AMAC in the Media

Trump, FBI, Medicare

Posted on Friday, August 12, 2022
The Association of Mature American Citizens
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1 year ago

We’re in trouble if we let Demoncrats take over again. Get out and vote for what is America first.

Myrna Wade
Myrna Wade
2 years ago

Is it possible that as the democrats see that it very possible that President Trump will return to office, they want to impound all that paperwork that will either reveal what his plan is to clean house or make it necessary to do more research before he can start a new administration.
They will need to puff up something about some documents to try to create accusation of a crime, but that may not be the main goal.

2 years ago

In response to George’s comment that there will be no resistance when they begin to round up conservatives and Christians! I totally disagree that there won’t be any resistance, I assure you that as long as I and many other citizens in Arkansas and other southern states are still standing, there will be true resistance down here ! We’re all armed and our guns are locked and loaded.
The US government needs to think long and hard before they come rolling into my yard.

2 years ago

Once they remove Trump, there will be no resistance to round up conservative & Christians and eliminate any competition. How dangerous is this? Study Stalin. Mao Tse Tung, Ho Chi Min, Pol Pot – The Khmer Rouge takeover and what followed. It is coming to America.

2 years ago

If ANY American does not see what our own government is doing to us right now, in so many ways, they do not deserve a vote in our republic. The heavy handed brown shirt-jack boot tactics of the White house on down, MUST be stopped. If the tyrants in power including many RINO’s can’t be stopped, there will be a civil war. I can’t believe even the socialist/democrats could think that would be an asset for their one world dictatorship. Hopefully the American people will vote these tyrants into oblivion in November.

Stan d. Upnow
Stan d. Upnow
2 years ago

Democrat solution to possible Red Wave at the polls: declare national health emergency over the possible spread of the dreaded Monkey Pox with in-person voting; only mail-in voting allowed.

Fraud? What fraud?

2 years ago

Aye, vote indeed! Remember 2020? Throw out the left poll workers and election hacks. Volunteer to be a poll worker or election inspector. It worked in the Virginia gubernatorial election. Storm the citadels and the powers that be! Power to “We the People” not the government! Viva la Revolucion!!!!!!

2 years ago

Trees and organizations rot from the top. Extensive pruning is needed at the DOJ. Garland is still ticked off at not being on SCOTUS and #45 was given Wray who looked good after Comey. These guys practiced on 45’s associates. Remember Stone being hauled away by a whole squad of agents? Mar-A-Lago was a huge mistake and the shock waves have not peaked yet. Joey didn’t know of this? He won’t admit it as it would drag him into tsunami and it sure would be interesting to listen to his bumbling responses. ULTRA MAGA

Deploreable Sam
Deploreable Sam
2 years ago

How long will it be before they (gov) start asking about your political affiliations before granting benefits.
fjb etc etc

Philip Hammersley
Philip Hammersley
2 years ago

FBI needs to be gutted and rebuilt on a “one law for all” basis. Pick their leaders from out in “deplorable” country, not DC, CA, or NY.

2 years ago

The FBI is not after classified documents. They are looking for things about their own treasonous lying behavior. I hope Trump made copies of these proofs and has them stored where no oe can find them.
All this talk about voting. Of course I will vote. But what if they create another “emergency” and manage to steal this election in November as well.

2 years ago

Note can’t bring up poll on Trump and FBI! Looks like someone is blocking it!!

2 years ago

The core problem in fighting the left is the disarray that plagues the republicans. Far too many of them refuse to rock the boat because theyre getting rich in dc with insider deals. Hopefully this may change a bit in November but it looks like we’re stuck with rino leadership.

Carol Sparks
Carol Sparks
2 years ago

Sounds like FBI is now the Gestopo, we are in danger of losing our freedom and legal rights. Our great country is being threatened

Carol Sparks
Carol Sparks
2 years ago

Sounds like FBI is now the Gestopo, we are in danger of losing our freedom and legal rights. Our great country is being threatened

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