AMAC in the Media

CDC updates, expands list of people at risk of severe COVID-19 illness

Posted on Friday, June 26, 2020
The Association of Mature American Citizens

COVID-19Based on a detailed review of available evidence to date, CDC has updated and expanded the list of who is at increased risk for getting severely ill from COVID-19.

Older adults and people with underlying medical conditions remain at increased risk for severe illness, but now CDC has further defined age- and condition-related risks.

As more information becomes available, it is clear that a substantial number of Americans are at increased risk of severe illness – highlighting the importance of continuing to follow preventive measures.

“Understanding who is most at risk for severe illness helps people make the best decisions for themselves, their families, and their communities,” said CDC Director Robert Redfield MD. “While we are all at risk for COVID-19, we need to be aware of who is susceptible to severe complications so that we take appropriate measures to protect their health and well-being.”

COVID-19 risk related to age

CDC has removed the specific age threshold from the older adult classification. CDC now warns that among adults, risk increases steadily as you age, and it’s not just those over the age of 65 who are at increased risk for severe illness.

Recent data has shown that the older people are, the higher their risk of severe illness from COVID-19. Age is an independent risk factor for severe illness, but risk in older adults is also in part related to the increased likelihood that older adults also have underlying medical conditions.

COVID-19 risk related to underlying medical conditions

CDC also updated the list of underlying medical conditions that increase risk of severe illness after reviewing published reports, pre-print studies, and various other data sources. CDC experts then determined if there was clear, mixed, or limited evidence that the condition increased a person’s risk for severe illness, regardless of age.

There was consistent evidence (from multiple small studies or a strong association from a large study) that specific conditions increase a person’s risk of severe COVID-19 illness:

  • Chronic kidney disease
  • COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease)
  • Obesity (BMI of 30 or higher)
  • Immunocompromised state (weakened immune system) from solid organ transplant
  • Serious heart conditions, such as heart failure, coronary artery disease, or cardiomyopathies
  • Sickle cell disease
  • Type 2 diabetes

These changes increase the number of people who fall into higher risk groups. An estimated 60 percent of American adults have at least one chronic medical condition. Obesity is one of the most common underlying conditions that increases one’s risk for severe illness – with about 40 percent of U.S. adults having obesity.  The more underlying medical conditions people have, the higher their risk.

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4 years ago

No real new information to speak of. Basically anyone over 65 with any sort of pre-existing condition is at higher risk of the China virus. The older you are with one or more pre-existing conditions, the higher the risk factor. Bottom line, the extended lockdown was and is an over-reaction, that is being leveraged by the Democrats to attempt to sway voters ahead of the election by allowing wholesale destruction of various sectors of the economy for political gain. Continuous fear mongering and hysteria by the MSM and various groups and organizations just provides support for the Democrats.

4 years ago

No real new information to speak of. Basically anyone over 65 with any sort of pre-existing condition is at higher risk of the China virus. The older you are with one or more pre-existing conditions, the higher the risk factor. Bottom line, the extended lockdown was and is an over-reaction, that is being leveraged by the Democrats to attempt to sway voters ahead of the election by allowing wholesale destruction of various sectors of the economy for political gain. Continuous fear mongering and hysteria by the MSM and various groups and organizations just provides support for the Democrats.

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