AMAC in the Media

Guilty, BLM Politics, Divided

Posted on Friday, April 23, 2021
The Association of Mature American Citizens
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Jerry Lessardd
Jerry Lessardd
3 years ago

The racial division and hatred isn’t solely based on George Floyd. It’s propaganda,lies and distortion by the media and swallowed by the ignoramus corrupt and racist politicians in Washington,D.C.Democrat Joe Biden is one of the most racist corrupt politician in American History .Tragically for America he sits in America’s highest political position.Tuning off fake media and voting out the leftist in Political positions is the only way to get America back where it was before they destroyed everything Dr.Martin Luther King accomplished and died for.There will always be racism in America as is in every other Country.But nowhere near the levels The media is exploding it to be nor the level the sorry excuses for human beings the Democrats are doing likewise in order to fuel hatred ,racial division,and political assassination of the Republican party.

HK Latham
HK Latham
3 years ago

Can’t believe Rebecca Weber thinks justice was served and the police officer did wrong and did a bad thing taking the life of George Floyd. That was the poorest excuse of justice served I have seen in a long time. The officer did not take Floyd’s life. If he couldn’t get air he couldn’t have talked. “If he can say ‘I can’t breathe’ it means he really can breathe” Floyd apparently died from his own drug usage. Impossible for the officer to know. Criminals often use excuses to throw an officer off guard. This whole episode is a disgusting abuse of law and order and common sense. This kind of mentality will destroy our country.

3 years ago

Thomas Jefferson once said… the greatest injustice we can do it to treat unequal people as equal.
People are born equal but due to inherent qualities their lives take different direction by their capabilities and ambition…. NOT because of some rhetorical mandate.
A manual laborer can be a fantastic worker and exceptional at “their” job… that does NOT make them equal to a Brain Surgeon

3 years ago

I do not hate ANYONE! This was never an option or considered when I grew up. I just don’t get it. Americans are being divided by HATE and disinformation politics. I feel that I am now being “made” to hate. Because I am “white” my life does not matter? Because I am “white” I am have privileges? Because I am “white” I was BORN evil? Because I was born “white” I DESERVE to DIE?

Lynne Pace
Lynne Pace
3 years ago

Nancy Pelosi has proved once again she is not fit to hold office.

David P Nelson
David P Nelson
3 years ago

Good work, AMAC!

Pat R
Pat R
3 years ago

One of the better video presentations, but then it has to do with current events I guess.

Dennis J. Duffy
Dennis J. Duffy
3 years ago

Can some one explain how a person can be guilty and receive separate sentences for 2nd degree murder, 3rd degree murder, and 2nd degree and manslaughter, all for the same action?

3 years ago

There is no “V” in “Black Li_es Matter”!

3 years ago

Everyone….go on youtube and search for Tony Timpa. He was killed in a similar manner to George Floyd. ONE HUGE DIFFERENCE….no one knows his name. He’s white and so it goes unnoticed. I’m disgusted…enough said!

3 years ago

Biden, was he actually there to study the evidence of the trial? And, by the way he is not and never will be the “most powerful man in the world”. Waters, encouraging more confrontation? These “representatives of the people” should be charged and removed from office. I wrote my democrat congressmen about Waters. They were affraid to confront the issue, sending me the typical “thank you for your thoughts” garbage. These people on the left are so “in your face” anymore it’s sickening. Some of the BLM money should go to buying brown shirts and jack boots for these thugs. At least it would be easier to pick them out on the streets. It seems if you are willing to die as a black person you become a martyr and the “organization” can bring in more money. Isn’t this very similar to ISIS or any other terrorist organization? Then there’s Nancy. You wish there was nothing more to say about Nancy, unfortunately there is. She looks to heaven as though everyone who dies goes to heaven. May God help her and open her eyes. Then, if George Floyd’s mother had believed in abortion the Democrat/socilists who now praise him would have been the very ones to help the mother abort her child. Hypocrisy! When will the American people ever wake up?

james michalicek
james michalicek
3 years ago

Please send me a print version of weekly news.

james michalicek
james michalicek
3 years ago

The audio on AMAC Weekly news stops and starts making it unwatchable. Is this my fault or yours? If it is your fault please fix it.

John fallon
John fallon
3 years ago

“WE THE PEOPLE” GREATLY OUTNUMBER THE SOCIALISTS!!! they control the airwaves, pro sports, msm, social(ist) media, hollywierd elites, they only show thier version of “truth”, which is anything but truth, they forcefeed us thier lies daily, citizens in socialist controlled cities and states, fear to leave thier homes because of the criminals, NOT THE POLICE!!! THEY WANT AND NEED MORE POLICE!!! THEY ARE CONTROLLED BY CORRUPT POLITICIANS THAT HAVE BEEN stealing votes for years.

John fallon
John fallon
3 years ago

The jury, BEFORE they were picked to be on this jury, saw all the hate and violence and threats and attacks on police, they knew the true facts, that floyd died because of an overdose, video showed floyd put the drugs in his mouth to hide them from the police, he had a history of drug abuse, violence, resisting arrest, assault, all these things contributed to floyds death, this disgrace finally exposes how corrupt the legal system truly is, the biggest mistake ever made by this country was allowing LAWYERS TO BECOME LAWMAKERS, EVERYTHING THEY DO BENIFITS LAWYERS AND ONLY LAWYERS, THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU ALLOW ONE SEGMENT OF THIS SOCIETY ALL THE POWER.

John fallon
John fallon
3 years ago

I downloaded the newsmax news app, made a couple comments on different articles and every time I hit the RESPOND BUTTON, my comments just disappeared, big brother is watching, welcome to the MATRIX, THE MACHINES RULE!!!

Phil Hammersley
Phil Hammersley
3 years ago

No way Chauvin got a fair trial! First, a change of venue should have been granted. Second, the jury was under DURESS due to stupid, inflammatory comments by Senile Joe, Maxi-pad Waters, etc. When the BLM thugs doxx people that don’t kiss their anatomy, there can be no fair trial!!

Art A
Art A
3 years ago


Janet Singer
Janet Singer
3 years ago

Need to start a new group. “HUMAN LIVES MATTER”. Stop being racist.

3 years ago

Regardless of color or race. I am totally for equality. Yet, you need to earn and garnish the respect. To me BLM stands for do “Black Lies Matter” and “Blue Lives Matter”

the rebel
the rebel
3 years ago

America does not have a true president. America has a freeloading, professional, lying, thieving, phony sumbeach who is a mere puppet being instructed by the lying, racist, undocumented muslim who impersonated a US president for 8 years !!!!!

Lovell Frank
Lovell Frank
3 years ago

Let’s Be Clear

So let’s deal with some hard reality here in America. History shows us when a segment of a country wants total control there is a process to follow. You control education and the media, you suppress free speech, create a division, and you disarm the population, the radical left has already accomplished the first two and is extremely close to the speech issue. They are engaged in a well-funded organized effort to divide the population along racial lines and are presently working on the 2nd amendment. All you have to do is look at the legislation, executive orders, and the rhetoric they utilize to accomplish all this.

All we hear from the left is that America is systematically racist. The question I have is, name a racist country in the history of this planet that elected a black man to the highest office, President, not once, but twice. Which country fought a civil war that resulted in the ending of slavery or passed legislation promoting and protecting the rights of a minority population? Quite simply a racist country would never allow that. Another fact the left cannot respond to is America has more Black billionaires and millionaires than any other country, which also is not allowed in a racist country.

Another question arises, why do we never hear of a white citizen being killed by the police? In reality, 432 whites were killed in 2020, as compared to 226 blacks. All we see and hear from the left involves violence, no compromise, no unity, these concepts are detrimental to an effort of total control. Do you know what your children are being taught in school, racial equity, gender identity, white privilege, 1619 project, BLM curriculum, etc, are they learning civics what are they learning about American history? Parents need to inquire with the Principal or Superintendent to find out, contact other parents and organize if necessary. What about your local government do they require racial instruction in their employment?

The people’s houses of Congress are surrounded by a 10-foot fence, patrolled by the National Guard (of which conservative troops were sent home) what does this tell us? This take-over effort is in the open for all to see, what I don’t see is the opposition. I don’t see the Patriots standing up to challenge all these lies, I don’t see the effort to take back America, we are being controlled by a minority of the population. America is being looted and burned in all the Democratic-controlled cities and I don’t see the arrests and prosecutions. Black Americans are being murdered every day in these cities and I see no outcry, no effort to stop it. Crime has risen to historical levels and no effort to control it, instead I hear defund the police. Let me make this very clear, all these efforts against law enforcement are geared to one goal. The Radical left is making an attempt to federalize our law enforcement, to have them under control of “The State” and you had better believe this.

Patriots need to stand up and challenge these racist and totalitarian policies and actions wherever they arise. We are Americans, Black, White, Asian, Latino, Native, Immigrants, we all came together as one and fought against racism and inequality we all worked together to make America the greatest free nation on earth and we can take pride in that. They talk about white supremacists, well where the hell are they? They are less than 1% of America and they exist because America allows them to be morons, that is their right. They are no danger to us, the danger to us is those Americans who believe what the left tells them, they are being misled and used and they need to do some research, uncover the facts which will reveal those who control them have historically been the racists, don’t take my word, study history, the facts are there.

here I go again, violating all concepts of good writing, keep it simple and short, don’t lose your audience in drawn-out ramblings. Sadly I just can’t do that, there is so much to relate, so much information to get out there, so much for you to think about, investigate, the burden is upon you to verify all I have expressed. The burden is upon all Patriots to realize America is faced with her most dangerous time in history, she is being threatened, torn apart and God only knows we had better do all we can to save her. Be active at the local and state level, organize your neighbors, family, and friends, hold the government accountable, and demand they promote American values and most of all when you hear a lie about America stand up and challenge it, we have facts on our side, use them and be the American Patriot you were born to be.

Frank D. Lovell
An American Patriot
Free State of Florida

Chrystiane Kiser
Chrystiane Kiser
3 years ago

It’s nice to belong to an informed and no nonsense group of AMERICAN PATRIOTS !

3 years ago

First the Democrats did not win the presidency. There is more than enough proof that people continue to ignore. Nasty Nancy is a wicked old witch and should be out of office. BLM is not for Black people….they are a Marxist organization.

Kimberly Carter
Kimberly Carter
3 years ago

Just learning lol

James Rabie
James Rabie
3 years ago

If science should be believed. Why don’t the George Floyd commentarys take the doctors investigation of his death into account? The doctor said there was no strangulation, briusung of the neck and anyother indication of death other than overdose. Body cam shows he was complaining of breathing before the time he was restrained on the ground, Perhaps the officer could be charged with excessive force, but homicide? Were has justice prevaled other than mob rule? JLR

James Rabie
James Rabie
3 years ago

If science should be believed. Why don’t the George Floyd commentarys take the doctors investigation of his death into account? The doctor said there was no strangulation, briusung of the neck and anyother indication of death other than overdose. Body cam shows he was complaining of breathing before the time he was restrained on the ground, Perhaps the officer could be charged with excessive force, but homicide? Were has justice prevaled other than mob rule? JLR

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