AMAC in the Media

Liberal Pork, Censorship, AMAC

Posted on Friday, February 26, 2021
The Association of Mature American Citizens

First up, liberals have put forth a new $1.9 trillion spending bill for “COVID relief.” The problem is that virtually none of the money is going toward COVID. Next, House Democrats are demanding major conservative news networks like FOX, OAN, and NEWSMAX be removed from television. And finally, AMAC CEO, Rebecca Weber discusses AMAC’s 2020 Man of the Year, Donald Trump.

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David P Nelson
David P Nelson
3 years ago

Good work, Ben/Becky. The Conservative Values in our GREAT Country must prevail.

Sue Ann Cooley
Sue Ann Cooley
3 years ago

I have nothing to say about the comments at present. If someone gets this I need help with our subscription. We paid our dues but have not received the information packet. We must have the information and cards to be able to present them to a doctor or dentist or pharmacy. PLEASE help us!

Ron Howard
Ron Howard
3 years ago

The Democrats are going full out to destroy the values and freedoms of America. It is up to the people to fight back in every legal way possible. And while I am against all censorship in general, and will probably catch some flack from some of you for saying it, I do not believe in total freedom at any level. There must be limits on all things, including absolute freedom. We don’t allow complete freedom now, I mean you can do anything you want, but you have to pay the consequences for doing some things, murder, rape, etc., and I feel that there must be some limits to free speech, when it comes to speech that incites riots, yelling fire in a theater when there is no fire, etc. Without some limits on freedom you have anarchy.

And maybe I am being picky when I want to clarify the often misunderstood RIGHTS that some think the Second Amendment gives us. The Second Amendment does not Give us any rights, it merely CONFIRMS our God given right to self protection. The Founding Fathers could not bestow a right on us that already existed, so they confirmed that right, stating that it “shall not be infringed”.

Getting back to censorship, which AMAC claims to be fighting, I have written AMAC twice requesting an explanation as to why certain comments made in response to AMAC articles are “Held for Approval” before being posted. I am still waiting for a reply, and have been unsuccessful in seeing if my comments were ever eventually approved. I am a strong supporter of AMAC, a patriotic, 2-time veteran, and Conservative American, but feel that holding a comment for approval before posting to be censorship. This has happened primarily when I have included a link or phone number to a site to obtain more information, mainly for getting information concerning the Convention of States, which is a provision in the Constitution (Article V) for remedying out of control government. I don’t understand why that information needs approval. It is merely a link for more information about an Article of the Constitution.

3 years ago

The democrats will start a wore in this country if they keep going like they are now.

3 years ago

The democrats are slippery and smart. They intimated the Republicans and got everything they wanted. Hmm who’s stupid…

Phil Hammersley
Phil Hammersley
3 years ago

Social and financial Marxists want to gut the First and Second Amendment and bring in millions of illegal aliens to steal American jobs! They need “peons” on the government teat who must vote DIMM to keep their handouts!

Lois Ouellette
Lois Ouellette
3 years ago

We ALL need to get more involved and either share your support or voice your opinions in polls, calls or emails to your Congressmen, senators, etc – don’t just say ‘oh well’ the government does what they want – they are PAID BY US, TO WORK FOR US, NOT THEIR IMDIVIDUAL OPINIONS OR THEIR NEED FOR CONTROL AND GREED Remember, they are spending our money for all of their ridiculous ‘wants or needs’ – Soros needs to be taken to court for his illegal acts (paying attorneys) to way-lay our constitution and spewing false info on socialism – it’s NOT what works

Geraldine M York
Geraldine M York
3 years ago

I am 80 yrs, old. My dad taught me to shoot when I could hardly hold the gun still. He was railroad police. My husband and some of our kids, black powder shot and we belonged to a club and dressed in the old style frontier clothes. It was family fun and instruction on how our ancestors lived. I got my magazine with Trump’s picture and it has been put away for safekeeping.

Wayne White
Wayne White
3 years ago

With all this going on in DC it is time for the call of the states CONGRESS to make the rules for DC. AMAC needs to promote this.

Barbara D
Barbara D
3 years ago

Mishandling of mail is a Federal Crime! I wonder how many conservative mail-in ballots met the same fate??? Can no one be trusted in this country? Ethics, honor and morals have drained out of too many people. Does anyone teach their kids right from wrong anymore? Or are they all raised by wolves?

3 years ago

I haven’t received any membership magazines to date, I think my mail carrier is a Democrat, Who is about to not have any teeth left in his mouth.

3 years ago

My fellow John Birch Society members locally were similarly also not receiving our monthly bulletins, sinister employees of the postal system were obviously trash canning them. Upon placing them into plain white envelopes, we are all receiving them again.

Art A
Art A
3 years ago

“AMERICAN RESCUE PLAN” NOW AND “CARES PLAN” PREVIOUSLY PASSED. I AM ASTOUNDED BY THE COMPASSION OF THE LAW GIVERS. NOT. There is so much to not like in these proposals. $100,000,000 for a tunnel to Silicone Valley? That is pocket change for those clowns. Let them build their own tunnel as I am sure if they put up the money all permits needed would be streamlined to help them out. Option: Build your own corporate housing on campus for employees.
I know it has been said before,but why spend all of this money forward when there are BILLIONS sitting in the coffers for previous release??? One final note from the “Commonwealth” of Taxachusetts is that our MINIMUM WAGE IS ALREADY OVER $12.00/HOUR.

John A. Fallon
John A. Fallon
3 years ago

chinajoe will ship millions of manufacturing jobs to china, AMERICA survived WW1&WW2 because of our manufacturing capability, how do we survive WW3? WE DON’T!!! how do we VOTE THESE CROOKS OUT IN 2022? THEY WERE ABLE TO GET AWAY WITH VOTER FRAUD!!! DO YOU SERIOUSLY THINK THEY WILL EVER ALLOW ANOTHER HONEST ELECTION? LETS GET REAL PEOPLE, WE NEED TO PROVE VOTER FRAUD NOW!!!!!!! MAGA!!!!!!!!!!!!

Suzanne Harrington
Suzanne Harrington
3 years ago

Terrific weekly news wrap-up. Love how AMAC reports the truth and exposes liberal Dem socialists for what they really are doing.

John A. Fallon
John A. Fallon
3 years ago

He has absoltely no idea what he signed, ALL the money goes to socialist groups to help DESTROY AMERICA , big-tech bailouts, all the pork that THE LEGITIMATE PRESIDENT TRUMP TOOK AWAY FROM THEM!!! TEACHERS SHOULD BE TREATED LIKE AIR TRAFFIC CONTROLLERS AND STRIPPED OF THE RIGHT TO STRIKE!! STOP THE STEAL, MAGA!!!!! It is not about the first or second amendment,

Nancy Carr
Nancy Carr
3 years ago

Rebecca please don’t show any cleavage. Thanks

J. Farley
J. Farley
3 years ago

Some how we need to convince people to stand up to all this crap and start fighting back !

Lynne Pace
Lynne Pace
3 years ago

FINALLY! An app – SO excited!! Now I know I will get my AMAC news!!

Lynne Pace
Lynne Pace
3 years ago

Thank goodness for AMAC – one of the LAST places to get the truth!

3 years ago

Why/When will someone start an impeachment proceeding against: pelosi, or schummer, or a.o.c., or omar?
Why are the dems so stupid as to add their junk stuff (tunnel, bridge etc) to their relief bill?

3 years ago

you’re s’posed to represent us (sr.s)! why aren’t you addressing how the minimum wage will affect us sr.s & soc.sec. recipients on fixed incomes?? if min.wage’s passed, prices for goods & services will increase! there are no provisions for our fixed incomes to increase proportionally. i implore you to advocate for us with local, state, and federal legislators to address this problem!!!!nw

3 years ago

I sure hope that the whole “minimum wage” thing just does not pass, or the gun control. Both are very bad, one for the economy, and the other for our rights. I’m not happy with this stupid Congress. What a bunch of dummies!

3 years ago

This is crazy!! The government is supposed to protect our rights, but they are attacking/removing our rights. This has got to stop! Thank you AMAC for standing up for us!!

3 years ago

You might also put an icon to share on GAB as you have with FB, Twitter etc.

Jean R
Jean R
3 years ago

One problem, there are those of us who don’t have smart phones, or even cell phones. We rely on our computers, the app won’t help us!

3 years ago

Go to GAB as an alternative to FB etc.

3 years ago

Constitutional Crisis in America…

3 years ago

Constitutional Crisis in America…

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