First up, Joe Biden officially chooses Kamala Harris as his running mate. Also, Seattle’s police chief resigns amid protests. Finally, AMAC Spokesperson Robert Charles discusses the Harris pick and the Democratic Party’s move to the hard left.
Full Transcript
Ben Ferguson:
Hi, I’m Ben Ferguson and welcome to your AMAC weekly news. It was a big week. Joe Biden officially announced his running mate as being Senator Kamala Harris. Now, with this pick, it’s supposed to just be about history. Why? Because she becomes the first African American woman to serve as a major political parties, VP candidate. However Harris carries with her some serious baggage. What is it? I’ll tell you about it coming up in just a moment. Also, the situation in major cities across the country is now so bad when it comes to violence at the hands of Antifa and black lives matter that even the Seattle police chief decided to resign. Not only that, but Chicago is in the midst of such destruction that even the mayor has explaining that looting and destruction has nothing to do with first amendment expression, more on that and how these cities are trying to now deal with the monarchy in just a moment. And finally, we’ll be joined by AMAC’s national spokesman. Bobby Charles, talk about this big pick of Kamala Harris and the NRA under attack. Quick reminder, if you haven’t shared this video with your family and friends and you want to irritate the left hit share right now, your AMAC weekly news starts right now.
Ben Ferguson:
It’s official. Kamala Harris will be running alongside Joe Biden as his vice presidential candidate. Now, this is an interesting pair for many reasons. Yes, this is a very strange pig due to their extremely Rocky relationship over the past year and a half, do not forget that Senator Kamala Harris attacked Biden’s racist policies on the debate stage on more than one occasion. You don’t believe me. Take a look at this
Kamala Harris:
Vice president Biden. Do you agree today? Do you agree today that you were wrong to oppose busing in America? Do you agree?
Joe Biden:
I did not oppose busing in America. What I opposed is busing ordered by the department of education. That’s what I opposed.
Kamala Harris:
There was a failure of States to integrate public schools in America. I was part of the second class to integrate Berkeley, California public schools, almost two decades after Brown V board of education.
Joe Biden:
Because your city council made that decision. It was a local decison.
Kamala Harris:
So that’s when the federal government must step in. That’s why we need to pass the ERA because there are moments in history where States fail to preserve the civil rights of our people.
Ben Ferguson:
Now by December of 2019, Senator Harris actually ended her run for the presidency. Three months later, she reluctantly endorsed Joe Biden when virtually no one else was around yet, she gave no money to his campaign, even though she has to many, many other democratic candidates, including some that were running for the nomination. Now, following that Biden was accused of sexual assault and Senator Harris attacked Biden, again, when she said on camera, she believed the woman who accused Biden of sexual assault. Take a look.
Kamala Harris:
I believe them and I, I respect, um, them being able to tell their story and having the courage to do it.
Do you believe that the vice president should enter this race?
Kamala Harris:
Oh, he’s going to have to make that decision for himself. I wouldn’t tell him what to do.
Ben Ferguson:
Now, Biden’s team at this point knew they had a major problem and they had to fix this issue quickly to make sure they didn’t lose all of the women voters, especially those in the Me Too movement. And that is when Biden came out at a press conference and vowed to choose a woman as his vice presidential candidate to make it all go away. But Biden wasn’t done yet. Or at least his supporters, there were new demands being made. He was pressured by a group of over a hundred African American male leaders demanding that Joe Biden not just choose a woman, but only choose an African American woman or else. Well then it happened the woman who attacked Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and the woman who said she believed the accusers that were coming after Joe Biden has now become the vice presidential choice. Yeah, you cannot make this up, but this is what pandering actually looks like.
Ben Ferguson:
And many are now saying that there’s problems with the choice. I’m talking about Harris as an individual and her moral compass. We now know this from, well, her past, and it’s been exposed by her former boss, San Francisco, mayor, Willie Brown. He actually warned Harris and the Biden campaign to not make her the nominee. Why? Because of her past with him. Now they did have an affair, so he says that she could get ahead and Brown has come out and said, all right, I’ll tell you the whole story. He even revealed the threats that came from Kamala Harris to him to lock him up once she had more power in government in California than he did, he wrote just last week, quote, “the difference is that Harris is the only one who after I helped her sent word, that I would be indicted. If I so much, as jaywalked while she was the DA.” Now let’s also not forget that Harris campaign ended for a real reason. That reason was she wasn’t a good candidate. The same woman that wants to legalize marijuana has a record of jailing more than 2000 people for marijuana related offenses. And she’s even joked about smoking weed herself. Harris also claimed she is proud of her record as a prosecutor. Yet her campaign for president was utterly destroyed by one comment made by representative Gabbard during a debate last July. Take a look.
Tulsi Gabbard:
Senator Harris says, she’s proud of her record as a prosecutor, and that she’ll be a prosecutor president, but I’m deeply concerned about this record. There are too many examples to cite, but she put over 1500 people in jail for marijuana violations and then laughed about it when she was asked, if she ever smoked marijuana. She blocked evidence that would have freed an innocent man from death row until the courts forced her to do so. She kept people in prison beyond their sentences to use them as cheap labor for the state of California. And she fought to keep cash bail system in place that impacts poor people in the worst kind of way.
Ben Ferguson:
There’s another real problem for Harris and that is she has changed her positions continuously over time. Yes. On the issue of drugs in this country. But she’s also plans to move forward with other extreme ideas like gun control laws, including the ability for individuals, including law enforcement members and family members to quote “petition a federal court to temporarily restrict a person’s access to guns if they exhibit clear evidence of dangerousness.” Yeah, that is an actual quote from Kamala Harris and her campaign. Now what’s even more crazy than that is the fact that what she’s advocating for is that any American could lose their second amendment right, whether they have broken a law or not. Meaning you haven’t broken a law, the government could still come to your house and take away all of your firearms. Now that’s not the only extreme thing that Harris has actually said.
Ben Ferguson:
She compared federal ice agents to the KKK. She was a cosponsor of the green new deal with AOC. You know, that deal that says, we’ve got to get rid of airplanes and all of the engines in your car. Now, when she was originally mentioned as a potential VP pick for Biden, her team called the talks, sexist, infuriating, and demeaning. Yet here we are. We all know that the person in the VP spot will completely control the country and the policies in the Biden administration. And this is exactly why we need to fight even harder to make sure that our president remains in office for four more years. And that is exactly why AMAC is here to make sure that you have the information needed to help spread the word about the radical ideas coming from the Biden / Harris campaign. Chaos, anarchy, looting – nationwide in liberal cities.
Ben Ferguson:
And Seattle is one of about 20 different cities in the United States that have begun to take away funding from their own police departments, also known as defunding the police. Just this week, Seattle did that, and police chief responded by announcing that she had had enough. Now, remember, Seattle is the city that allowed a new nation to be built an autonomous zone called CHAZ. And then that didn’t work so they changed the name to CHOP. Well, she had to deal with that alongside her fellow officers after even their own police precinct was shut down. So what did the city council in Seattle do in response to the anarchy? They made a decision to reduce the department by as many as a hundred officers through layoffs and attrition. Now Police Chief Best has experienced protesters, literally appearing at her home just earlier this month. Now she’s also made it very clear that her resignation is not quote unquote about the money. And it certainly isn’t about the demonstrators. Instead, she said her resignation quote ‘is about the overarching lack of respect for the officers.” Now just last month, she said this about the city council’s decision. Take a listen.
Will Seattle be less safe if they take 50% of your cash away?
Well, the easy answer is yes, we will be much less safe if they take 50% of the cops off the streets. They don’t have a plan that I’ve heard to do anything to maintain public safety. In the meantime, I find this decision, but seven members of our city council to be incredibly reckless and not taking into account the public safety of the other 750,000 people who live here in Seattle. It truly is a tragic decision.
Ben Ferguson:
So now the city council of Seattle has made the decision to defund the police. Guess what? They’ve lost their police chief, who has said, I’m done with you. Now, Seattle, isn’t the only city in the US battling or attacking their own police departments. We’ve watched Chicago go down in flames over the last several weeks as even larger riots and a lot more looting and destruction has taken place. It has gone so far, now, that members of Black Lives Matter in Chicago are now saying it’s totally okay to loot because it’s just like reparations. Yes. And don’t worry. Don’t feel bad about the businesses that you’re torching and looting because they’ve got insurance. You don’t believe me take a look at this.
Speaker 4:
I don’t care if somebody decides to loot a Gucci or a Macy’s or a Nike, because that makes sure that that person eats. That makes sure that that person has clothes. That’s reparations. That is reparations. Anything they want to take, take it because these businesses have insurance. They’re going to get their money back. My people aren’t getting anything.
Ben Ferguson:
This election coming up is pretty clear what your choice is. It’s between lawlessness and the lawless running cities, attacking their own police, assaulting their own police and advocating for looting because we can do it in the name of reparations. All of this, by the way, is happening in liberal run democratic cities. Yes. It’s time for us to stand up for our men and women in uniform who put their lives on the line every single day for our safety. Now AMAC, absolutely backs the blue and is committed to supporting our law enforcement across the country.
Ben Ferguson:
From Kamala Harris being named the vice presidential candidate to the NRA being under attack by the left, it has been a very, very busy week. Joining me now to talk about some of these issues is the AMAC national spokesman, Bobby Charles. Bobby, I appreciate you coming on. Let’s talk about the big news. Joe Biden picks, uh, a woman in Kamala Harris who has attacked him, not just for being in favor of segregation and, uh, and basically being a racist. But she’s also said that she believes the accusers who have said that he’s sexually assaulted them. And now all of a sudden, all that disappears and she is now the vice presidential candidate. Are you shocked as I am that he decided to pick her?
Robert Charles:
I don’t know, Ben, if I would say I’m shocked, but I think it confirms several things that you and I, and a lot of AMAC members know and, uh, or at least suspected. And that is that the democratic party is now affirmatively moving hard left. Second, that they don’t care about the contradictions, many of which you just mentioned. And actually there are more. They don’t seem to care about moral fiber. They seem to be doing this on the basis of, uh, I guess select-ability, and I guess if you counteract, you know, Biden’s feeble state of mind with someone who’s younger, you’re somehow going to make up the difference. I, I think it’s actually the formula for the worst possible ticket, uh, that they could have. You have someone now who, uh, whose cognitive abilities are being questioned at the upper end. And then at the vice presidential level, you’ve got inexperienced inequality and someone who, when things like China are mentioned, or a North Korean missile launch, uh, giggles, that’s not really the kind of person I want in the oval office.
Ben Ferguson:
You know, one of the things is she has her own baggage. The former San Francisco mayor Brown came out this week telling our warning, or do not take this position. She decided obviously to take the nomination, uh, and accept it from Joe Biden. And then he came out and said, Hey, I’m going to tell you what you need to know. Not only do we have this affair, but she also, we used our relationship, uh, to gain power. And then when she had power, she threatened me that even if I jaywalk, she would lock me up, uh, that obviously shocked many people. The media is trying to suppress this as much as they possibly can. This is a huge story.
Robert Charles:
Yes it is. And I’ll just say two, last things. One is, blind ambition is blind. When someone is craving enough to want anything for every, you know, everything for, for any cost, uh, that’s kind of what you see in both of these candidates, but for different reasons. Uh, I think the American people see right through it. And that’s really my second point. People need to remember to think for themselves, this is an election in which the media will suppress a lot of information. They will try hard to distract deflect, deny, deceive, and you have to be smart enough to say, look, I know myself, I know my country, I know my beliefs. And these two people do not line up with those beliefs.
Ben Ferguson:
Kamala Harris has come out and made it very clear that she wants to shut down organizations like the NRA. She also, uh, as a former state attorney general, uh, understands how States can do this. She’s also said that she wants Americans to be able to hold manufacturers of hand guns and firearms responsible for the criminals that miss use them, which would clearly shut down, uh, virtually every manufacturer in this country. There’s no way you could deal with all the lawsuits. Now we see other, uh, state attorney generals, just like Kamala Harris, who are saying, we’re going to come after the NRA and try to shut you down state by state. This is nothing but trying to really attack our second amendment rights.
Robert Charles:
You are, you are absolutely right on Ben. And one of the saddest parts about all this it’s very timely because last week, the New York attorney general, uh, filed suit against the NRA and said that the goal wasn’t to keep, uh, management accountable, which is a laudable goal, but rather to dissolve the organization. Even the wall street journal called that a laughable approach, uh, to, to corporate, uh, accountability. You’re absolutely right. We are up against it. I just wrote a piece for AMAC. People can go to and see it. But the bottom line is they’re looking to eliminate the second amendment. You’ll remember that John Paul Stevens on his retirement suggested to the Democrats, it sort of popped out of the box, Oh my, maybe we could just eliminate it if we had the white house and both chambers. That’s what we’re up against.
Robert Charles:
And every American needs to understand as gun, uh, as, as instability rises around the country, as we see law and order issues coming to the fore, uh, by the way, you’ve had three months of the largest background checks for guns in the history of the country, uh, in March, May, and June. People understand they’re going to have to protect their own families. They’re going to have to protect themselves potentially against government actors. This is an audacious act on the part of all these attorneys general. And yes, it goes right back to, uh, Kamala Harris. I don’t understand frankly, how anyone can take that view if you respect the constitution. And of course, why do the socialists want to crush the second amendment first? Because without the second amendment, the first amendment and all the others go away. So that’s why we have to be on guard. And I think people can say, you know, well, we know a little bit more about what they want and what we know about what they want is they want to go hard left.
Ben Ferguson:
Bobby. I appreciate you coming on today. Obviously we’re going to keep AMAC members updated on Kamala. Harris has passed what she believes in her radical viewpoints, which many of them we showed to them earlier today in the show. Thanks for coming on. And we’ll see you back here again,
Robert Charles:
Always good. Thanks Ben.
Ben Ferguson:
That’s it for this edition of your AMAC weekly news, but don’t forget, share this video and frustrate the left when you share and other people see this, it irritates them, and we appreciate you supporting this program. Also a quick reminder, if you haven’t joined AMAC or renewed your AMAC membership, make sure you do it right now. As we continue to grow more than 2 million members at AMAC right now, and we are fighting to make a difference in your state and in Washington DC. I’m Ben Ferguson. I’ll see you back next week for our next episode.
I personally feel there is an underlying Marxist agenda within the Democratic party. BLM, Antifa together are a part of this. Have you ever heard an American Patriot shout “Death to America!” This is the BLM/Antifa? Democrat mantra. Violence is spreading throughout our great nation and it seems there is no end in sight. The only thing standing between Freedom and Marxism is President Trump! Vote republican at every level possible. Then again one has to wonder if the election will be honest and true. And the hate from the Left wing nuts marches on.
She’s not anything African anything.
African American, no her father is Jamaican and her mother is Indian, and I believe neither is an American citizen so she is not African American nor eligible to be VP
They are trying to turn our country into a Communist one, If we continue to play nice, they will soon have us using
no money, and only using credit cards or debit cards. They may want us to take some type of chip, we all know
they exist because they have them for our dogs.
I am in the Aerospace Business, and I believe that we had more work last year, we also had only 3% Unemployment, and we
had the highest amount of interest in the Stock Market ever. So Pelosi could not indict President Trump, so then she said there
was a conspiracy with Russia, then the Ukraine. Now the Virus. So every good thing that Trump did has now been undone.
Lets see what comes next? Kamala and all her issues. We need a strong President, a no non sense President, and I believe
the Trump takes nothing from anyone. He calls the shots!!!!
I agree with the person named Fazio, I think Biden is too old, and has proven that he forgets a lot of things.
1st off why are they saying Kam ah la is Black she is Jamacian and eastern Indian so where does the African America come in. Also she used the Indian thing achieve something so now she switched her heritage to play on the black people, so what’s next is she going to be Jamacian to achieve something else. The Democrats are just a joke at this point. I just hope every American can see thru their lies, but they have the media lying for them because they are owned by The New World Order that is trying to take over.
Kamala Harris is not African American
IF YOU LOVE YOUR CHILDREN, find an alternative to Public Education. It destroys individual thinking!! Charter and Parochial Schools can be OK but Home Education is best although it may require lifestyle changes. EACH OF US MUST CHOOSE! “IF YOU LOVE YOUR CHILDREN…”
Demand Antifa and all Marxist Groups be prosecuted!! Take-back OUR Country!!! Stand-up for America!!!! Remove Every Democrat!!!!!
Ben Franklin’s basic philosophy of sound government was that personal and national freedom are in jeopardy if the people become wicked and immoral. He believed that when such behavior becomes widespread and people fear for their lives and property, demands for a police state become almost inevitable so that order might be restored. Remove Every Democrat!!!!!
We must restore law and order! It must start with making OUR Government Accountable to the People!! Stand-up for America!!!! Remove Every Democrat!!!!!
Wilson, NC, 5 year old white boy riding his bike in his front yard. Next door neighbor, a black man, walks up to him and shoots the little tyke in the head. Little Cannon Hinnant is dead. He wasn’t on drugs, he wasn’t trying to pass counterfeit money, he didn’t have a rap sheet. Why aren’t we rioting over that? Why aren’t our cities burning over that? Some one explain that to me.
The entire Democratic Party has gone stark raving nuts. Promoters of evil, sin and lies. Children of Satan. Every one of them.
Given the current and ever worsening psychological state of a large portion of the population of this country, regardless of who wins the election, a very bloody civil war will erupt; and if the U.N. tries to intervene, WWIII WILL ERUPT!!! It is my firm belief that the U.N., the deep state, and the Bilderberg Group are the root of all the chaos and turmoil occurring in this country.
1.) One of your better programs, Ben. Well worth sharing far and wide. (I suspect you read the comments. I would.)
2.) Usually a presidential candidate picks someone to help them win a swing state that may be needed to put them over the top. That is why Gov. Witless here in Mich was near the top of his list. I think, though, internal polling by the Dems suggests a blowout for Trump, and Witless is so unpopular here she can’t help him. Harris is a defensive move to help Biden at least keep California in the Dem column, so it won’t be as much of an embarrassing loss.
It should be strongly pointed out that in fact Kamala Harris IS NOT African-American!!!
Kamala Chameleon Harris isn’t African American. She’s Jamaican and Indian, (not Indian like Elizabeth Warren). The best she can say is she’s non-Caucasian. She was put on ticket to be the attack dog and to take the spot light off of Joe Bunker Biden. I hope President Trump does not engage her on her attacks on him. If he does the main stream media will call him a racist and disrespectful towards women in general. When a reporter true to ask him about any comments she made, trying to get him a gotcha moment. He should simply state that’s her opinion and her opinion means nothing to him or his supporters, then quickly move on to the next question, leaving the last reporter with that blank look on his face not allowing that reporter to keep talking. Let Mike Pence deal with her at the V.P. debates.
harris is not african american check her parents background
Is Kamala Harris legally eligible fir the VP position? We’re here parents Naturalized before she was born or before her 16th Birthday?
Strike 3 will hit up side of their heads on Nov.3
Spell check apparently changed pick to pig. You may want to correct that.
this is a sad pair of losers //Biden who does not quite know where he is or what is actually going on in the USA// and the other a radical socialist that is a pure sleaze ball and nastier than the squad who hate america crew// she hates blacks and married a nice home boy whitey just to prove her point//Vote for the TRUMPSTER and a win for the USA////////
Senator HArris’s father is Jamaican, and her mother is Indian. African-American?
The American people must be warned that the terrorist group ANTIFA, said that, they will INVADE The White House next month to take down President Trump BY FORCE.
Dangerous! Very dangerous to the American way of life! The democrat primary proved that democrat voters themselves did not want Harris. Voters rejected her early in the primary. Now, Biden selects Harris as his running mate? The national fake news media now calls Harris “moderate”? Something very sinister is brewing!
How about putting the share button back. Tells us to share the video, but the share button is no longer there.
Not dealing with the Communist revolutionaries in a most Final manner will allow them to continue their violent destruction, as we have seen. Their enabler & confederate politicians need to be arrested, convicted, & imprisoned for a Long time.
She doesn’t sound like someone I’d like or that we need in office in our government.
The far-left democrat party of today follows the Marxist/Leninist/Stalinist credo; ” if you say it often enough, people will believe it.”
Here’s my fear-in the sad event Biden wins (Good Lord help us all) after a few months in office he will be deemed unable to continue as President due to his health and then she will come in as President and there goes the world as we know it.
Joe Biden is a moron period.
Joe Biden is a moron period.