This week Rebecca had the chance to sit down with Congressman Mo Brooks. Mo talks about the awful direction the Biden administration is moving in, between opening up the borders, pushing critical race theory, and looking to take over our elections at the federal level… inflation is soaring, hitting the pocketbooks of every American. So why are we giving away our Social Security to illegals? Pushing back against this extreme agenda is part of Congressman Brooks’ plan! Join us in the bizarro world where “Mo Biden means Mo Issues Facing America!”
Mr. Mo Brooks. We appreciate you STANDING TALL,
Our current administration took an oath to protect are country from all harm outside and inside threats. They should all be impeached for the serious HARM they are doing to out great land of AMERICA!
If there was ever a genuine case for impeachment of a sitting president it is staring us in the face daily.
Biden and all congressional legislators took an oath to protect the country from outside and inside threats. And uphold the constitution. Apparently the oath doesn’t apply to Democrats in power or the unknown people behind the curtain who are controlling Biden’s presidency. Biden is asleep at the wheel and it shows everyday.
Why is no one talking or moving towards impeachment of this jerk.
How about lying about his allegiance to the constitution of the United States of America? Wouldn’t this be of foremost importance? The GOP has a lot to learn from the demoncrats. Except for lying every time they open their mouths. Pick several real issues, hang those real issues around Biden’s and Harris’s necks and attack like junk yard dogs. IMPEACH them! Then IMPEACH Pelosi. Lay the cards on the table right on down the line. If Republicans get caught up in the crimes jail them also.