AMAC in the Media

Big Tech, AG Barr, AMAC Action

Posted on Friday, July 31, 2020
The Association of Mature American Citizens
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4 years ago

We already know this. No need of bunches of supplementary comments.

4 years ago

The plandemic debate goes much deeper than “freedom of speech..or..its simply an effort to dethrone Trump…etc. We are being conditioned to obey edicts. You must wear a mask because a govt official says so. You must follow our guidelines because if you don’t, you are endangering other’s lives and you don’t have the ‘right’ to do so.
Next, you must get a (potentially dangerous)vaccination because refusing to do so endangers others life and you don’t have a ‘right’ to do so.
Next, you must relinquish all your guns because refusing to do so…..etc.
Next, you must send your children to a government school because you don’t have a ‘right’ to give them a substandard education. Folks, to make a long story short, this is an orchestrated, planned program to change the culture of America and transform us into a totalitarian government.

Harley John
Harley John
4 years ago

Like an NFL player said last week, “I stand for the flag, but I only kneel for Jesus Christ”. Also another quote I heard years ago “Know Jesus, know peace, No Jesus, No peace.” What about all the Christian Martyrs around the world? Burried alive, crucified,and heads amputated. You don’t hear about all those things in the liberal news, do you?

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
4 years ago

IF YOU LOVE YOUR CHILDREN, find an alternative to Public Education.  It destroys individual thinking!!  Charter and Parochial Schools can be OK but Home Education is best although it may require lifestyle changes.  EACH OF US MUST CHOOSE!  “IF YOU LOVE YOUR CHILDREN…”

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
4 years ago

We can live without the MLB, NBA, and NFL!  We cannot not live without PRIDE IN OUR COUNTRY!!! When Rich Crybabies kneel – TURN THEM OFF!!!!!

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
4 years ago

The Democrat Party is being funded by the “One World Government”!!  Stand-up for America!!  Remove Every Democrat!!!!!

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
4 years ago

In spite of Media Brainwashing, the only goal of Marxism is Communism and the natural goal of both Socialism and Liberalism is Communism!  We are in the middle of a Communist Revolution lead by the Democrats!!!  Stand-up for America!!  Remove Every Democrat!!!!!

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
4 years ago

Communism (i.e. Marxism), Socialism, and Democracy result in NO PRIVATE OWNERSHIP!!!!!  A TRUE REPUBLIC means RESPONSIBLE PRIVATE OWNERSHIP!!!!!  Remove Every Democrat!!!!!

Christine Shields
Christine Shields
4 years ago

Ben, I look forward to your news each week but I don’t want to irritate the left. I want to educate them so their point of view will change and they will vote with us.

Kathleen Thompson
Kathleen Thompson
4 years ago

I pray every night that Pres. Trump gets re-elected. In Catholic elementary school the nuns had us pray for the conversion of Russia. Seems we need to pray for the conversion of America with what these idiotic and demented dems put out. They are not true Americans and are a disgrace to themselves and this country.

Alicia Leaving Liberals
Alicia Leaving Liberals
4 years ago

Flag burning should have never been allowed in this country. Democrats cheer on the destruction of our historical relics. Democrats are courting a ‘Marxist’ agenda. Even the ‘National Anthem’ is being replaced!

Phyllis Poole
Phyllis Poole
4 years ago

Stop taking drugs!!!!! They are foreign to our bodies! Go to a nutritionist. We eat FOOD TO KEEP OUR BODIES GOING. NOT DRUGS so if something goes wrong – straighten up your intake of food. A nutritionist know what we need and NOT! Sugar is a boondoggle! It tastes so good and people get fat and sugar depletes our B vitamins. B vitamins are so necessary for lots of things as Aand D are.
Bs work together and A and D do also
The internet is full of information Better than the encyclopedias we used to buy which needed an interpreter. So if you have a problem – look it up online

4 years ago

A hearing of the house judiciary committee? The hell it was! It was nothing but a brow beating! A one-sided brow beating! I hope viewers saw through this nonsense. The democrat communists made themselves look like a bunch of jack @$$e$. The phrase “I reclaim my time” was used by democrats every time Mr. Barr tried to respond. A hearing? Hardly! The mouthy democrats were the only ones that were heard!

Alicia Leaving Liberals
Alicia Leaving Liberals
4 years ago

The ‘D’ in Democrat means: ‘Diversionary’. Its always a ‘take away’ equation.

Jim blackowicz
Jim blackowicz
4 years ago


Art A
Art A
4 years ago

This hearing was a pathetic exhibition by ignorant,malicious,egotistical,elitist politicians. I read AG Barr’s opening statement before the hearing occurred. This was supposed to have happened in March. Covid got in the way. The committee had several months to prepare their attack. So did AG Barr. He knew what was coming and stated so in his statement that he was only allowed 5 minutes to make his presentation. My best part choice: He was asked a question which contained “under threat of perjury”. He replied and I paraphrase: Under threat of perjury? I want to answer the d@mn question. What a pro. The democrats on that committee have no honor or professional being. They are empty headed rhetoricians with absolute hate for anything or anyone connected to POTUS.

4 years ago

“The Honorable William P Barr” – did any of them even LOOK at that, much less read it, much less understand it?? Mr. Barr, please know that we, the American people appreciate everything you do and we also appreciate the fact that you have a spine and a sense of humor – the Spanish Inquisitors may not have caught any of your comments – but we did!

Claudia J
Claudia J
4 years ago

Thank you AMAC for all you do to protect seniors and your continuous support of our President Donald J. Trump.

John A. Fallon
John A. Fallon
4 years ago

Everything that took place at this so-called “hearing” was orchestrated to create sound bites for msm networks to trick thier moronic listeners into believing that dems are “fighting” for AMERICA, sadly it seems most people are STUPID enough to actually believe this garbage, GOD HELP US and GOD help PRESIDENT TRUMP. VOTE REPUBLICAN, VOTE FOR AMERICA, KAG!

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
4 years ago

Become a Counter-Revolutionary!  Demand Authority ENFORCE OUR LAWS!!  Stand-up for America!!  Remove Every Democrat!!!!!

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
4 years ago

Turn OFF the Main Stream Media!  IF YOU LOVE YOUR CHILDREN, find an alternative to Public Education!  Both the Media and Public Schools are Communist Propaganda Machines!!!  Stand-up for America!!  Remove Every Democrat!!!!!

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
4 years ago

Thank God for President Trump!!  Americans, we are in the middle of a Communist Revolution!!  Stand-up for America!!  Remove Every Democrat!!!!!

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
4 years ago

The Democrat Party is Communist!  The RINO’s are Communists.  Stand-up for America!!  Remove Every Democrat!!!!!

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
4 years ago

The Democrat Party is Communist!  The RINO’s are Communists.  Stand-up for America!!  Remove Every Democrat!!!!!

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