AMAC in the Media

FEMA Awards Nearly $2 Million to Help People Cope with COVID-19-Related Stress

Posted on Friday, June 26, 2020
The Association of Mature American Citizens


FEMA has awarded nearly $2 million to help fund crisis counseling services for people struggling with mental health issues stemming from the COVID-19 pandemic

As of June 25, these states had received crisis counseling service grants for a total of $1,991,704:

  • District of Columbia:  $350,507
  • Delaware:                  $281,651
  • Maryland:                   $90,000
  • Pennsylvania:             $754,391
  • Virginia:                      $391,655
  • West Virginia:             $123,500

The Crisis Counseling Assistance and Training program is funded by FEMA and overseen by FEMA in coordination with the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. The program assists individuals and communities in recovering from the psychological effects of natural and human caused disasters through community-based outreach and educational services.

The program helps people understand their current situation and reactions, and supports short-term interventions focused on mitigating stress, promoting the use or development of coping strategies, providing emotional support and encouraging links with other individuals and agencies who may help them recover.

“The pandemic and its effects have created so many new challenges for people, and it’s understandable that not everyone has all the strategies or emotional resources needed to cope right now,” said Regional Administrator MaryAnn Tierney of FEMA Region 3. “Crisis counseling can help give people the skills, and hope, they need to get through this unprecedented situation.”

People who seek help through the program remain anonymous. Crisis counselors do not keep individual records or case files and avoid classifying, labeling or diagnosing individuals in any way.

Due to the COVID-19 nationwide emergency and the need to protect the safety and health of all Americans, the crisis counseling will be delivered by phone, internet and the media (including social media).

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4 years ago

Notice it’s almost always the NE who can’t deal with the reality of the people who run their states that they elect. Suck it up whiners….grow a set. Life happens and it’s not always nice. How about vote in people to lead your states with some common sense. How about lean on your family and as I’ve always done, remember, there is always someone out there that has it so much worse than a shutdown. No, it’s not fun, but how about be the solution instead of always wondering….why me? Guess what…YOU GET WHAT YOU VOTE FOR! For those of you leaving your state to move to a red state where we understand freedom and the price paid for it, don’t bring your failure politics with you.

4 years ago

Want to reduce the stress levels out there and stop throwing money at a problem that shouldn’t exist at this point? The citizens of those states (yes, you have to actually DO SOMETHING!!!) still being unnecessarily restricted for political reasons need to force the Governors of those states, that are intentionally dragging this re-opening process out to try and sway voters ahead of the Presidential election, to open their states back up. Everyone knows who is at most risk from the China virus and those people are responsible enough to self-quarantine themselves, if they feel it is necessary, so there is no good reason to continue to allow this obvious power play by the Democrats to continue. That is unless we have become nothing but a nation of docile sheep, that is incapable of standing up for themselves anymore. Just a thought.

4 years ago

Want to reduce the stress levels out there and stop throwing money at a problem that shouldn’t exist at this point? The citizens of those states (yes, you have to actually DO SOMETHING!!!) still being unnecessarily restricted for political reasons need to force the Governors of those states, that are intentionally dragging this re-opening process out to try and sway voters ahead of the Presidential election, to open their states back up. Everyone knows who is at most risk from the China virus and those people are responsible enough to self-quarantine themselves, if they feel it is necessary, so there is no good reason to continue to allow this obvious power play by the Democrats to continue. That is unless we have become nothing but a nation of docile sheep, that is incapable of standing up for themselves anymore. Just a thought.

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