I agree 100% with Trey Gowdy’s suggestions. It’s past time the USA realized any relationship with China will eventually blow up because China, a communist country, will never be honest or have an even relationship with any other country. It’s all about world-wide control for China, and they are using the US dollars paid them for our industries having located there for cheap labor. China’s citizens work for pennies but their government has made trillions. They are bargaining with other nations to get inroads to eventually gain power over them as well.
Gregory Barber
4 years ago
Well done report! Buying Power! China has a record of using it’s socialist/slavery power to undercut a given commodity by price and volume and then taking over the market. You have to realize that they maintain control by keeping their millions busy so they will not revolt against the regime. Americans have become aware of this because of Chinese tactics in this virus attack. The fact that it appears to be an attack against the world [not the first Chinese virus pandemic], and that they even announced they would withhold medicines if reporting continued to be against them. THAT is the turning point that must be continually remembered. This is not simply a capitalist competitive situation. Buying Power! Americans need to not only look for fat content on the label, we need to look at the country of origin and make a buying decision based on that, also. Do you really think the high costs of medicine in this country are solely our fault?
Glenn Scott
4 years ago
Americans First! The US should cut out ALL Foreign Aid -welfare, including the WHO and that cesspool in NY they call the UN. Most of these countries don’t even like the US and vote against us at the UN. If we have all this expendable funds how about paying 100% of all the seniors Medicare and include dental with it. Also take care of the Veterans. Off my soapbox now.
Lincoln Sorensen
4 years ago
Isn’t it obvious that all the restrictions governing labor and environment concerns only apply to the manufacturers who still have plants within the borders of the USA? So, why do we even consider buying products made in a country who, as their country continued to provide labor to new plants within their countries (mostly China) when we shop? The companies who move their plants out of the USA and then ship their products back to the USA expect Americans to buy their foreign made products….with what? They take away the jobs and those jobs they don’t move to other countries they install robots to perform. Till 3 years ago, our employed persons were greatly reduced and those who were employed were having to work two jobs paying reduced wages. How did our factory owners expect there to be buyers of their products here? Our government was not concerned with the exodus of jobs, either till 3 years ago. The entire trend since the 70’s has been ludicrous and made no common sense. The fact that we made literally nothing of importance here in this country should have triggered the realization that we could be over run without a shot being fired, because so many parts of our defense system are outside of our borders. It is not just pharmaceuticals, it is also weapons parts. I have been saying this for decades and till 3 years ago I never heard a single elected employee say one word about it.
David P Nelson
4 years ago
Good work. Your videos seem to be quite open and honest. Thank you.
Peter Acuna
4 years ago
Oops dr. Qui?
Peter Acuna
4 years ago
Why were my true comments regarding Dr. Who taken down. Are u guys also part of the deep state?
Peter Acuna
4 years ago
Why doesn’t anyone talk about the Chime scientist wanted by the Rmcp who went to Wuhan China and trained other scientists re coroavirus.? Source civilian intelligence.. Secondly, no media is talking about the Harvard professor furnishing biological intelligence to China. He was arrested by FBI a couple of weeks ago.
J. L. Riley
4 years ago
I just want to put in a good word for Ben Ferguson. He is a real asset to the AMAC organization and I hope AMAC will do whatever it takes to keep him involved with the organization. He is smart and articulates the world and national issues that affect the members in a cogent and knowledgeable way. Yes, he seems extremely prejudicial in his political leanings but, they happen to match mine, so obviously I’m not offended. As FOX News continues to try to be the new CNN I encourage AMAC (and Ben) to stay the course.
aluminum head
4 years ago
NEVER trust a name with a ( D ) after it or a communist of ANY nation. If you do then you are a fool.
The worms eye view
4 years ago
We should all be thankful for this Corona virus awakening exposing how irresponsible and dangerous China really is to the USA and the rest of the world. The reason I say thankful for the Corona virus, the lab in Wuhan is a biological development and testing laboratory. Two years ago this lab was audited and found alarmingly deficient in safety protocols regarding the storage and handling of very dangerous toxins. The release of the Corona virus on the world could have easily been a deadly slow acting biological toxin capable of killing millions across the world in a very short time. The WHO is also complicit in the release of the Corona virus and must be investigated and charged along with China. President Trump will get to bottom of this and take the necessary actions.
4 years ago
I have bee saying for years that we are our own worst enemy. Let’s all look in the mirror. From the goofball and beyond greedy politicians we elect, to the commie indoctrination our universities and schools put into the minds of our young people as we dutifully send them off at 18 or 19 to be filled with nonsense, to the benefit of the doubt we continually give foreign nations who act against our interests, to the laws our corrupt legislatures enact in favor of their friends and themselves, to embracing materialism and the latest worthless gadgets or wares we purchase which fill the pockets of our foes, from putting materialism and money ahead of morality and God, to excusing immoral and utterly bad behavior and calling it something else and thinking we are being compassionate, to standing by and watching as we allow allow the degradation and the watering down of our history, to shedding young the blood of the young in defense of ideals and nations that refuse to do the same……If you are at all honest, you can add numerous items to this list! We are our own foe….
4 years ago
Good news letter with lots of good information but I was looking forward to the puzzles and now they have disappeared! How can I get them back?
John E Schwingle
4 years ago
Please list all the companies the Chinese own all or part of in the US. Also list all the polititians who are on their payroll! Active and retired!
Rita S.
4 years ago
China, WHO, UN, and all external entities are using my tax dollars against my better judgement. I oppose China (the violent communist regime), the UN, and all of its branches, especially WHO. I want WHO defunded permanently, I want the UN out of the US, let some other country house it and be its main support, reduce drastically our monies for this destructive organization. It is destroying cultures for multiculturalism, an evil concept, pushing abortion on the world and perversion of all kinds. To note, I believe and trust in President Donald J. Trump to do what is best for the American people, the Constitution and America. God bless us everyone.
E. Fletcher
4 years ago
Boycott, boycott, boycott. If government or our corporations can’t do it WE THE PEOPLE can. Boycott whenever possible any and all Chinese produced products, especially medications. This country need not go through this again. The strongest, over reaching actions are implemented by democratic governors. Pa. , Va., and Michigan are examples. 50 governors cannot implement such restrictions of activity on 329 million people for very long. Virus or no virus, life must go on. First, confined people get bored, then rammy, then irritable and finally angry. What’s next?…..violence. Now we have a big wig female scientist/researcher making this a racial matter, stating that doctors could let black people die. This is a medical matter turned political. Follow doctors advise, follow CDC recommendations and use your own good common sense. We need to get back to work and get some normalcy back in our lives. Pray each night for the sick and for Trump. MAGA
R Allen
4 years ago
After the first “big” Ebola outbreak it took WHO 6-weeks to agree with Dr.s without Borders there was an epidemic going on; BTW 4 additional weeks for CDC to agree. That is when i bought our box of N95’s and start donating to Medicines sans Frontiers for my own self protection. The fact is the commie-covid has done more damage to the good ‘ol US of A then any enemy since the Democrat land of the Confederacy.
BJ Cassady
4 years ago
China may have done us a favor. This virus has shown us how our manufacturing state is underprepared our system is unable to respond to a critical crisis. We need to get our factories going again, build things that Americans will buy and not be so dependent upon China and other unfriendly countries. Buy USA! Or at least buy from countries that are friendly to us.
4 years ago
Why? Why? Has it taken a pandemic to awaken America to the fact that we were relying on China for every thing under the sun!! GREED !! American Corporations should be made to produce their products in America with American workers First ,FIRST ! Before they Ever open a subsidiary branch in ANY foreign country ! USA ! First and Foremost !. Ridiculous! Maybe finally we see the Big Picture ? Maybe ?
H L Howell
4 years ago
Why does Ben keep glancing to the left. Is there a naked lady over there?
A. Sutphen
4 years ago
As an American who has served my country and as a believer in Jesus Christ, we should not judge all the Chinese people, but the Communist Chinese Party must be held accountable for there actions. I am in full agreement that the communist party is and will be a threat that lays in wait for the moment of weakness to take advantage of anyone who wants true freedom from a tyrannical government. But I also know that Jesus said to pray for your enemies, and we should already be praying for our fellow christian brothers and sister who have to leave in China and and in other parts of the world too. We all need to be vigilant and watch that socialism does not over take our country, which will lead to communism.
One way to stop this is by educating our children and grandchildren of our bill of rights and the constitution. some children like to read, so let them all read Animal Farm by George Orwell. This book helped me to understand how socialism sneaks it way into the young and naive minded individuals who were not taught how to be free thinkers and patriots of the United States. If they like watching cartoons or you need a visual aid, then go to YouTube and watch the videos labeled “Ronald Reagan, Socialism vs Capitalism”. They are funny, yet informative.
To all Americans, I pray for mercy and grace for our country, but we should all pray for salvation for all and that our President, Congress, Senate and our Judicial will make decision that are good for our country and glorify God. We all need to pay attention to what is going on behind the scene with this Covid-19 and all the funds they are sending out, because nothing comes for free.
Thanks for reading and may God bless America and please have a great day.
Larry Peterson
4 years ago
Do not be fooled America. China is focused on world domination. This Corona-virus is a biological attack on the world fostered and disseminated by the Chinese Communist government!
4 years ago
I don’t think a percentage of product should produced here, 100% should be. Anything that can be contaminated or made subpar should produced here.
Al smith
4 years ago
Never trust communist . Once an enemy alwAys an enemy . We buy from a country that suppresses or kills its citizens,??????
David Hosler
4 years ago
We know that the Democrates have done their best to get rid of Pres. Trump, while during the tenure of Pres. Obama allowing him to almost overthrow our REPUBLIC and allow socialism to further thrive. The Democrates have used coronaviris as a deterent againsr Pres
Trump who will revitilize our economy if allowed.
T Taylor
4 years ago
If indeed the truth comes out that China was either derelict or intentional on not reporting truthfully of the serious nature of the virus then immediately the US should send home all Chinese students and revoke all travel from China to the States, deduct the cost of this virus on our economy from what we owe to China and demand that the Chinese government compensate families who lost loved ones due to the virus and acknowledge publically their responsibility in all this. Finally, we need not do any more bussiness with China; bring home the jobs to the good old USA!
T Taylor
4 years ago
If indeed the truth comes out that China was either derelict or intentional on not reporting truthfully of the serious nature of the virus then immediately the US should send home all Chinese students and revoke all travel from China to the States, deduct the cost of this virus on our economy from what we owe to China and demand that the Chinese government compensate families who lost loved ones due to the virus and acknowledge publically their responsibility in all this. Finally, we need not do any more bussiness with China; bring home the jobs to the good old USA!
sanctions against China might fix this
I agree 100% with Trey Gowdy’s suggestions. It’s past time the USA realized any relationship with China will eventually blow up because China, a communist country, will never be honest or have an even relationship with any other country. It’s all about world-wide control for China, and they are using the US dollars paid them for our industries having located there for cheap labor. China’s citizens work for pennies but their government has made trillions. They are bargaining with other nations to get inroads to eventually gain power over them as well.
Well done report! Buying Power! China has a record of using it’s socialist/slavery power to undercut a given commodity by price and volume and then taking over the market. You have to realize that they maintain control by keeping their millions busy so they will not revolt against the regime. Americans have become aware of this because of Chinese tactics in this virus attack. The fact that it appears to be an attack against the world [not the first Chinese virus pandemic], and that they even announced they would withhold medicines if reporting continued to be against them. THAT is the turning point that must be continually remembered. This is not simply a capitalist competitive situation. Buying Power! Americans need to not only look for fat content on the label, we need to look at the country of origin and make a buying decision based on that, also. Do you really think the high costs of medicine in this country are solely our fault?
Americans First! The US should cut out ALL Foreign Aid -welfare, including the WHO and that cesspool in NY they call the UN. Most of these countries don’t even like the US and vote against us at the UN. If we have all this expendable funds how about paying 100% of all the seniors Medicare and include dental with it. Also take care of the Veterans. Off my soapbox now.
Isn’t it obvious that all the restrictions governing labor and environment concerns only apply to the manufacturers who still have plants within the borders of the USA? So, why do we even consider buying products made in a country who, as their country continued to provide labor to new plants within their countries (mostly China) when we shop? The companies who move their plants out of the USA and then ship their products back to the USA expect Americans to buy their foreign made products….with what? They take away the jobs and those jobs they don’t move to other countries they install robots to perform. Till 3 years ago, our employed persons were greatly reduced and those who were employed were having to work two jobs paying reduced wages. How did our factory owners expect there to be buyers of their products here? Our government was not concerned with the exodus of jobs, either till 3 years ago. The entire trend since the 70’s has been ludicrous and made no common sense. The fact that we made literally nothing of importance here in this country should have triggered the realization that we could be over run without a shot being fired, because so many parts of our defense system are outside of our borders. It is not just pharmaceuticals, it is also weapons parts. I have been saying this for decades and till 3 years ago I never heard a single elected employee say one word about it.
Good work. Your videos seem to be quite open and honest. Thank you.
Oops dr. Qui?
Why were my true comments regarding Dr. Who taken down. Are u guys also part of the deep state?
Why doesn’t anyone talk about the Chime scientist wanted by the Rmcp who went to Wuhan China and trained other scientists re coroavirus.? Source civilian intelligence.. Secondly, no media is talking about the Harvard professor furnishing biological intelligence to China. He was arrested by FBI a couple of weeks ago.
I just want to put in a good word for Ben Ferguson. He is a real asset to the AMAC organization and I hope AMAC will do whatever it takes to keep him involved with the organization. He is smart and articulates the world and national issues that affect the members in a cogent and knowledgeable way. Yes, he seems extremely prejudicial in his political leanings but, they happen to match mine, so obviously I’m not offended. As FOX News continues to try to be the new CNN I encourage AMAC (and Ben) to stay the course.
NEVER trust a name with a ( D ) after it or a communist of ANY nation. If you do then you are a fool.
We should all be thankful for this Corona virus awakening exposing how irresponsible and dangerous China really is to the USA and the rest of the world. The reason I say thankful for the Corona virus, the lab in Wuhan is a biological development and testing laboratory. Two years ago this lab was audited and found alarmingly deficient in safety protocols regarding the storage and handling of very dangerous toxins. The release of the Corona virus on the world could have easily been a deadly slow acting biological toxin capable of killing millions across the world in a very short time. The WHO is also complicit in the release of the Corona virus and must be investigated and charged along with China. President Trump will get to bottom of this and take the necessary actions.
I have bee saying for years that we are our own worst enemy. Let’s all look in the mirror. From the goofball and beyond greedy politicians we elect, to the commie indoctrination our universities and schools put into the minds of our young people as we dutifully send them off at 18 or 19 to be filled with nonsense, to the benefit of the doubt we continually give foreign nations who act against our interests, to the laws our corrupt legislatures enact in favor of their friends and themselves, to embracing materialism and the latest worthless gadgets or wares we purchase which fill the pockets of our foes, from putting materialism and money ahead of morality and God, to excusing immoral and utterly bad behavior and calling it something else and thinking we are being compassionate, to standing by and watching as we allow allow the degradation and the watering down of our history, to shedding young the blood of the young in defense of ideals and nations that refuse to do the same……If you are at all honest, you can add numerous items to this list! We are our own foe….
Good news letter with lots of good information but I was looking forward to the puzzles and now they have disappeared! How can I get them back?
Please list all the companies the Chinese own all or part of in the US. Also list all the polititians who are on their payroll! Active and retired!
China, WHO, UN, and all external entities are using my tax dollars against my better judgement. I oppose China (the violent communist regime), the UN, and all of its branches, especially WHO. I want WHO defunded permanently, I want the UN out of the US, let some other country house it and be its main support, reduce drastically our monies for this destructive organization. It is destroying cultures for multiculturalism, an evil concept, pushing abortion on the world and perversion of all kinds. To note, I believe and trust in President Donald J. Trump to do what is best for the American people, the Constitution and America. God bless us everyone.
Boycott, boycott, boycott. If government or our corporations can’t do it WE THE PEOPLE can. Boycott whenever possible any and all Chinese produced products, especially medications. This country need not go through this again. The strongest, over reaching actions are implemented by democratic governors. Pa. , Va., and Michigan are examples. 50 governors cannot implement such restrictions of activity on 329 million people for very long. Virus or no virus, life must go on. First, confined people get bored, then rammy, then irritable and finally angry. What’s next?…..violence. Now we have a big wig female scientist/researcher making this a racial matter, stating that doctors could let black people die. This is a medical matter turned political. Follow doctors advise, follow CDC recommendations and use your own good common sense. We need to get back to work and get some normalcy back in our lives. Pray each night for the sick and for Trump. MAGA
After the first “big” Ebola outbreak it took WHO 6-weeks to agree with Dr.s without Borders there was an epidemic going on; BTW 4 additional weeks for CDC to agree. That is when i bought our box of N95’s and start donating to Medicines sans Frontiers for my own self protection. The fact is the commie-covid has done more damage to the good ‘ol US of A then any enemy since the Democrat land of the Confederacy.
China may have done us a favor. This virus has shown us how our manufacturing state is underprepared our system is unable to respond to a critical crisis. We need to get our factories going again, build things that Americans will buy and not be so dependent upon China and other unfriendly countries. Buy USA! Or at least buy from countries that are friendly to us.
Why? Why? Has it taken a pandemic to awaken America to the fact that we were relying on China for every thing under the sun!! GREED !! American Corporations should be made to produce their products in America with American workers First ,FIRST ! Before they Ever open a subsidiary branch in ANY foreign country ! USA ! First and Foremost !. Ridiculous! Maybe finally we see the Big Picture ? Maybe ?
Why does Ben keep glancing to the left. Is there a naked lady over there?
As an American who has served my country and as a believer in Jesus Christ, we should not judge all the Chinese people, but the Communist Chinese Party must be held accountable for there actions. I am in full agreement that the communist party is and will be a threat that lays in wait for the moment of weakness to take advantage of anyone who wants true freedom from a tyrannical government. But I also know that Jesus said to pray for your enemies, and we should already be praying for our fellow christian brothers and sister who have to leave in China and and in other parts of the world too. We all need to be vigilant and watch that socialism does not over take our country, which will lead to communism.
One way to stop this is by educating our children and grandchildren of our bill of rights and the constitution. some children like to read, so let them all read Animal Farm by George Orwell. This book helped me to understand how socialism sneaks it way into the young and naive minded individuals who were not taught how to be free thinkers and patriots of the United States. If they like watching cartoons or you need a visual aid, then go to YouTube and watch the videos labeled “Ronald Reagan, Socialism vs Capitalism”. They are funny, yet informative.
To all Americans, I pray for mercy and grace for our country, but we should all pray for salvation for all and that our President, Congress, Senate and our Judicial will make decision that are good for our country and glorify God. We all need to pay attention to what is going on behind the scene with this Covid-19 and all the funds they are sending out, because nothing comes for free.
Thanks for reading and may God bless America and please have a great day.
Do not be fooled America. China is focused on world domination. This Corona-virus is a biological attack on the world fostered and disseminated by the Chinese Communist government!
I don’t think a percentage of product should produced here, 100% should be. Anything that can be contaminated or made subpar should produced here.
Never trust communist . Once an enemy alwAys an enemy . We buy from a country that suppresses or kills its citizens,??????
We know that the Democrates have done their best to get rid of Pres. Trump, while during the tenure of Pres. Obama allowing him to almost overthrow our REPUBLIC and allow socialism to further thrive. The Democrates have used coronaviris as a deterent againsr Pres
Trump who will revitilize our economy if allowed.
If indeed the truth comes out that China was either derelict or intentional on not reporting truthfully of the serious nature of the virus then immediately the US should send home all Chinese students and revoke all travel from China to the States, deduct the cost of this virus on our economy from what we owe to China and demand that the Chinese government compensate families who lost loved ones due to the virus and acknowledge publically their responsibility in all this. Finally, we need not do any more bussiness with China; bring home the jobs to the good old USA!
If indeed the truth comes out that China was either derelict or intentional on not reporting truthfully of the serious nature of the virus then immediately the US should send home all Chinese students and revoke all travel from China to the States, deduct the cost of this virus on our economy from what we owe to China and demand that the Chinese government compensate families who lost loved ones due to the virus and acknowledge publically their responsibility in all this. Finally, we need not do any more bussiness with China; bring home the jobs to the good old USA!