AMAC in the Media

No Fracking, Hunter Biden, Victory

Posted on Friday, October 30, 2020
The Association of Mature American Citizens
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Nancy Gurish
Nancy Gurish
4 years ago

Good info. Thank you for the video and news!

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
4 years ago

The DemocRats, The Media, Teachers Unions, etc. try to make us believe they are invincible!  They ARE NOT!  Push back against the bullies!! Join the Trump Movement – The American Revolution 2.0!!!  Become a Counter-Revolutionary!!!  Stand-up for Our Republic!!!!  Remove Every DemocRat!!!!!

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
4 years ago

What is happening today is exactly why OUR Founders wrote and passed the 2nd Amendment!!  If we are not willing to fight for OUR Country, we do not deserve to have it!!  There are STRONG indications that the “Left/Communists/DemocRats are planning some sort/level of THE “Reign of Terror” when President Trump wins reelection!!  Join the Trump Movement – The American Revolution Version 2.0!!!  Become a Counter-Revolutionary!!!  Stand-up for Our Republic!!!!  Remove Every DemocRat!!!!!

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
4 years ago

Get our Children our of Public Schools and turn-off Mainstream Media!  Become a Free American!!  Join the Trump Movement – The American Revolution 2.0!!!  Become a Counter-Revolutionary!!!  Stand-up for Our Republic!!!!  Remove Every DemocRat!!!!!

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
4 years ago

Both the DemocRat Party and the National and International News Media belong to the One World Government/Communist Machine!! Turn them all OFF!!  Join the Trump Movement – The American Revolution 2.0!!!  Become a Counter-Revolutionary!!!  Stand-up for America!!!!  Remove Every DemocRat!!!!!

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
4 years ago

Outstanding news for all Americans!!  Bad news for the DemocRats/Communists, News Media, and everyone who hates the United States of America!!  We must be ready to FIGHT for OUR Country!!  What is happening today is exactly why OUR Founders wrote and passed the 2nd Amendment!!  Join the Trump Movement – The American Revolution Version 2.0!!!  Become a Counter-Revolutionary!!!  Stand-up for Our Republic!!!!  Remove Every DemocRat!!!!!

4 years ago

Laughable – useless failed mayor of chicago lightfoot says they’re preparing for the worst come election day.
Maybe she should remove her head from her behind and notice daily shootings and murder in her city!!
Still waiting for a ” peaceful”
Protest by the rioters and looters!

4 years ago

It will truly be a sad day for America if people vote for liars,socialists, and corrupt failed Washington establishment over a America Firat President who has fulfilled ALL of his promises to the Citizens if this Great Country.
God be with us in the most important election in our life.
Vote for Life,Liberty & Freedom

Phil Hammersley
Phil Hammersley
4 years ago

Vote straight Republican–even for dog catcher! Even if you have to hold your nose for a RINO. Send the media and antifa and BLM a strong MESSAGE!

GT Patr
GT Patr
4 years ago

I admired Bush Jr until now. He is a DC swamp-jerk.

GT Patr
GT Patr
4 years ago

Its sad to see NO…NO…NO support from previous Repub presidents or candidates for Trump. McCain is dead and Bush and Romney hate
him. This tells us that our republican party has always been non-conservative and democrat – lite. Do not miss this point. The repub swamp
hates Trump as much as the dems. Rule #1: DO NOT disturb the swamp Rule #2: To hell with rule #1

GT Patr
GT Patr
4 years ago

Very disappointed that the Durham investigation yielded nothing after at least a year. We all know that if Biden is elected Durham will be shut
down forever. Hilllary, Brennan, Biden, Obama, Comey, McCabe and the entire cabal will be innocent. We know they aren’t but guilty means
you go behind bars and they are all guilty. If Trump is re-elected he needs to obtain a bulldog attorney general. One with fangs and venom and
claws. The repub equivalent of Weismann. Trump has picked wimps for AGs.

aluminum head
aluminum head
4 years ago

Stupid American voters got clinton “in” 2 X. Same for oboingo. If this retard gets in, somehow, I’m outta’ here. You can’t fix stupid would be the proof.

4 years ago

Unfortunately there are too many people out there that buy the Biden lies, hook, line and sinker. Young and Old. As a result, will not be surprised with a Biden win, as much as dread the thought. The younger GENZ and Millennials as well as minorities that support Biden are going to be hurt the most..

Steve Owen
Steve Owen
4 years ago

I see that Papa John’s is listed under Benefits > Dining. I firmly believe that many AMAC members, like me, are boycotting the NFL (et. al.) & their sponsors due to their disrespect for America (anthem, flag, etc.). I believe AMAC should review their sponsors & put pressure on them accordingly. I will be visiting this issue often before deciding to renew my annual membership.

Ron Howard
Ron Howard
4 years ago

Sadly, all of the anti-liberal news comes way too late. Most Americans have already voted. Most of the documented proof of corruption on the left has come too late to be very affective in the election. With the liberal push for (random) mail-in ballots to everyone, whether they requested one , or not, has led to more early voting, and to the likelihood of more voter fraud. We are presently engaged in a civil war. This election is going to be close. The best hope we have at this point is that there are enough reasonable minded Americans who have, or will vote, to preserve law and order, our Constitution, our civil rights, freedom of speech, freedom of religion, our right to self-protection, and vote to re-elect Donald Trump. My wife, Betty, who sadly passed away last July, and I sat up until 4: AM the morning of the last election, praying that Donald Trump would win over the corrupt Hilary Clinton. And I plan to do the same this election.

4 years ago

Why are you not talking about farming…putting food on the table…we don’t use horses anymore in case thee democrats don’t know….we use tractors and they require diesel and gasoline.

4 years ago

We mush hold all of the slim-balls in the Lincoln project 1616 accountable for their clearly communist views, they are insiders and War mongers

4 years ago

i think the poles are false, ive heared alot of demtards are yelling binden for president then secretly going to vote for….TRUMP. HAHAHAHA !

Art A
Art A
4 years ago

TUESDAY WILL OBVIOUSLY PROVIDE THE ANSWER. 1) The useful idiots will deliver a major blow to our Democratic Republic or 2) We win a four year reprieve and a future of more growth and hopefully some respite from Covid-19 but with a constant harping from the nattering nabobs of Socialism constantly in the background.

Iam still puzzled at how a candidate finished last in her home state primary is now the candidate for the vice presidency.


GT Patr
GT Patr
4 years ago

Lets remain upbeat and pray for the holy grail. White House, Senate AND The House.

4 years ago

Consider the relief the Bidens must feel knowing that an equally corrupt and criminal national network news media is covering up their crimes. Let’s show these criminals on Nov 3rd that we aren’t fooled!

4 years ago

Fracking is vital to America energy independence, “Period, come on man”. If the republican’s don’t take control of the House and keep the Senate, Hunter and Joe Biden crime family will get off scot free and America will be in the waning days as a free Nation. America will only survive if we have a Republican victory and we can clean up the corruption in Washington D.C.
Pray for a Republican victory !
God Bless Donald J. Trump !
God Bless America !
God Bless the NRA !
Save America, Vote Republican !
And the Left can Kiss My Grit’s !

4 years ago

unfortunately the mass public is that stupid/gullible! remember queen hrc won the 2016 popular vote.and that was just 2016. bho two terms. so yes they have history to show that the american people are that dumb

Lynne Pace
Lynne Pace
4 years ago

LIE, LIE, LIE! That is all they do. Everyone needs to vote to get all of these lying, loony liberals out of Washington on Tuesday!!

Lynne Pace
Lynne Pace
4 years ago

LIE, LIE, LIE! That is all they do. Everyone needs to vote to get all of these lying, loony liberals out of Washington on Tuesday!!

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