AMAC in the Media

Happy Thanksgiving AMAC Members!

Posted on Monday, November 23, 2020
The Association of Mature American Citizens
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Barney C.
Barney C.
4 years ago

The CCP Virus is the smartest virus in history. It knows that it can’t infect a group of 10 or less at the Thanksgiving dinner; however, it can infect a Thanksgiving dinner of 11 and more…? Same way that it knows it can infect a gathering at church but won’t be able to infect a much larger group rioting in the streets…? Also, the 10pm to 5am curfew in California…yes, the CCP virus is much more contagious between those hours…?

Billye Robinson
Billye Robinson
4 years ago

No they should not!!!

4 years ago

The governors felt that it was so important for children to go back to school.But, they made no regulations concerning sports. Consequently, we have children playing school contact sports without masks. Our children are acquiring COVID-19. They are being quarantined for two weeks. Then sent back to school and their team! Where, once again, they and their fellow team members are ex exposed to other children from other cities. This practice just expands the boundaries for COVID-19. But the governors want only to keep the children away from their families most os whom are more than likely, being very careful about protection against the virus. My grandchildren’s schools have experienced this. I have a family member who is in n an inner school system. He got the virus and almost all of his school has had air. Bu, the governors want only for our families to remain apart thisThanksgiving and Christmas. Well, since these governors put our children and thus our families in harms way, we will adjust our holiday celebrations. However, my family will know beyond a doubt, that we are Free American, Christian, and a close, loving family.

4 years ago

Thanks for the greeting, But, I’ve never been so depressed in my life. 2020 has been political hell and the future doesn’t look very bright either. The democrats grande fraudulent play is costing us our country. Last politician to be punished for wrongdoing was Richard Nixon. Too many years of no accountability for politicians. We all are guilty of letting their corruption slide. So, here we are.

Diane Burger
Diane Burger
4 years ago

Add a share button for Parler app please!

Tim D.
Tim D.
4 years ago

I turned on The Macy’s Parade this morning and thought… if they had just let people riot and loot, instead of spending ALL that money for a non-parade, NOBODY would have been in danger of COVID. Evidently the ONLY safe way to gather anymore with a large group is if you are destroying property and opposing law enforcement. Nice work America! We can and should do better than this current nonsense of, “Do as I say, not as I do” commentary. Happy Thanksgiving and don’t forget to “bus” all your guests from the local CVS to your house folks!

John A. Fallon
John A. Fallon
4 years ago

How about a voter fraud petition to collect signatures from people who voted for PRESIDENT TRUMP? Lets find out how many votes he really got! PRAY, IT IS THE ONLY WAY!

John A. Fallon
John A. Fallon
4 years ago

The socialist/dems do not want people gathering together to prevent group discussions about what is going on, the dems slaughter millions of innocent babies, guv. coma killed tens of thousands of seniors, only the dems could show this kind of HYPOCHRACY, they want to “keep” us safe from this deliberately released chinavirus? as if they really care! The only thing they “CARE” about is stealing this election because they KNOW that because PRESIDENT TRUMP WAS re-elected in the next FOUR YEARS they will ALL be punished for thier crimes. NEVER SURRENDER!!!

4 years ago

Give thanks where thanks are due (The Lord), and carry the sword. It’s needed.

Ruth Pierce
Ruth Pierce
4 years ago

My family is FAR MORE IMPORTANT than any government agency! It was an excellent video; I don’t usually watch videos because they just don’t interest me. However, I’m glad I watched this one. I’m having Thanksgiving dinner with my oldest son. My other family members are having Thanksgiving dinner with other folks. My youngest son is in Oklahoma; my sister is in California; they will be with me in spirit. One other thing: If I want to reach a family member I just need to pick up the phone and dial. If I want to reach a government agency I need to listen to: for English press 1 (which I detest); then I need to listen to nonsensical voice mail asking questions about me; finally, if I’m lucky, I get to hear a human being – chances are it will be a foreigner from Pakistan, India or some other foreign country. My inquiry was never addressed; I was ready to throw my phone through the window!! Yes, my family is far easier to deal with!

4 years ago

Every day the story of animal farm comes to pass, we are all equal well, well the pigs became more important than the rest of the animals, the pigs being the elite, the power brokers, the tyrannical little Hitler’s, who think that they are more important than the rest of American citizens. Let me tell you something you slime-bags, the day will come and the American people will rise up and wise up and vote all of you self indulgent, Un-American, Constitution hating people out of office. Chief Justice John Roberts is no conservative and people need to stop calling him one, he is another poor example of Republicans in the past picking very poor Supreme Court Justice’s , Thank God, President Donald J. Trump got it right 3 times and for that we should all be thankful.

John Beach
John Beach
4 years ago

The preventative and protective measures against the virus have not changed since the threat became known, the ubiquitous mask. What is noteworthy is that there are no cases of flu this year, presumably, a side benefit of mask-wearing which has prevented normal transmission of flu contagion. When the need to wear a mask is past, and the statistics of unsolved crimes facilitated by the Covid-19 wearing of masks are known, remember the forthrightness of the policies of the current administration, especially, if the atrocities of this year’s election are not successfully unmasked. There has been little “transparency” with the wearing of masks.

Art A
Art A
4 years ago


Lynne Pace
Lynne Pace
4 years ago

These egotistical, tyrannical, self-important, manipulative governors, mayors, and the rest maintain this “do as I say, not as I do” attitude to their own detriment. Do they forget why we have Thanksgiving? Do they forget the brave Pilgrims that left their tyrannical, manipulative, egotistical country & leaders to come to a new land where they could live, pray and thrive as they pleased? Americans have fought & died to protect our God, Country & way of life for centuries. We may be pushed into a corner, but we will not stay there, we will not bend to their will, we will not be silent!

4 years ago

I will take precautions where I can, but you can decide for yourselves. I wonder if the No-Gathering-pushing governors recall Frank Sinatra’s, “I’ll do it myyy waayyy.” A population that is too comfortable with letting the government determine what is best for us is a population that has grown weak and that has lost the freedom and the power to determine how we run our own lives. This is not a monarchy!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Rebecca Thorpe
Rebecca Thorpe
4 years ago

Stand up for our 1st amendment rights of freedom the very reason we have a country. Cuomo is starting to act like a dictator. Nov 15, 2020 he was in Riverside Church, NYC with political allies telling them that the vaccine will not be available until after he says the vaccine is OK.

Rebecca Thorpe
Rebecca Thorpe
4 years ago

Stand up for our 1st amendment rights of freedom the very reason we have a country. Cuomo is starting to act like a dictator. Nov 15, 2020 he was in Riverside Church, NYC with political allies telling them that the vaccine will not be available until after he says the vaccine is OK.

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