The political diversity of America is at serious risk as progressive forces seek to turn our nation into a one-party state — not unlike the Communist Party that savaged Russia and its dominions in the last century. The agenda is as plain as day: pack the Supreme Court with liberal justices and grant statehood to the District of Columbia, giving the Democratic Party two new Senators.
As Rep. Guy Reschenthaler [R-PA] told Fox News: “This is nothing more than an unconstitutional power grab by Democrats to gain two ultra-progressive D.C. Senate seats and force radical far left policies on the American people.”
The Supreme Court and Congress: it’s a one-two punch that would give the progressive elements in Washington a knockout win. What’s next – giving the horde of illegal immigrants voting privileges as they cross our southern border in droves? They’d love it if they could.
Washington D.C. was established in 1790 to be the capital of the United States. notes that: “The U.S. Constitution (Article 1, Section 8, Clause 17) instructed that the seat of government be a ‘District (not exceeding ten miles square)’ over which Congress would ‘exercise exclusive legislation.’ James Madison spelled out the reason for the arrangement, explaining that maintaining an isolated district would prevent any state from holding too much power by being home to the national government.”
So, why the sudden urge to make D.C. our 51st state. It’s been 60 years since the 23rd Amendment granted residents of the District the right to vote in presidential elections. And, in the ensuing 15 elections they’ve overwhelmingly voted for the Democratic ticket.
Since the 23rd Amendment was ratified, 60 years ago, D.C. residents have voted in 15 presidential elections. In all 15 elections, D.C.’s three electoral votes have gone to the Democratic nominee. Political commentator Patrick Buchanan pointed out in a recent article that “Even in the 49-state Nixon and Reagan landslides of 1972 and 1984, D.C. went four- and five-to-one Democratic. In eight presidential elections since 1990, the GOP nominee has failed to win 10 percent of the D.C. vote.” Thus, making it a state would ensure the election of two Democratic Senators in perpetuity.
We have a 50-50 Senate now; imagine the damage to our way of life if there were two more leftist Democrats to deal with. Thank goodness, this time around, for Joe Manchin who is perhaps one of the last of his kind — a right minded, rational thinker who does not mindlessly toe the party line. The Senator from West Virginia thinks for himself and Mr. Manchin was quick to state his position soon after the House passed D.C. statehood legislation last month. He didn’t waste time to let his fellow Democrats in the Senate know that he is not likely to be voting in favor of statehood, noting that “If Congress wants to make DC a state, it should propose a constitutional amendment. Let the people of America vote.”
As others have noted, I wouldn’t bet the farm on Joe Manchin. In case no one has noticed ( sarcasm ), the US Constitution was already violated the moment the ” executive ” branches of state gov’t changed the election laws, hence the FRAUDUENT 2020 US Presidential Election… The fraud was further perpetuated whilst each of the ( 6 ) key states governors signed off on the ILLEGAL certified electors from each of those states respectively & sent off to Senate president, VP Pence to sign off on which as we all know, he did just that. That cemented the FRAUD committed & by no coincidence the lawmakers from AZ evidence was heard & the PA’s evidence was NEVER heard along with the split second timing of the breach on the Capitol bldg. Nancy Pelosi, Mitch McConnell & the Sargent of Arms along with certain members of the Capital Police themselves have yet to be held accountable & we continue to hear outright lies & distortions from the above mentioned individuals & the FBI along with a complicit MSM which by now we all know are not journalist but outright political activist hell bent on bringing this country to it’s knees.
Thank you & God Bless…
This is my thought on this subject; This process has been in the works for decades and a lot of people know it, it’s not just packing the courts,as you can tell by these last elections and the way some of Americans are told to think and act,”normal people don’t think that way”,no matter where they’re from. The fact of the matter is that as soon as we ,”as a nation” turned away from the teaching and doing things Gods way his blessings are turning away from this country and will continue until repentance is practiced here in America and that is the only way to receive the blessing of God for this country.
Wow. The author wonders if millions of illegal aliens will be allowed to vote? And he bets the farm on Joe Manchin temporarily holding conservative views? Talk about a day late and a dollar short….
“The political diversity of America is at serious risk as progressive forces seek to turn our nation into a one-party state — not unlike the Communist Party that savaged Russia and its dominions in the last century.”
For those who haven’t been paying attention for the last few decades, which sadly seems to be most of our population, the Democrat Party, never any friend to this nation or its citizens, long ago morphed into The New Communist Party of the USA.
How dumb do the Democrats think voters are? Packing the court is a blatant act of stacking the deck towards whatever party is in the WH. Stop this nonsense & unite America as campaigned.
Cannot believe that Democrats are so open about packing the court plus making DC a state that would add two more Senators. There is bill H.J. Res.11 in House that would limit justices at current nine. Write your Senators/Congressman and support this bill so that neither party can try to pack the court again. Plus, we do not need Government to grow more employees.
Democrats know that can’t win elections w/o cheating so here democrats override the true votes of the American people!!! Most of the Democrats are evil except Gabbard maybe and they should be put on trial for treason!!!
What the House of Reps
By far, the majority of DC Population consist of employees or appointed heads of bureaucratic agencies. This would assure the vast majority of them would vote for more government and protect government power over what is best for individual citizens and their rights. Exactly what Madison was concerned about when DC was created specifically to not be a state,
The Dems have committed atrocious crimes against We The People, and yet nobody has exercises their right to remove them from office by legitimate and lawful force..see the problem here? We gotta quit being nice and start the punishment phase! Whoop their asses!
Many members of the Democrat party in Washington have long admired both the old Soviet Union and Mao’s CCP in China. Not to mention just about every other socialist or communist regime on the planet. Everything from portraits of the communist leaders hanging prominently in some of their personal residences, as shown during recent screen captures of Zoom conference calls, to Christmas decorations with Mao’s face on them during the Obama administration. To put it simply, they both admire and want to replicate that same form of totalitarian government here in the United States.
The Democrats have been very open in their distain for both the Constitution (too limiting and restrictive as to what the government can forcibly impose upon its citizens) and the power the citizens have to push back against the edicts of government by potentially voting for change. That creates an uncertainty that was NOT found in either the old Soviet Union or modern day Communist China. In both of those countries, elections were and are merely a public relations exercise so the leaders could claim overwhelming support of the people with pre-determined super-majority outcomes.
So virtually everything from election reform (HR1 / SR1), court packing, creating two new states to killing the filibuster all share one over-riding goal and objective: To ensure that the Democrat party, which is firmly controlled by a mixture of socialists and communists and their like-minded financial supporters, can maintain their lock on unilateral power indefinitely. How long the Democrat party allows Joe Manchin to be an impediment to their plans is up for debate. Both the old Soviet Union and modern day CCP controlled China were and are very open with how they dealt with those in office that would not go along with the party. Given the open adoration that so many Democrats in Washington have for the means and methods utilized by both communist regimes, one has to be rightly concerned.
The Democrat party has been incredibly open with what their endgame is for this country for quite some time. Their 2020 Democrat party platform document, that laid out the agenda of all Democrats running for office in 2020, spelled things out quite clearly. Now post election, they are simply executing that document page by page. Only a complete fool or total idiot would be unable to connect the dots they have so plainly laid out for the whole world to see. Many of our allies do indeed acknowledge it, based on their daily news coverage of the United States, by their frantic actions to bolster their own countries against the very real potential of what the United States could soon become. That so many of the American people seem to be so either apathetic or indifferent to what is going on around them is just as concerning as what what the Democrats themselves are doing.