AMAC in the Media

May 12 Coronavirus Update from the Trump Administration

Posted on Tuesday, May 12, 2020
The Association of Mature American Citizens

Unprecedented Testing Program

PRESIDENT TRUMP: “We launched the largest manufacturing ramp up since the second world war. There’s been nothing like it since. At the center of this industrial and scientific mobilization was the development of our coronavirus testing capabilities.”

PRESIDENT TRUMP: “In the span of just a few short months, we have developed a testing capacity unmatched and unrivaled anywhere in the world and it’s not even close.”

PRESIDENT TRUMP: “In three months the FDA has authorized more than 92 different tests and over 9 million have been performed here in the United States.”

PRESIDENT TRUMP: “Three weeks ago we were conducting roughly 150,000 tests per day. Now, we are doing approximately 300,000 tests per day, a 100% increase.”

PRESIDENT TRUMP: “This week, the United States will pass 10 million tests conducted, nearly double the number of any other country. We are testing more people per capita than South Korea, the United Kingdom, France, Japan, Sweden, Finland, and many other countries, and in some cases combined.”

PRESIDENT TRUMP: “We have now — and nobody says it, they just don’t want to write it — by far, more tests than any other country in the world, not even a contest, and the quality of our test is the best anywhere in the world.”

Supporting State and Local Efforts

PRESIDENT TRUMP: “I said from the beginning that the Federal government would back up the states and help them build their testing capabilities and capacities, and that’s exactly what has happened.”

PRESIDENT TRUMP: “My administration located 5,000 machines in 700 labs across all 50 states, and governors have learned how to maximize these testing resources.”

PRESIDENT TRUMP: “The Federal government is also supporting states with vital supplies, quick approvals of new tests, and one-on-one coaching from the team here at the White House on how to increase capacity and increase it very quickly. In recent weeks, we’ve held multiple conference calls with every state as well as with D.C. and Puerto Rico.”

PRESIDENT TRUMP: “We jointly developed projection goals for each state for the month of May, altogether totaling 12.9 million tests – think of that – 12.9 million tests.”

ASSISTANT SECRETARY ADM. GIROIR: “I think we’ve been clear all along that we believe and the data indicate we have enough testing to do the phase one gradual reopening that has been supported in the President’s plan and Task Force plan.”

PRESIDENT TRUMP: “To further expand our nation’s testing capabilities, this afternoon I am announcing that my administration — and we’ve got this all approved – it’s all done — is sending $[11] billion to America’s states, territories, and tribes.”

PRESIDENT TRUMP: “Today, I am announcing my administration will provide the collection supplies to help states meet their targets, and meet them rapidly. During the month of May, FEMA and HHS will be delivering 12.9 million swabs to states nationwide.”

PRESIDENT TRUMP: “My administration will also provide approximately 9 million transport media which are used to transfer swabs to the lab processing.”

PRESIDENT TRUMP: “As a result of these actions, every single state will be able to test more people per capita in May alone than South Korea has tested in four months since the outbreak began.”

Partnering with the Private Sector to Open Testing Sites

PRESIDENT TRUMP: “Through our partnership with the private sector, leading pharmacies and retailers are now operating over 240 testing sites across the country and that is in addition to all of the other sites that we have working.”

PRESIDENT TRUMP: “70 percent of these sites are located in communities with unique vulnerabilities.”

PRESIDENT TRUMP: “There will be more than 300 sites by the end of this week, and retailers are making plans to open up hundreds and hundreds more locations within the next 30 days.”

New Antigen Test

PRESIDENT TRUMP: “On Friday, the FDA authorized coronavirus antigen tests and alternative testing technology that can be much more readily manufactured. Quidel Corporation, which makes this newly authorized point-of-care test, estimates that it will be able to manufacture 150,000 tests per day, immediately increasing to 300,000 tests per day within just a few weeks.”

Critical Medical Supplies

PRESIDENT TRUMP: “In addition to vast amounts of testing supplies, my administration has partnered with the private sector to coordinate the delivery of more than 90 million N-95 masks … 126 million surgical masks — likewise, many are made here. 9 million face shields, 21 million surgical gowns, 993 million gloves, and 10,690 ventilators.”

Serving All Communities

  • President Trump is committed to providing health and economic support to underserved communities affected by coronavirus.
    • PRESIDENT TRUMP: “My administration is pursuing a comprehensive strategy to address the full spectrum of needs in these communities, supporting both health and economic revitalization.”
  • The President is determined to deliver opportunity and prosperity for all Americans.
    • PRESIDENT TRUMP: “As President, I’m absolutely determined to deliver a great future for Americans of every race, religion, color, and creed.  Before our nation was attacked by this horrible enemy, our African American and Hispanic American citizens were prospering like never before.”

Providing Needed Resources

  • The President directed the White House Opportunity and Revitalization Council to refocus on assisting underserved communities impacted by the virus.
  • The Administration is investing approximately $2 billion in community health centers, helping their 28 million patients receive the care and testing they need.
  • President Trump signed legislation to guarantee coronavirus testing free of cost-sharing and the Federal Government is helping to cover the cost of treatment for uninsured patients.
  • President Trump signed legislation providing $60 billion in loans under the Paycheck Protection Program targeted to support minority and disadvantaged communities.
  • The President signed legislation providing $1 billion to Historically Black Colleges and Universities, Hispanic serving institutions, and other minority serving institutions impacted by the coronavirus.
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