AMAC in the Media

Trump Administration Continues to Keep Out-of-Pocket Drug Costs Low for Seniors

Posted on Thursday, July 30, 2020
The Association of Mature American Citizens

drugThe Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) announced the average basic premium for Medicare Part D prescription drug plans, which cover prescription drugs that beneficiaries pick up at a pharmacy. Under the leadership of President Trump, for the first-time seniors that use insulin will be able to choose a prescription drug plan in their area that offers a broad set of insulins for no more than $35 per month per prescription.

The average basic Part D premium will be $30.50 in 2021. The 2021 and 2020 average basic premiums are the second lowest and lowest, respectively, average basic premiums in Part D since 2013. This trend of lower Part D premiums, which have decreased by 12 percent since 2017, means that beneficiaries have saved nearly $1.9 billion in premium costs over that time. Further, Part D continues to be an extremely popular program, with enrollment increasing by 16.7 percent since 2017.

You can read more from CMS here.

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4 years ago

Thanks again Mr. President for your unwavering strength to help people of all backgrounds by doing what is right!!!

4 years ago

Thanks again Mr. President for your unwavering strength to help people of all backgrounds by doing what is right!!!

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