AMAC in the Media

July 9 Coronavirus Update from the Trump Administration

Posted on Thursday, July 9, 2020
The Association of Mature American Citizens


  • Thanks to President Trump’s leadership in rapidly revolutionizing our testing system, the United States is leading the world in testing.
  • The United States has conducted more than 39 million tests so far, with thousands of new tests being done every day.
  • The Trump Administration has cut red tape to get new, innovative tests to the market as soon as possible.
  • The FDA has authorized 166 different tests under Emergency Use Authorizations, including diagnostic, antibody, and antigen tests.

Supporting Impacted Areas

  • The Federal government is offering its full support to state and local leaders to help combat community flare ups as they occur.
  • PPE and ventilators supplies remain strong as we support doctors and nurses working on the frontlines to combat the virus.
  • The Administration is processing requests to deploy over 1,000 doctors, nurses, and other medical personnel to impacted areas like Arizona, California, and Texas.

Renewing Our Economy

  • President Trump brought our economy to historic highs before and will do so again.
  • Already, we’ve seen 7 million jobs restored in May and June that were lost due to coronavirus.
    • June saw the largest single month jobs gain on record, with 4.8 million jobs added.
  • The great American comeback continues to defy all expectations, demonstrating the incredible resilience of the American spirit.

Reopening Our Country

  • President Trump worked to ensure our states could reopen safely when the situation on the ground enabled it.
  • The President released the Open Up America again guidelines and additional guidance on testing to support states’ reopening efforts.
  • President Trump is urging communities to safely reopen school in the fall – which is critical to the holistic health of our students.


  • Thanks to President Trump’s leadership in rapidly revolutionizing our testing system, the United States is leading the world in testing.
  • The United States has conducted more than 39 million tests so far, with thousands of new tests being done every day.
  • The Trump Administration has cut red tape to get new, innovative tests to the market as soon as possible.
  • The FDA has authorized 166 different tests under Emergency Use Authorizations, including diagnostic, antibody, and antigen tests.

Supporting Impacted Areas

  • The Federal government is offering its full support to state and local leaders to help combat community flare ups as they occur.
  • PPE and ventilators supplies remain strong as we support doctors and nurses working on the frontlines to combat the virus.
  • The Administration is processing requests to deploy over 1,000 doctors, nurses, and other medical personnel to impacted areas like Arizona, California, and Texas.

Renewing Our Economy

  • President Trump brought our economy to historic highs before and will do so again.
  • Already, we’ve seen 7 million jobs restored in May and June that were lost due to coronavirus.
    • June saw the largest single month jobs gain on record, with 4.8 million jobs added.
  • The great American comeback continues to defy all expectations, demonstrating the incredible resilience of the American spirit.

Reopening Our Country

  • President Trump worked to ensure our states could reopen safely when the situation on the ground enabled it.
  • The President released the Open Up America again guidelines and additional guidance on testing to support states’ reopening efforts.
  • President Trump is urging communities to safely reopen school in the fall – which is critical to the holistic health of our students.


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4 years ago

Testing needs to be simple test & available everywhere to defeat Covid-19. If I work at a place with 15-workers, I would feel very safe if all of us tested negative & then we will wear mask to contribute to defeat of virus.

4 years ago

Trump needs to realize that the testing is not going as well as he thinks. States need major Federal help in maxing out test programs in order to stop/slow down this virus. Testing is not easily done in many states, or you might have 4-6 hour wait it cars & week to get results. And contact tracking needs a lot of people & money that states do not have. Also, belief that 99% of cases are harmless ?????

4 years ago

Trump needs to realize that the testing is not going as well as he thinks. States need major Federal help in maxing out test programs in order to stop/slow down this virus. Testing is not easily done in many states, or you might have 4-6 hour wait it cars & week to get results. And contact tracking needs a lot of people & money that states do not have. Also, belief that 99% of cases are harmless ?????

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