AMAC in the Media

Open Season, Biden, AMAC

Posted on Friday, July 24, 2020
The Association of Mature American Citizens

First up, the war against police is raging in this country nationwide. Next, Joe Biden has come forward with his new plan to buy votes coming to the November Election; his plan will add 775 billion to the current deficit. Finally, we are joined by Russel Gloor and Gerry Haefer from the AMAC Foundation to update AMAC members on the current social security issue and what may be changing.

Ben Ferguson:

Hi, I’m Ben Ferguson and welcome to your AMAC Weekly News. First stop. The war against police is raging in this country nationwide. And what are liberal city leaders doing? Spending money to protect black lives matter murals or painting our art instead of actually protecting the citizens. They’re also now looking into defunding the police. Now, one of the latest attacks, there were 49 officers that were injured. I’ll tell you more about that in just a moment of next, Joe Biden has come forward with his next plan to try and literally buy votes. Come the November elections, his newest plan would add 775 billion to the current deficit. So find out who he’s trying to buy and why thinks is to win them the election. And just a moment. And finally, we are joined today by Russell Glor and Gerry Hafer from the AMAC foundation tab eight AMAC members on the specific issue of social security and what may be changing more on that in just a moment, but a quick reminder, if you want to frustrate the left and you want to make sure that our voice gets out there, hit the share button right now, so that so many others will see your AMAC weekly news.

Ben Ferguson:

That starts right now.

Many conservatives are now coming to the aid of police around the country. Why? Because it’s open season on police is crime in America is getting completely out of control just in the last week. Chicago’s so-called vigilantes planned a full out ambush on police officers. Yes, this was intended to be quote, a peaceful protest. Yet somehow it left 49 officers injured, including one who had his eye socket broken and another who had his knee cap broken by thrown objects from these anarchistic. Now let’s just take a brief look at what actually took place. Here is a news report by ABC seven Chicago, where they actually aired a clip released by the Chicago police of the violent class with protestors near the Christopher Columbus statue police video captured a violent attack on officers who were protecting the statue of Christopher Columbus during a protest Friday night in grant park,

Supt. David Brown:

Again as a peaceful protest at grant park Friday evening devolved into a very dangerous situation in which mob action deliberately sought to injure officers.

Ben Ferguson:

The mayor decried the violence calling those who are responsible vigilantes. The police video showed one person dumping on a backpack with what appeared to be frozen water bottles, which were then thrown it officers demonstrated as also hurled fireworks. One Sergeant suffering or broken ice socket from the shrapnel police said the PVC pipe used to hold the black lives matter. Banners had been sharpened and were taken out and used a jab at officers. Now, just to give you a little more context, the so-called protests turned into a riot as people hid behind umbrellas and banners so they could change. And two black clothing, we put up umbrellas formed a wall and marched on officers who were positioned around the Christopher Columbus statue. Now the people in black then began to help the officers at that statue with rocks, frozen water bottles, fireworks, and other items. They push carts and carried bags, filled with items to throw at police while others use sharpen PVC pipes to actually jab the police officers around the statue.

Ben Ferguson:

In all 12, people were arrested for mob actions. Yet 49 officers were injured. According to police, 18 of those officers had to be hospitalized. The question obviously has to be asked the leaders in these liberal cities doing in response to protect the police. Well, let’s take a look at New York city mayor, Bill de Blasio. There has reportedly reassigned no less than 27 police officers working in shifts, not to protect people, but to protect the black lives matter mural outside of Trump tower that according to the former police commissioner, take a look at this tweet from Carrick, just her, that NYC mayor has one and eight securing the black lives matter mural at Trump tower. That’s one Sergeant and eight cops, times three tours, a day violence shootings and murder is up in NYC. And this clown has three sergeants and 24 cops guarding a mural.

Ben Ferguson:

If true hashtag sickening. Now I want you to think about the mind set of mayor DeBlasio. Mayor DeBlasio literally goes out there and decides to take police offers to protect his political mural that he put in front of Trump tower. Now in one vandalism attempt, you had two women from Staten Island and that were arrested over the weekend. As they tried to smear black paint over the yellow lettering of his mural, both of course, we’re charged with criminal mischief and release pending a future court date. Now, if you want to talk about double standards with the mayor, take a look at this. You have these two women that threw paint on the ground that were charged with a crime, right? Well, another man actually punched the New York police department, chief Terrence Monahan on the Brooklyn bridge. Over the past week, he was charged with a crime and then released without bail in that same incident, New York police, Lieutenant Richard Mack, he was assaulted and needed surgery to repair a fracture to his orbital socket around his eye. Following that same clash on the Brooklyn bridge. Now there is no sound to the video you’re about to see, but I want you to see this short clip showing the attack on officers on the Brooklyn bridge released by the NYPDs official Twitter account. Take a look. This

Ben Ferguson:

Now what you’re witnessing is a full blown assault and actually just pure anarchy on the police. And while liberal politicians are forcing officers to protect their black lives matter, murals, actual anarchists are on the street assaulting the police. Now it’s not just in New York, also in California. This week is another perfect example of complete hypocrisy from elected officials, Redwood city and San Francisco’s Bay area, quietly scrubbed away. It’s black lives matter mural from a street after a resident actually asked to paint a similar make America great. Again, 2020 on the same road, no one will denounce the violence and it’s time that we stand up for our freedoms and for law enforcement and complete law and order in our country. And that is exactly why a is standing tall to back the men and women that wear the uniform in this country.

Ben Ferguson:

So if you listen to the mainstream media, they would say the election of Ember is all, but over Joe Biden is going to be the next president United States, American Donald Trump is going to lose in a massive, massive failure to get out the vote. So why is Joe Biden going in now to actually buy votes? Well, first he joined up with far left socialist, Bernie Sanders and AOC. And what is being called the Biden Sanders unity platform. It means he’s very nervous about the election. Now in this platform, it appears to call for 12 weeks of paid family and medical leave a $15 minimum wage mandate extending the affordable care act or Obamacare to illegal immigrants brought to this country as children and protected under the Obama era DACA program, allowing illegal immigrants to purchase un-subsidized coverage. And the Obamacare marketplace also repealing many policies from the Trump administration involving illegal immigration and a whole lot more.

Ben Ferguson:

That was just the first plan. Well, now we’ve got a new plan from Biden. His new plan would cost an extra 775 billion over the nex 10 years. So what is actually in this plan? Well, Biden is proposing to provide a universal preschool for three and four year old children build new childcare government facilities and expand access to a wider array of longterm care options for seniors. Now I’ll let you hear a little bit of what Biden had to say about this new, get out the, by the vote. I guess you could call it and it’s plan involving childcare, government childcare for all Americans. Take a look at this from MSNBC.

Joe Biden:

We can also make high quality childcare affordable and accessible. I childcare pan is straightforward, straightforward. Every three and four year old will get access

Ben Ferguson:

To free high quality preschool. Like students have here and low middle income families. Won’t spend more than 7% of their income on childcare for children under the age of five. Most hard-pressed working families won’t have to spend a dime. Here’s how it works. We can either. They can either decide to get up to an $8,000 tax credit for childcare for middle class family, with a couple of young kids spending 300 bucks a week in childcare. That means an annual savings of $8,000 in their pocket because it’s a tax credit. It means everything for working families, living paycheck to paycheck, where the federal government would send funding to stage, which then work with childcare providers to cover the cost for working families with young children over 7% of their income would not have to be, would not have to be spent. Now, obviously any legitimate journalists would ask a simple question, how is the presumptive democratic presidential nominee going to pay for this massive plan?

Ben Ferguson:

Well, this campaign said it would be paid for by rolling back the tax breaks for real estate investors with income over $400,000 and taking steps to increase tax compliance for high income earners and other words he’s going after anybody that employs a lot of people in the wealthy in this country. Yet again, liberals are putting forth an unrealistic plan paid for by hardworking Americans who most likely won’t ever see results in their own lives. Apart from a lighter pocket book. Now it’s important to note something that Mercedes slap pointed out on Fox business this week and the last three weeks Biden has already proposed three point $4 trillion in new spending. You heard me right just in the last week. The Biden campaign has put three point $4 trillion in new spinning out there for the American people. Take a look at this clip

News Anchor:

Right now, when you’ve seen in the last three weeks between his clean energy initiative between his economic plan. And now his new announcement today, you’re talking about 3.4 trillion in terms of expense. And then of course, adding government and bureaucracy to this process, which we know is incredibly inefficient.

Ben Ferguson:

Now, while the Biden campaign is out there offering up more than three point 4 trillion of your tax dollars to help buy votes. Thank goodness Donald Trump has actually working to decrease the impact illegals have on your pocket book. Just this week, the president signed an executive order, ensuring that States allowing and encouraging illegal aliens to enter this country will not be rewarded with greater representation in the house of representatives. He do this by making sure that illegals are not counted in a census for the purpose of reapportionment of representatives. The president is working on behalf of the citizens of this country. Meanwhile, Joe Biden is claiming that president Trump has quit on our country. Take a look at this from MSNBC.

Joe Biden:

His own staff admits a Donald Trump fails the most important test to being an American president. The duty to care for you for all of us. This man simply doesn’t understand he can’t do with our economic crisis without serving and saving and solving the public health crisis for all his bluster about his expertise on the economy is unable to explain how will actually help working families hit the hardest. No he’s quit on you, but he’s quit on this country.

Ben Ferguson:

You literally can’t make up these types of attacks. What I can tell you is Biden can say literally whatever he wants because the media is not going to check him. The truth is we all know that president Trump has given everything up and taken nothing in return for the people of this country. And it’s time for us to show him how grateful we are for the attacks and sacrifices that he and his family are going through. Now AMAC supports our president as he continues to support each and every one of us This week, we are honored to have two members of the AMAC foundation, Russell, Gloor, and Gerry Hafer with us. Welcome to you both. And thank you so much for what AMAC is doing for our members, with the foundation. And really Jerry, I want to start with you. Could you give everybody a quick overview of how the AMAC foundation began, uh, and what it is doing right now for so many people?

Gerry Hafer:

Okay. Sure. Thanks, Ben. It’s good to be here. The foundation was really part of Dan Weber’s initial vision for what AMAC would be. And he incorporated the foundation in 2010. It wasn’t until 2014 till we actually got started. And we started with a mission of supporting and educating America’s seniors, broad mission. Uh, and we do that. We’ve been doing that ever since in a couple of different ways. We started off with a, with a splash in 2014, we posted a major symposium in Washington on healthcare. And since that time we’ve implemented a number of programs and we’re serving seniors in a variety of ways. I said, uh, for example, we have a pretty robust, uh, web presence with three major websites that we operate. We conduct a seminar series on topics of importance to seniors. And we do, um, usually about two seminars a month while we haven’t been doing them lately because of the pandemic, certainly, but we’re morphing that over to a virtual seminar presence these days. So we’re very active in terms of supporting seniors that, but I think our flagship program is our social security advisory service that Russell and I are are part of.

Ben Ferguson:

And what are some of those key services when it comes specifically that that, that AMAC foundation provides to many of the members that may be watching right now?

Gerry Hafer:

Wait, the service that I mentioned, the seminars and workshops that we do are on topics that are extremely important to seniors. Things like social security, Medicare, we do a seminar and folks that are aging into Medicare. We do caregiver support seminars. So it’s delivering information that is critical to seniors and helping them make the decisions they need to make and understand that the areas they need to focus on the websites that we operate are informational. Uh, the first is the AMAC foundation main site that has a host of information on it, about the foundation, but it also includes schedules of upcoming events, uh, podcasts that we’ve done, uh, as a blog page of, uh, every week, there’s a blog article relevant to seniors. Uh, so that’s very informative or seniors. The social security site is also an extremely informative site, focused totally on social security. We channel breaking news about social security. We have a lot of archival information on there. For example, the trustees reports that past trustees reports are available on demand from that site. We have a tools and techniques section on that page and we publish a Q and a portion of that page, which we’ll talk about a little bit later. And we have a Medicare report that’ll work, which is similar to the social security report, but focused on social or Medicare and healthcare

Ben Ferguson:

Russell. I want to ask you real quick. And so security is something that there are so many people that are trying to figure out what do they need to be taken advantage of? How do you get started? When do you do your deal with your benefits? What age do you work til, you know, the pluses and minuses, it is a very complicated, but also extremely important decision. And that is where you guys have been able to put together and help so many members when it comes to guidance on these issues that are also constantly changing.

Russel Gloor:

You mentioned Ben, the social security program is exceedingly complex. There’s actually over 2,700 individual rules and regulations that people have to deal with as they contemplate what kind of, what they want to do with their social security. And you know, far too many people just claim it at age 62 because it’s there. And that more often than not, that’s exactly the wrong decision, because there are so many opportunities for getting more benefits. Lifetime benefits, for example, will be much more if you wait the longer you wait. Now that’s not for everyone. Some people should claim earlier if they’re not in good health or if they’re really desperate for the money, but even then there’s, there are consequences for claiming early because of you’re still working. You know, you really need to be very careful that you don’t social security earnings limit or your benefits will be reduced. So it’s, it’s a very complex program.

Ben Ferguson:

One of the questions, and I see this happen so often I’m literally been in the middle of dealing with this, with my own, my own parents and my in-laws as they are getting into social security right now, if you see this and you are trying to help out a family member may be your parents, what are some of the key questions or resources they should be looking at that you guys provide?

Russel Gloor:

One of the things that they can do is they can just provide us with some very basic information and we can do a complete analysis for them based on their own personal circumstances. There’s the, what the best course of action would be for them financially and often there’s, there’s more than one strategy that they should consider. So the key questions really are, when were you born? What is the date you were born? And what is your earnings history over the course of your lifetime? Because, and if you are married, uh, what are, what are you entitled to spousal benefits? So there’s, uh, everybody’s situation is different. So we need to be very careful to examine everybody’s personal situation, personal unique situation, so that we can create for them the best strategy that’s available.

Ben Ferguson:

You know, you guys are both part of this vital, so security advisory service, where did this originate from, and how did this actually turn into what it is?

Russel Gloor:

Kind of an interesting story, because again, it’s testimony to the vision that Dan Weber had for his soul is AMAC foundation and the social security advisory services. Uh, four of us went to a training class, uh, in early 19, or I’m sorry, 2016. And we leveraged off of that training class to achieve certification, uh, by the NSA, the national social security association. And then of course, once you just get certified, you still need to do a lot of study. So we’ve, we’ve done that now, that was in 2016, 2016. We probably handled something just under 300 questions this last month. Uh, we handled 650 over 650 questions. Uh, and we’ll last year we handled over 3,500 questions and to date we’ve handled almost 12,000 questions. So we’ve had a lot of experience with, uh, answering social security questions and dealing with the very unique situations that our, our constituents are in. I might add also that it’s a service that’s not available only to AMAC members it’s available not only to AMAC members, but also for the general public through something that we publish called ask rusty, which is a series of, uh, weekly articles that we publish based upon actual questions we’ve received and actual answers that we provided to people who either email us or telephone us with their own unique, personal circumstances with social security.

Ben Ferguson:

Lastly, for people that are watching and they may end up sharing this with family and friends, if they really want to dive into what, what this offers and this advisory service, where do they need to go to get more information? Yeah,

Gerry Hafer:

It’s actually quite easy. They can either call us. So I’ll give you the number. It’s eight eight, eight seven five Oh two six two two. Or they can email us their [email protected]. And that’s basically the way that they get a question and answer. Some people are more comfortable with email than they are with telephone. Some people prefer to work by telephone. So we have both of those services available.

Ben Ferguson:

We appreciate both of you guys coming on a Mac weekly news. This is one of those issues. That’s very complex. It’s so important to our members and also for families that are having to deal with making these tough decisions. You want to make sure you make the right decision. So again, to both of you, thank you for coming on AMAC Weekly News, and for all the work that the AMAC foundation is really doing on this.

Russel Gloor and Gerry Hafer:

You’re welcome. You’re welcome, Ben,

Ben Ferguson:

That’s it for this edition of your AMAC weekly news. Quick reminder. If you want to frustrate the left, make sure you share this video right now with your family and your friends. Most importantly, if you haven’t joined AMAC yet or renewed your membership, do it now. So you can continue to receive the show and access to our incredible member benefits. I’m Ben Ferguson. I’ll see you back next week for our next episode.


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Bill Brown
Bill Brown
4 years ago

The Democrats are Communists!!  The RINO’s are also Communists!!  The Republican Party as a hole is useless!!  We need a new Political Party – The Freedom Party founded from!!  Stand-up for America!!  Make the TRUMP Movement grow – Freedom NOW!!!!!

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
4 years ago

Democrats were the Slave Owners and ran the Slave Trade.  They are trying to tear-down their own monuments to cover-up their SINS!!!!!

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
4 years ago

The Democrat Party is being funded by the “One World Government”!!  Stand-up for America!!  Remove Every Democrat!!!!!

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
4 years ago

There is ONLY ONE CHOICE this November – The United States of America OR The United Soviet Socialist States of America!!!!!  Stand-up for America.  Remove Every Democrat!!!!!

Gary DeSantola
Gary DeSantola
4 years ago

We joined “AMAC” due to the left wing support provided by AARP and their control of marketing of services where you are forced to join their organization in order to reap any reward. Doing so puts most people unknowingly in the position of providing resources to programs or political processes that they would NOT support if they were aware of what their money was actually being used for.

4 years ago

I appreciate the information but there is a very big problem. The grammar is absolutely atrocious. Either the writer has poor grammar skills or the program AMAC is using causes the sentences to words to vanish or sentences are mixed up. I can’t share this information to my friends with this grammar issue.
Here is an example of what I am writing about in the AMAC newsletter.

The mayor decried the violence calling those who are responsible vigilantes. The police video showed one person dumping on a backpack with what appeared to be frozen water bottles, which were then thrown it officers demonstrated as also hurled fireworks. One Sergeant suffering or broken ice socket from the shrapnel police said the PVC pipe used to hold the black lives matter.

Joseph w Smith
Joseph w Smith
4 years ago

Love your news.

Gary s
Gary s
4 years ago

Maybe flamethrower would slow them down, what could work better, looks to me the cops are afraid to hurt anyone, so what is stopping them, nothing..

Gary s
Gary s
4 years ago

If I threw a rock at a cop, he would shoot me on the spot. Now I see things like bottles of piss, rocks, sticks and other things thrown and looks like the cops like it. What is going on, let’s teach these thugs some manners.
If you say a little something on a traffic stop, you end up in jail and your car gets impounded. Do something or they will burn the country down.

4 years ago

How pathetic that the so-called leaders of these cities will allow hardworking, law abiding citizens to watch their businesses and homes be burned to the ground, their family, friends and neighbors be beaten or worse, their children forced to stay indoors, literally in fear for their lives all while every tenet of the constitution that guarantees life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness is not only ignored but is actively trampled to the ground – all orchestrated because they hate the President? Come November, every incumbent except the President needs to be replaced – whether by action, word or silence and inaction, leaders on both sides are failing their country, their constituents and their President. I support every action by our President to bring law and order back to this country. Thank you Mr. President.

Janet Burkey
Janet Burkey
4 years ago

I would dearly love to look Joe Biden in the eye and tell him what I really think of him. This guy is a joke!

4 years ago

Effective Leadership to Eliminate Fragmentation and Re-establish Mission and Goals


The sheer volume of news, media, and other sources of point and counterpoint, it is too much, and the details are too voluminous. 
We cannot get our heads around all the minutia, nor is it necessary. The intent begs inquiry, and it is also too
much detail. The big picture has become too gruesome to believe in this United States, and it represents chaos.  The reported distraction with this riot, that cataclysmic event, mob A and mob B, are distracting to most people who see the jumble of confusion, but not thinking long-term, narrow specifics, and of priority.  What must occur to stop it? 
I suggest that the totality of conservative forces, people, groups, elected officials, and others stop right now with the fragmentation (yes, reporting is essential, but it also never gets to the finality of planning!).  Leading to:
Will someone, please take charge, someone with strong leadership, trust, honest, and demonstrated focused management; and organize a structured and progressive approach to the following:
1)  Stop the rioting, destruction, harm, and war on police.
2)  Get appropriate forces aligned and take back the country. It is NOT theirs!
3)  They have not built or contributed to the total goodness. The mob of mindless followers has no say unless
contribution and demonstrated loyalty is to all.
4)  Restore law and order.
5)  Bring needed change to social problems and needs.
6)  Bring people and communities back together, working collaboratively, and with purpose.
7)  Be inclusive in approach. Every elected person is the focus, and whose first obligation is to all people and
communities. If you prejudicial language, then you do not fit, for it is false and selfish with a hidden and
selfish agenda. We can fix all issues.
8)  Address problems and issues and determine sustainable solutions involved all sensible, non-selfish people
and make it the right thing to do.
9)  Implement term limits, with a stable and joint mission, vision, values, goals, and objectives as a national
all people purpose. It must reach down into every state, county, community, neighborhood, and value all
people equally, fairly, and with earnest sincerity as the core principle.
Recognition and organization to eliminate the fragmented approach are only gained with input for all people, not selected individuals, and partisanship. The current approach is unfair, biased, selfish, and wrong for America!
“Pulling together” is not a political and corrupt list; it is at the foundation of America, all of the people who are
rightfully here and whose head and heart is the well-being of American, its people, and its contribution to humanity. Too myopic a vision, self-serving, or some wrongful desire, it has no place here and must be
destroyed as reality.
Focus and focus more on productive and participative leadership – or it is not allowed. Informed citizens, truth,
and honesty is priority number one. Priority is the nation, its people, doing the right things, and contributing to a better humanity – goals we can achieve. If not, the seeds of our destruction are planted, time to stop their growth.
Promote this theme; it is the only pathway forward. The current destructive path is being allowed, time to stop it, at its base, and prevent further destruction and harm.   We are ruined at present; destruction is the next step unless we unite and return this United States to balance and constitutional purpose.
The current psychosis is harmful! Emotion and not thoughtful decisions are wrong, and it is what we now experience. We must determine who will take the banner and lead. Change emerging from a thoughtful and informed perspective leads to sustainable change, for all, and why are we not with that adopted focus? 
This message is not a negative finger pointing to the President, instead on the chaos of intent, selfish perspective, and harmful actions taking place by so many, for a variety of reasons, and whose selfishness if sickening. It is ruining this country and must change! We the public, the foundation of American value and history. 
Past time to get off the recliner and stand tall! Let your voices be heard, be unafraid, and demand that all representatives, so elected, stop the deviance and realign, for the clock ticks and chaos cannot withstand what is emerging.

Phil Hammersley
Phil Hammersley
4 years ago

We ALL need to get out and vote on November 3. Vote like our lives and country depend on it because it DOES!!
Anarchy, assault, looting–all come from the father of these miscreants: Satan himself!

4 years ago

Most of the time, I will not watch videos but will read the script. The “Open Season Joe Biden AMC” I had to decypher. I don’t mean to criticize it but it appears it had no editing. It was so full of grammar errors, it was hard to stay on track. I thought to myself, “this is not typical AMAC material”. After reading half way through, I had to give up, it was so confusing to say the least. Hopefully, the liberals did not read it but watched the video. However, thank you for all you are doing for our great country.

Karen Fazio
Karen Fazio
4 years ago

It’s hard to believe the hypocrisy going on in this country!!! Not to mention the double standards. If liberal left didn’t have double standards they wouldn’t have any. When the police no longer exist who will be there to assist in emergency situations? I truly wish there were some way to bring a lawsuit to the mass media for aiding and abetting anarchy. And Grampa Joe is doing nothing but pandering to low income voters. Free daycare???? How much will taxes go up to cover this debacle? Free Obamacare for illegal aliens? Good Lord let’s all pray President Trump is re-elected!

Robert S. White
Robert S. White
4 years ago


Robert S. White
Robert S. White
4 years ago


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