AMAC in the Media

Biden’s Message, Unvaccinated, AMAC Members and Merry Christmas

Posted on Friday, December 24, 2021
The Association of Mature American Citizens
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2 years ago

I have tried many times, over the last couple of years to put AMAC into the “White” pages – but Yahoo is determined to throw it into the junk mail.

George Starrett
George Starrett
2 years ago

EJS thank for look in to more in detail for us.

Robert Pierron MD
Robert Pierron MD
2 years ago

Biden dismisses the more than 1300 vaccinated Americans that CDC documents have died from breakthrough Covid infection, or the proven infection (especially with the now dominant Omicron) and virus transmission that is occurring in the vaccinated. Everyone should take general health precautions and support immune health, take the vaccine if you are risk do to age or other health problems, but don’t blame the unvaccinated (or especially those with natural immunity from prior infection) for being dangerous or unpatriotic.

2 years ago

Love these weekly news briefs!

Jim Jolly
Jim Jolly
2 years ago

Unpatriotic Americans. I have not seen any indication that he has surved in the military and accepted that he could die at anytime. All he has ever been is a flunky politician. Not all politicians are flunkies, Biden just overwhelmingly meets the cryteria. So as to call us unpatrioc because we don’ t choose to bow down to his unscientific demands means nothing. It would please me for him to go and take his VP and cabinet including Pelosi, Schumer, Shiff and the Squad and go to Cuba where he would fit in better.

Stephanie Marsh
Stephanie Marsh
2 years ago

How is this administration getting away with this unconstitutional bullying?The America that I grew up in would never taken this, these human rights stomping individuals would be swinging from a rope.

Ann Holmes
Ann Holmes
3 years ago

Those of us who have recovered from COVID have natural immunity; we can not either contract it again, or spread it after we are well. We should not take the shots as we are more apt to have reactions. Please include us with the vaccinated–we are actually safer than anyone who has taken the gene therapy (they are not true vaccines) shots. we are immune to at least 30 proteins in this virus, while the shots only expose you to one, the spike protein.

3 years ago

Rebecca, please don’t recommend the poison death shot. There are so many well renowned doctors, including the inventor of the mRNA vax, Dr. Robert Malone, that have said this experimental shot is not ready for use. It killed every single animal that it was tested on. The things that are in that injection, over the next few years, will destroy people’s immune system which will lead to AIDS and cancers. Do a search on Dr Vladimir Zelenko. He, and others, will give you the info you need to know.

David Millikan
David Millikan
3 years ago

Stick DICTATOR Beijing biden in a Circle and tell him to find a Dime in the Corner.
He’ll ask, Which Corner?

3 years ago

Biden should be impeached. But I guess he never won .what ever the answer is he does not need to be trying to run the greatest country in the world.

3 years ago

Lmao….I got it, it was mild, and I survived, no doctor, no hospital, no respirator, no vax. Oh, and I am very patriotic. And I will be having Christmas dinner with my family. FJBb

3 years ago

My last pay test was $9500 operating 12 hours per week on line. my sisters buddy has been averaging 15k for months now and she works approximately 20 hours every week. i can not accept as true with how easy it become as soon as i tried it out.

This is what do,…………………………….. ????????????.????????????????????????.????????????

3 years ago


Stan d. Upnow
Stan d. Upnow
3 years ago

So, Rebecca, as a Conservative, you live in NYC? WHY? You and Hannity. Tsk, Tsk.

3 years ago

Merry Christmas and I hope the New Year be better

3 years ago

My doctor told me if I get the shot I will get sick so I sure get the shot

3 years ago

I have attempted to White List AMAC for 2 years now – and you’all still get put in my spam. So, I’m trying again, by resigning up for things that go into my spam. We shall see. Thank you.

3 years ago

I have attempted to White List AMAC for 2 years now – and you’all still get put in my spam. So, I’m trying again, by resigning up for things that go into my spam. We shall see. Thank you.

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