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President Trump Nominates Judge Amy Coney Barrett – A Strong Defender of the Constitution and Rule of Law – to the Supreme Court

Posted on Monday, September 28, 2020
AMAC, Bob Carlstrom
Photo by: Rachel Malehorn

Saturday, President Trump announced his nomination of Judge Amy Coney Barrett of the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals, which includes portions of Wisconsin, Illinois, and Indiana, to be an Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court.  In making this nomination, the President has fully honored and complied with his responsibility and obligation under Article II, Section 2 of the Constitution.  It is equally incumbent upon the Senate to act promptly and honorably on this nomination.

Judge Barrett is a strong constitutional conservative with a stellar and consistent record of strictly applying the Constitution and the law in rendering her opinions on cases reaching the 7th Circuit.

The mother of seven children and a former law clerk to the late great jurist Justice Antonin Scalia, Judge Barrett, now 48, resides in Indiana and graduated from University of Notre Dame law school. In addition to her judgeship, she is a Notre Dame law professor. She was also a finalist for the Supreme Court spot that went to Brett Kavanaugh in 2018.

This appointment by President Trump is critically important to the stability of our constitutional republic because Judge Barrett will clearly follow and honor the Constitution and the law as an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court. Moreover, the safeguards the Constitution provides against an overreaching federal government and the protection of our rights and civil liberties should be more strongly secured by Judge Barrett’s addition to the Supreme Court.  She will balance those in the judiciary who would erode and reinterpret the Constitution to increase federal government dominance and daily control over Americans by “redefining” our rights and liberty.

We commend President Trump for his quick and decisive action in making this strong nomination.

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4 years ago

We don’t need another confirmation hearing like that of justice Kavanaugh. And we certainly don’t need another dog and pony show like that of the attorney general where questions were asked and speeches were given but no answers were allowed. Let’s get her confirmed, and not give the democrats a platform to drone on and on!! Republicans have control of senate, let’s use it and quickly!!

4 years ago

We don’t need another confirmation hearing like that of justice Kavanaugh. And we certainly don’t need another dog and pony show like that of the attorney general where questions were asked and speeches were given but no answers were allowed. Let’s get her confirmed, and not give the democrats a platform to drone on and on!! Republicans have control of senate, let’s use it and quickly!!

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