie call them on it.

1 year ago

Congress needs to pay back monies they borrowed from Social Security years ago with interest instead of funneling money to other countries who don’t even respect is. That would balance out funding possibly. Check it out and see where they borrowed large amounts of money from SS..

David Naughton
David Naughton
1 year ago

Social security is NOT an entitlement. We paid into it all our working lives. The government has used the monies instead of investing it for us. F*ck joe biden and all demorats.

Steven Coughlin
Steven Coughlin
1 year ago

Maybe, just maybe we should try to educate Americans on the Ponzi scheme (and brilliant political stroke by FDR) that is Social Security. Instead of a less than two percent return of investment (via a non-voluntary payroll tax), Americans who instead invested the money would have on average an additional $900,000 to retire with ( even with a conservative investment). Instead, we are deemed too stupid to fend for ourselves by politicians who seek our dependency for their political gain.

Bill T
Bill T
1 year ago

These progressive democrats are cheating and hypocritical liars. And these criminals just stole another election using the exact same diabolical and unconstitutional voting system, mail in and absentee ballot system is allowing these Marxist haters of our country to destroy everything. And the rhinos are completely and disgusting doing nothing to stop this banana republic and almost communist way of putting who they want into power, basically our vote doesn’t matter will do as I say or else?

David Millikan
David Millikan
1 year ago

Their lies go all the way back to the Clinton’s when they started the lies on Social Security. From 1993 to today, it’s always the same lie on Social Security as with so-called gun control and with their lies on Obamacare and Global Warming.
Just as their lies saying Recession coming when it’s been here for OVER a year and we are technically in a DEPRESSION right now.
If the Weaselcrats ever told the truth
I bet SWAMP QUEEN pelosi would burst into flames with HILLDOG clinton along side her.

1 year ago

We may be getting a huge raise in Social Security in January, but wait till we get the tax bill next year. Not only did we pay into FICA our whole lives, but now our Social Security is being taxed a second time.

Patriate Henry
Patriate Henry
1 year ago

Bill, you’re absolutely right….dare we ask what must be done. How much do we need to SEE….

1 year ago

The Democrats thrive on lies

Letts Brandon
Letts Brandon
1 year ago

Democrats should all have their tongues removed at birth.

Jocie Taylor
Jocie Taylor
1 year ago

Do you believe that malarkey about getting a big race through Biden I’ve got some Land in death valley I can sell you

Bill on the Hill
Bill on the Hill
1 year ago

Since Rhona McDaniel’s name was inserted into this article, it should be made perfectly clear she along with McCarthy, McConnell & an entire orchestra of RINO’s within BOTH Houses are NOT our friends… These anti MAGA, America First people torpedoed the PA elections once again in order for them to maintain, i.e. keep themselves in power… These people never lifted a finger to support Trump before his announcement to run in 2015 & they did absolutely NOTHING for the ( 4 ) years after his landslide election win of 2016 becoming our 45th president other than mudsling the man with FALSE allegations of COLLUSION with Russia, all proven 100% false… Two years out of office & they still don’t support Donald J. Trump nor the 219 MAGA candidates that did in fact WIN their respective elections, according to MSM, including FOX NEWS, Trump is the cause of all of the GOP losses, despite the fact out of 235 candidates Trump endorsed, 219 of them WON… Show me one liberal MSM outlet, including FOX NEWS that has reported this honestly, you simply can’t because they are all lying about the actual facts…
Don’t expect to see Kari Lake become the next governor of AZ, why you ask, because the Maricopa County elections are still rigged & those elections are under control by the SOS, one Ms. Katie Hobbs, yes the very same person running for governor…I once again SMELL A RAT in both Pennsylvania & once again in Arizona, that sadly enough are the facts… Then there is the state of Georgia, need I say more?
FREE & FAIR elections are no more in America, we no longer have an Election Day as now it is called Election Month, no wonder after all the ballot dumps, sound familiar? It should, all the BS just happened again & once again every red blooded patriotic American has become disenfranchised once again because of some very BAD actors on BOTH sides of the aisle…
Bill… :~)

1 year ago

The overall issue goes beyond dems that blatantly lie and are backed up by the media, big tech, etc. is Republicans don’t refute them and because even if they did hardly anyone ever hears. If we don’t seriously combat this we’ll never win again

Michael J
Michael J
1 year ago

We know dems lie and yet they still are allowed to further destroy this once great nation. Obviously we have not reached enough breaking points to bring about a change for the good of the nation. The Bible has prophesied, that which is good shall be perceived as evil and evil as good. We have arrived.

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