AMAC in the Media

July 4th, Legacy, Freedom

Posted on Friday, July 3, 2020
The Association of Mature American Citizens
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Maria Fowler
Maria Fowler
4 years ago

I enjoyed your video on July 4th .
I do believe people need to start speaking up and voicing their opinions to their Senators and Representatives both Republican an Democrat about the mob problems. America is tried of these thirty year old children having hissy fits and acting like Socialist / Marxist ignorant know nothing’s without a cause just to have a BABY FIT to get there way again and be on television.

C. Reed CARR
C. Reed CARR
4 years ago

Guess I’d better be carrying more often

4 years ago

The problem is that talking and writing about it, especially on sites where we’re all likely to more or less agree on how we feel about what’s going on, doesn’t accomplish anything. So what do we do? If we talk to our children and/or grandchildren, can we actually have an impact on what they think when their schools are pushing the leftist philosophy? I don’t think so.

John A. Fallon
John A. Fallon
4 years ago

As long as we ALL get out and VOTE we can save AMERICA, OUR HISTORY,OUR RIGHTS AND FREEDOMS ARE NOT NEGOTIABLE!! I am a veteran and have EARNED my rights and freedoms and I have not and will not surrender my freedoms or rights to anybody. KAG,MAHA, VOTE THE TRAITORS OUT! VOTE TRUMP AND STRAIGHT REPUBLICAN, let AMERICANS CONTROL THE POLITICIANS, because they are civil servents, emphosis on the word SERVENTS, lets knock some sense into these clowns and remind them that they work for US.

4 years ago

I want everyone who wants to make our country Socialist to leave the United States and embrace the culture in Cuba, China, Laos, Vietnam, etc. We like our Capitalist way of life where everyone has a chance to succeed with education, ingenuity, and hard work.

Michael Baker
Michael Baker
4 years ago

I wish you would consider opening an account on Parler, so your content & services could be seen there.

Dennis E Math
Dennis E Math
4 years ago

It is past time for John Durham to lay out to the American People, you know, us the people that have funded his investigation the details of just what he is looking into. Now if there are some issues that need to be kept “on the down low” to protect a specific investigation then at least only on those matters a “direction” of what he has been doing should be provided to us. I think it is beyond obvious that at least Adam Schiff has been involved in some anti government activities and has been active as a member of the cabal that has been directly working against the Executive Branch as soon as President Trump took office. Many were actively trying to sabotage President Trumps campaign well before the 2016 election. We need knowledge as do the seemingly short bus riding die hard Democrats that despite factual evidence seem to still support that party……maybe with some actual information backed with truth those deluded souls can be brought back to sanity and stop with their support of an obviously mentally impaired figurehead of a nominee that the Democrats are thrusting into the Presidential campaign. All this “crap” needs to be told to all Americans, throw back the curtain of secrecy and start legal action against ALL perpetrators even if one happens to be a former President and black
Attorney Genera Barr it is time to…….get busy or get off the pot. We all know many of the guilty are long time associates of yours but you cannot continue to show hesitance or reluctance……..these people that have been involved in an actual coup against our sitting President must be brought into the light and then prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
Also, protect Epsteins co hort, we didnt believe Epstein killed himself nor that it was a “perfect storm of errors” as you put it that led to Epsteins so called suicide. His manner of death was listed wrongfully and everyone knows it. Two separate video systems dont magically fail at the same time, both guards dont magically fall asleep at just the right time nor do they get paid enough to go out of country right after the “suicide” and thus miss the questions everyone wanted answers to immediately after Epstein assumed room temperature.
No more holding back of info. We are your bosses and we demand the truth and we demand the truth now and also quit with the threats and take action against these child terrorists that are burning our cities down and punish them severely enough to send a message to their fellow child terrorists. Do it now or more innocent dead people will lay on your conscience.
Get to work. WE demand it.

Gregory Russell
Gregory Russell
4 years ago

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”
Just look at these beautiful, glorious words. The most beautiful and meaningful words ever penned. We are ALL created in the Image of the Lord, and as such are due respect, but that doesn`t mean that those who are criminal ought not be dealt with and punished. Just the opposite, the Bible makes a strong case for that. But perhaps even more than that, just look as these words: “–That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.” This clearly shows that WE the People are the rightful masters of this Republic and our government, and that our elected employees are accountable to US, NOT us to them. We have not only the right, but we are held to the obligation to throw down a despotic, overbearing, tyrannical government. NEVER forget that.
Happy Independence Day, God bless you all, and God bless America.

Marilyn Patton
Marilyn Patton
4 years ago

There is a part of me that feel sorry for these people who want to dismiss the wonderful freedoms we enjoy as a democracy and instead have this country be changed to socialism/communism/atheism. They believe they are going to have a prominent part in ruling under this system. If history repeats, the power will pass to those who are funding these protests, and those that feel free to be seditious will in all probability not be trusted and could possibly be killed. But it is my belief that if they are successful, it is a success they will regret.

Marilyn Patton
Marilyn Patton
4 years ago


Phil Hammersley
Phil Hammersley
4 years ago

Pro-American Democrats (and surely there are millions) need to vote straight Republican in November to eliminate the likes of Pelosi, Schumer, AOC, etc. Then if they really need to go back and vote for some patriotic people in 2 years,they can. If a bunch of these
pro-Marxist (Communist?) DIMMs were defeated, maybe EVERYONE would wise up!

Patricia A Patterson
Patricia A Patterson
4 years ago

But there are more of us patriots than them. We just aren’t on video. Time we stand up before we become china

4 years ago

Biden claims that Trump is eroding the foundation of America? What I see is just the opposite in every way. Go Trump!!!
And what are these protests about? Not all Americans are free? In one twisted way, they are right. Whites are going to work because its the right thing to do, but they end up supplying blacks with welfare checks, food stamps, etc. because they are lazy. Its called modern day slavery.

4 years ago

Enjoy Independence Day before the left wing radical liberals take it away from us.

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
4 years ago

Be an American. Stop being Brainwashed: 1) Stop watching the mainstream news;  2) Stop watching mainstream Entertainment;  3) Stop watching any and all Sports that either does not have Our National Anthem and/or insults our Country via protests as kneeling. We are being brainwashed.

Fr. Robert Kincl, Austin
Fr. Robert Kincl, Austin
4 years ago

Another sort of unAmerican activities are legion. I am a disabled Veteran/Chaplain. My Bishop, Joe Vasquez of Austin has refused to pay me the retirement that all other priests of the Diocese of Austin receive. He has committed this crime because I serve and became disabled while on active duty. There are many forms of anti-American sentiments even in the Catholic Church.

4 years ago

I was listening to a cd this morning about deception. What we are witnessing right now with this antifa and blm is the biggest deception of this day and time. Have you noticed that these people never want to listen to anything anyone from OUR side has to say and all they do is screech and scream over us. These people are actually deceiving themselves because they don’t have a CLUE what they are actually protesting. The ones who scream and screech do so because the louder they holler, the more WE KNOW that these people are the actual losers…THEY are the puppets being manipulated by the puppet master. These people are lucky to have a brain cell between all of them. The TRUTH is that TRUTH doesn’t need to be screamed and shouted as these deceptive bs shouters of these communist groups. Truth is quiet and forceful in it’s quietness, something that MLK was good at doing. He didn’t scream and throw words like these idiots do at the protests, he was careful and forceful with his words.

Pat R
Pat R
4 years ago

It seems I’m not the only one who doesn’t feel so much like ‘celebrating’ this July 4th. Definitely like the idea of passing on to children & grandchildren what this country’s history is and the reason it’s been referred to as exceptional. Hillsdale College has free course on Constitution as well as other historical online courses.

Sherry H.
Sherry H.
4 years ago

This is the greatest country in the world. For those of you who hate America, and want to destroy it, and what we stand for, wouldn’t it be a lot easier to just move to another country where your values are the same as theirs?

Sherry H.
Sherry H.
4 years ago

Let the Anti-American Sentiment People, go somewhere else.. we dont want you nor need you.
You should try …China, or one of the other Communist countries

4 years ago

Thank God for Donald Trump – a strong, principled, dedicated American that loves God, Country & is willing to stand up for us and what is right! Mr President, please use all the powers of your office to restore law & order to this great country. Rest assured a grateful nation will see what you are doing and assure your next four years come November!

Glenn Lego
Glenn Lego
4 years ago

I don’t feel very FREE with the mandates for forced distancing, people wearing masks and being harassed for not wearing one. And being afraid all the time of getting caught in the middle of a riot.

Joyce Gibson
Joyce Gibson
4 years ago

This 4th of July has seen more anarchists who want to demoralize the country and do away with the freedoms and democracy this country has thrived on for over 300 years. These people do not know history and seem to forget the men and women who faught, bled and died so they would have the right to disagree. We need to arrest these people and charge them with treason. Thank God for President Trump and the USA, the greatest country on earth.

4 years ago


4 years ago

The one law that should be changed in America is that if you burn a flag or destroy any statue or destroy any government property. The law should be if you are found guilty you have a choice to leave this country or be killed by legal injection. We have let people come into this United States and now they want to make it like the place they came from.They left the country to be free and now they want to be slaves and control. If you don’t like the United States get out and find a country that you can be free.

4 years ago

in these times of challenges to America and Americans it’s a shame and cowardice of politicians not show and promote their loyalty and patriotism instead of ignoring and promoting the destruction life-liberty and pursuit of happiness-they have permitted violence and racial hatred and while President Trump attempts civility no one speaks up

Three Point Paper
Three Point Paper
4 years ago

Point-1. “HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY AMERICA”.. For “ALL” of those individuals within Our Country; Who/Whom do not like Our United States Of America, due in no small part, of their well voiced sense of Self Entitlement, due to the fact that those individuals are the Millennium types within Our United States..
Point-2. The Ultra Leftist Radical Liberals of and within Our Country, simply seem to believe that their way is the only way; That their way is the Right way; That their way is the actual Right way thing(s) are to be done within Our Country! Not FOR Our Country mind you, but “TO” Our Country!. So just who in h@#l died and made these/those liberalized malcontents the actual boss of Our United States Of America? Please read on to point-3..
Point-3. The *Ultra Leftist Radical Liberals* within and of OUR Country, are “Not The Bosses” of Our Country, Not Hardly, Not Ever!. The bosses of OUR United States Of America, are by the way; “WE THE PEOPLE”, “FOR THE PEOPLE”, BY THE PEOPLE”!. Those hair brained ultra leftist radical liberal types are simply one portion of “WE THE PEOPLE” of OUR United States Of America, and To The Republic For Which It (She) Stands, One Nation Under GOD, With Liberty and Justice For ALL Walks Of Life; Of “WE THE PEOPLE” of OUR America!.
“ALL Lives Matter”! Not Just Black Lives Matter!
The well voiced term, “ALL Lives Matter”; has had the racist label attached to said term; Which is bloody well wrong, due to the fact that the term “ALL Lives Matter”, is “NOT” racist one darn bit!
What “IS” a racist term; Is that “Black Lives Matter”, and only that of, Black Lives Matter! I have heard everything under the sun, and all of the in between too.

Three Point Paper
Three Point Paper
4 years ago

Point-1. “HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY AMERICA”.. For “ALL” of those individuals within Our Country; Who/Whom do not like Our United States Of America, due in no small part, of their well voiced sense of Self Entitlement, due to the fact that those individuals are the Millennium types within Our United States..
Point-2. The Ultra Leftist Radical Liberals of and within Our Country, simply seem to believe that their way is the only way; That their way is the Right way; That their way is the actual Right way thing(s) are to be done within Our Country! Not FOR Our Country mind you, but “TO” Our Country!. So just who in h@#l died and made these/those liberalized malcontents the actual boss of Our United States Of America? Please read on to point-3..
Point-3. The *Ultra Leftist Radical Liberals* within and of OUR Country, are “Not The Bosses” of Our Country, Not Hardly, Not Ever!. The bosses of OUR United States Of America, are by the way; “WE THE PEOPLE”, “FOR THE PEOPLE”, BY THE PEOPLE”!. Those hair brained ultra leftist radical liberal types are simply one portion of “WE THE PEOPLE” of OUR United States Of America, and To The Republic For Which It (She) Stands, One Nation Under GOD, With Liberty and Justice For ALL Walks Of Life; Of “WE THE PEOPLE” of OUR America!.
“ALL Lives Matter”! Not Just Black Lives Matter!
The well voiced term, “ALL Lives Matter”; has had the racist label attached to said term; Which is bloody well wrong, due to the fact that the term “ALL Lives Matter”, is “NOT” racist one darn bit!
What “IS” a racist term; Is that “Black Lives Matter”, and only that of, Black Lives Matter! I have heard everything under the sun, and all of the in between too.

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