2 years ago
AARP does not support free and fair elections, god bless Amac a 5 star great lifetime membership
2 years ago
Starting around 1770 Americans that could arm themselves did so, knowing that another Boston Massacre could happen at anytime and anywhere British Troops were present. This is the primary reason the 2nd amendment was confirmed in the Bill of Rights. Arming the population was the primary reason America was successful. Americans were hunters and learned to use the weapons of the day effectively and fought like the native Americans that hunted by stealth. If American farmers, black smith’s, clothiers, merchants and many other concerns that gather, from every European nation, for a new life away from the authoritarian governments in Europe, hadn’t been armed, as meagerly as they were in 1770, the British and their allies from abroad and local native Americans would have been the victories. Do you really think our homeland enemies, criminals, won’t be armed regardless of the law, they are criminals, they break the law. Criminals will be equipped with the latest weapons they can get. Do existing felons carry weapons? Do felons use them? Crazy is crazy so, having juvenile records available to prosecutor’s for any gun violations is one law we can pass that would be a giant step toward providing the public real safety. Then make laws with teeth. 1. Use any firearm while committing a crime, felony, go to jail, no bail, minimum 5 years. 2. Use any firearm committing a crime and discharge the firearm, felony, go to jail, no bail, minimum 15 years in prison. 3. Use any firearm committing a crime and discharge the firearm and cause bodily harm to others, felony, go to jail, no bail, minimum 25 years in prison. 4. Use any firearm committing a crime and discharge the firearm causing death, felony, go to jail, no bail, minimum life in prison. Tell our useless V.P. Ka-mal-la Harris to stop supporting criminals, and actually do something for her adopted country! She has no idea how much damage her concept of gun control would do to every American. Tell her to pass that on to all the other adopted citizens in congress. We need Americans running our government. Americans who have blood in the sand and an American family heritage!
2 years ago
Great idea Lynne. Only problem we need a leader to get behind and vote our people in and the treasonous people out But wait what happens if they don’t want to leave. Got to have a leader to change governments USA is unique because governments change in Non violent ways maybe until now .Let us hope and pray for a change in government based on the constitution and be as Lincoln stated of,by, and for the people. Ammo prices are falling and guns are reasonable never know when you have to hunt deer to survivem
2 years ago
I am in security for over 40 years.An elderly woman called for a heavy deadbolt on her home.While installing her request she started to cry and explained her tears over cookies and coffee. 7 numbers tattooed on her wrist . A German Jew in a concentration camp a survivor. Her statement to me and I to you,the first things they control is food then reduce police and government will protect you and last take your guns.When you give them up they control you. .Control and kill the masses.One last comment,spent 2 years in Viet Nam , Pleiku area. Saw 200 south Viet Nam solders guarding a large house out comes a man it was Ky premier of Viet Nam. gets in a Mersdes Benz limo and looks at me.All that security and I was 20 feet from him so one year later CBS tv has a program ‘someone you should know’which interviewed local people and it was Ky honest Wheaton Illinois.USA gave him big money and he bought a Food store in Wheaton.2 blocks from Ky in Nam people living in cardboard boxes and grass huts eating one meal a day. Our future I hope not.
John J Craig
2 years ago
You know, schools don’t teach kids anything except how to hate this country and to be activist against the Constitution. They are all taught by left leaning teachers who follow the NEA curriculum, written by the left! If they don’t get there way, it is all about physically beating the right and conservatives and taking away our rights.
John J Craig
2 years ago
Pritzker talked about the revolutionaries carrying only muskets, he forgot too mention, they could also have cannons, which is what out semi rifles replaced. Pritzker like Biden and Obama, don’t care about our weapons, they just want power and control and to disarm us!
2 years ago
liberals are pro-communists
2 years ago
his father helped him get the weapons
David Millikan
2 years ago
WHY did the U.N. delete article on, ‘BENEFITS of WORLD HUNGER?’
Is it because that’s exactly what DICTATOR Beijing biden is doing to the UNITED STATES of AMERICA and rest of the WORLD?
Or, is it because of the ‘LIBERAL WORLD ORDER’ which is you can’t live without the FASCIST regime according to DICTATOR Beijing biden and FASCIST liberals?
Either way, the U.N. article outlines the same for ‘LIBERAL WORLD ORDER’ turning EVERYBODY into SLAVES and giving the U.N. TOTAL Power Over the UNITED STATES of AMERICA.
Doesn’t take a genius to figure it out.
Philip Hammersley
2 years ago
Civilians had BETTER weapons than most soldiers in the Civil War. They had repeating rifles (assault weapons?) before the Union or Confederate Armies did. Of course, slow Joey FALSELY said that our Founders outlawed cannons; they are still LEGAL today!
2 years ago
I know it’s been said before but when guns are outlawed,only outlaws will have guns.Remember the words of William Pitt.”Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human liberty; it is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves.”
Lynne Pace
2 years ago
Without retoric or hyperbole, this is one of the most dangerous times for our Republic. We need to stand together, voice our concerns, call out the BS loudly and repeatably and VOTE (and support AMAC in getting out the truth!).
Barry L. Gardner
2 years ago
We need to look at history because what is happening here in this country is what happened in Germany prior to WWll Hitler did the same thing as the Dem are now trying to do here
Francis R Hoffman
2 years ago
Please would some-one counter the statements of the Illinois governor. In the Revolutionary War Battle of King’s Mountain the “Overmountain_Men” had rifles that I believe was a major factor for our success against Loyalists forces that held very high ground. It was also this victory that convinced the French and Spanish to enter the war on our side. So citizens were better armed then our army who primarily had muskets.
2 years ago
Some thoughts:
Slooow Joe had the nerve to trash the SCOTUS for doing their job. I hope they trash him for not doing his. Then he used his BS executive proclamation to tell women that they now have a reason to vote.
Warren,AOC,and the the rest of the congressional crisis managers want to pack the courts. That is so FDR. Packing the courts,if it gets done,would change and increase by whomever is in the majority. Just another proposed clown act. Another crisis to be solved? As an aside, I live in Massachusetts and our politicians just passed legislation identifying Massachusetts as an abortion sanctuary even though abortion on demand is the law. Another waste just to say you did something.
Question: I use an unloaded AR knockoff or other long gun or even an unloaded hand gun to bludgeon another person. Is that to be considered gun violence?
2 years ago
This country was born with love and guns and we will fight for it anyway we can. The democrats are nothing more than evil trying to make everybody else evil.Look at the city that has a democrat control and you have evil.Biden and the rest of his democrat buddies need to go to Russia or Cuba .
Stan d. Upnow
2 years ago
What really bothers me is the number and distribution of those who are anti-American, yet, are born Americans. They are seemingly huge in number, or at least the media helps it seem so, and coast-to-coast. Of course, they are mainly concentrated in urban areas usually run by the Progressive-Socialists, but that’s of little comfort.
Some argue that these destructive morons are a product of our education system, and there’s no doubt that’s true. The Left has made a concerted effort to infiltrate our schools and influence young minds for a Long time. Their relentless push towards their goals is quite amazing. If only those on the Right were as steadfast!
2 years ago
Thanks Lloyd! Agree
2 years ago
When the guns are gone the real problems start. The law enforcement and military know that as long as citizens are armed they can’t take the population into control.
2 years ago
When the guns are gone the real problems start. The law enforcement and military know that as long as citizens are armed they can’t take the population into control.
AARP does not support free and fair elections, god bless Amac a 5 star great lifetime membership
Starting around 1770 Americans that could arm themselves did so, knowing that another Boston Massacre could happen at anytime and anywhere British Troops were present. This is the primary reason the 2nd amendment was confirmed in the Bill of Rights. Arming the population was the primary reason America was successful. Americans were hunters and learned to use the weapons of the day effectively and fought like the native Americans that hunted by stealth. If American farmers, black smith’s, clothiers, merchants and many other concerns that gather, from every European nation, for a new life away from the authoritarian governments in Europe, hadn’t been armed, as meagerly as they were in 1770, the British and their allies from abroad and local native Americans would have been the victories. Do you really think our homeland enemies, criminals, won’t be armed regardless of the law, they are criminals, they break the law. Criminals will be equipped with the latest weapons they can get. Do existing felons carry weapons? Do felons use them? Crazy is crazy so, having juvenile records available to prosecutor’s for any gun violations is one law we can pass that would be a giant step toward providing the public real safety. Then make laws with teeth. 1. Use any firearm while committing a crime, felony, go to jail, no bail, minimum 5 years. 2. Use any firearm committing a crime and discharge the firearm, felony, go to jail, no bail, minimum 15 years in prison. 3. Use any firearm committing a crime and discharge the firearm and cause bodily harm to others, felony, go to jail, no bail, minimum 25 years in prison. 4. Use any firearm committing a crime and discharge the firearm causing death, felony, go to jail, no bail, minimum life in prison. Tell our useless V.P. Ka-mal-la Harris to stop supporting criminals, and actually do something for her adopted country! She has no idea how much damage her concept of gun control would do to every American. Tell her to pass that on to all the other adopted citizens in congress. We need Americans running our government. Americans who have blood in the sand and an American family heritage!
Great idea Lynne. Only problem we need a leader to get behind and vote our people in and the treasonous people out But wait what happens if they don’t want to leave. Got to have a leader to change governments USA is unique because governments change in Non violent ways maybe until now .Let us hope and pray for a change in government based on the constitution and be as Lincoln stated of,by, and for the people. Ammo prices are falling and guns are reasonable never know when you have to hunt deer to survivem
I am in security for over 40 years.An elderly woman called for a heavy deadbolt on her home.While installing her request she started to cry and explained her tears over cookies and coffee. 7 numbers tattooed on her wrist . A German Jew in a concentration camp a survivor. Her statement to me and I to you,the first things they control is food then reduce police and government will protect you and last take your guns.When you give them up they control you. .Control and kill the masses.One last comment,spent 2 years in Viet Nam , Pleiku area. Saw 200 south Viet Nam solders guarding a large house out comes a man it was Ky premier of Viet Nam. gets in a Mersdes Benz limo and looks at me.All that security and I was 20 feet from him so one year later CBS tv has a program ‘someone you should know’which interviewed local people and it was Ky honest Wheaton Illinois.USA gave him big money and he bought a Food store in Wheaton.2 blocks from Ky in Nam people living in cardboard boxes and grass huts eating one meal a day. Our future I hope not.
You know, schools don’t teach kids anything except how to hate this country and to be activist against the Constitution. They are all taught by left leaning teachers who follow the NEA curriculum, written by the left! If they don’t get there way, it is all about physically beating the right and conservatives and taking away our rights.
Pritzker talked about the revolutionaries carrying only muskets, he forgot too mention, they could also have cannons, which is what out semi rifles replaced. Pritzker like Biden and Obama, don’t care about our weapons, they just want power and control and to disarm us!
liberals are pro-communists
his father helped him get the weapons
WHY did the U.N. delete article on, ‘BENEFITS of WORLD HUNGER?’
Is it because that’s exactly what DICTATOR Beijing biden is doing to the UNITED STATES of AMERICA and rest of the WORLD?
Or, is it because of the ‘LIBERAL WORLD ORDER’ which is you can’t live without the FASCIST regime according to DICTATOR Beijing biden and FASCIST liberals?
Either way, the U.N. article outlines the same for ‘LIBERAL WORLD ORDER’ turning EVERYBODY into SLAVES and giving the U.N. TOTAL Power Over the UNITED STATES of AMERICA.
Doesn’t take a genius to figure it out.
Civilians had BETTER weapons than most soldiers in the Civil War. They had repeating rifles (assault weapons?) before the Union or Confederate Armies did. Of course, slow Joey FALSELY said that our Founders outlawed cannons; they are still LEGAL today!
I know it’s been said before but when guns are outlawed,only outlaws will have guns.Remember the words of William Pitt.”Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human liberty; it is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves.”
Without retoric or hyperbole, this is one of the most dangerous times for our Republic. We need to stand together, voice our concerns, call out the BS loudly and repeatably and VOTE (and support AMAC in getting out the truth!).
We need to look at history because what is happening here in this country is what happened in Germany prior to WWll Hitler did the same thing as the Dem are now trying to do here
Please would some-one counter the statements of the Illinois governor. In the Revolutionary War Battle of King’s Mountain the “Overmountain_Men” had rifles that I believe was a major factor for our success against Loyalists forces that held very high ground. It was also this victory that convinced the French and Spanish to enter the war on our side. So citizens were better armed then our army who primarily had muskets.
Some thoughts:
Slooow Joe had the nerve to trash the SCOTUS for doing their job. I hope they trash him for not doing his. Then he used his BS executive proclamation to tell women that they now have a reason to vote.
Warren,AOC,and the the rest of the congressional crisis managers want to pack the courts. That is so FDR. Packing the courts,if it gets done,would change and increase by whomever is in the majority. Just another proposed clown act. Another crisis to be solved? As an aside, I live in Massachusetts and our politicians just passed legislation identifying Massachusetts as an abortion sanctuary even though abortion on demand is the law. Another waste just to say you did something.
Question: I use an unloaded AR knockoff or other long gun or even an unloaded hand gun to bludgeon another person. Is that to be considered gun violence?
This country was born with love and guns and we will fight for it anyway we can. The democrats are nothing more than evil trying to make everybody else evil.Look at the city that has a democrat control and you have evil.Biden and the rest of his democrat buddies need to go to Russia or Cuba .
What really bothers me is the number and distribution of those who are anti-American, yet, are born Americans. They are seemingly huge in number, or at least the media helps it seem so, and coast-to-coast. Of course, they are mainly concentrated in urban areas usually run by the Progressive-Socialists, but that’s of little comfort.
Some argue that these destructive morons are a product of our education system, and there’s no doubt that’s true. The Left has made a concerted effort to infiltrate our schools and influence young minds for a Long time. Their relentless push towards their goals is quite amazing. If only those on the Right were as steadfast!
Thanks Lloyd! Agree
When the guns are gone the real problems start. The law enforcement and military know that as long as citizens are armed they can’t take the population into control.
When the guns are gone the real problems start. The law enforcement and military know that as long as citizens are armed they can’t take the population into control.