AMAC in the Media

Biden, Tim Scott, Socialism

Posted on Friday, April 30, 2021
The Association of Mature American Citizens

This week Ben discusses Biden’s very first speech addressing the joint session of congress and how he plans to “bankrupt” America. After Biden’s 70 minute speech, Senator Tim Scott stole the stage, giving Americans the information we need to respond to the administration’s radicalization. AMAC Action President Bob Carlstrom joins Ben to wrap up this week’s episode, updating members on the dangers of Biden’s massive spending spree.

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Jeff Noncent
Jeff Noncent
3 years ago

We better get ready for something bad is coming up to America

John fallon
John fallon
3 years ago

If “WE THE PEOPLE” Do not prove voter fraud NOW!!! we will never have an honest election, quit fantasizing about “next time”, if we do not act now we will be lost FOREVER, PROVE VOTER FRAUD, PUT IN OFFICE PEOPLE WE ACTUALLY VOTED FOR!!! TAKE OUR COUNTRY BACK NOW AND WE AVOID THE HORRORS OF WAR!!!! MAGA AGAIN!!!!!!

Karen Whaley Sholar
Karen Whaley Sholar
3 years ago

this woman disgusts me with her arrogance and lies and I AM ONE OF MILLIONS!

charles walp
charles walp
3 years ago

an empty suit speaking to a empty house

3 years ago

#1 Biden is Not the Duly Elected President by the Citizens of the USA, He’s an Antichrist Placed In a Position by the CCP, to Rule over the USA as a CZAR! Yet he is simply the Figure Head for the obama Machine, which is being run by Islam, Communist, Antifa, BLM; Wake up Citizens Get off Your Couch get involved someplace, Schools, town council, local Politics, Get out there Find out what is really going on. You can’t keep sitting on Your Couch and Hope someone Else fixes This COMMUNIST TAKE OVER. Why do you sit by While the USA Burns and Caves in as the Communist Stuff their Pockets with this Countries Wealth. Why don’t you care for the abused children being forced to wear mask, and made to stay away from friends, Local Schools (Public) Teach Critical Race Theory or similar material, yet citizens and Parents are Silent WHY???? this is Evil what is going on. This same Evil is being done to Seniors in this Country, Medical treatments for the very harmless Covid withheld and thousands have died. Why don’t You care enough to find the truth and Stop This Evil. Go to frankspeech .com, thenewamerican .com, Dr. Simone Gold-with America’s frontline doctors, theAmericanReport .org site, AmericaCanWeTalk .org site, The Conservative Tree House, many other’s. Whatever you do STOP!!! Watching Mainstream Local and National News Programs, that includes Newsmax, and Fox. Christopher Ruddy on Newsmax put up an Article Praising Nelson Mandela, Mandela was an Evil Communist, that Bombed, Burned Alive with Gasoline and tires hung on their Necks, Black people in South Africa, that refused to bow or follow the Communist Party. Mandela was praised an support by Obama, the Clinton’s, etc. That Very same Killing machine of Mandela is Here in the USA Burning down our town’s, business, killing, spreading Hate and division. While Millions of USA Citizens sit by Doing Zero. The CCP (Chinese Communist Party) is Literaly Taking over the USA while 80 Plus Million Citizens that Voted for Trump sit by, for the most part, silently, waiting on someone else to fix the problem. These were not just conservatives who voted for Trump either. The Democratic Party is controlled by the CCP, along with many other’s.

3 years ago

Obama did the same thing, if you look at it. “Yeah, I will work with the Republicans…” but they don’t agree with Obama or with Biden, and so (shocker) they don’t work with Republicans at all! I do not like the government taking over in such a total manner. They are hitting us with taxes we cannot pay, and hurting all Americans. When you raise the corporate tax rate to 40%+, you just killed your economy, too. Joe is the stupidest president in my lifetime because he says one thing and immediately does another, then forgets what he did in the first place. Oh, and that is correct that Joe Biden took an oath to protect and defend the Constitution, not bend it to suit his policies! Additionally, the PEOPLE change the constitution. It takes a convention of States. Right now, the Convention of States wants term limits – that would be amazing! And I think Biden should be impeached for not taking his Oath of Office seriously, and that’s just one offense. You can’t tell me the Constitution is not an “absolute.” That’s the basis for the country and you uphold it, Joe, or your a traitor.

Chuck Gintz
Chuck Gintz
3 years ago

Perhaps Jen Psaki should understand that Kevin McCarthy and other Republican representatives in government represent the half of the people who live in the United States. Perhaps someone should explain to her that in our Republic form of government (we are not a parliamentary government) the Senate and the House of Representatives are the Congress and their role is to represent the citizens who elected them. If you take an actual count of those that favor the Socialist policies of the radical Democrat party, they are in the minority. Joe and his minions should be listening to what we want, a proven Constitution and Bill of Rights, instead of telling us what he thinks we need. His ideas (?) are destroying the strongest country in the world and turning it into Venezuela.

3 years ago

The first travesty is to see Biden,Harris,Pelosi standing under the engraving on the marble that says: In God We Trust. These politicians are pathetic! But then you wonder how many misled American’s actually believe Biden when he says all of these new programs are free. Just think, we will have most young Americans with “free” college working at fast food restaurants and such because there a won’t be any good paying jobs in the oil industry or many other industries. Maybe the first class the new college recruits should take is a class entitled: Nothing is free!

Tracy McKeon
Tracy McKeon
3 years ago

I wanted to reply to each issue brought up by Ben’s weekly reporting this response. To do so, I have to listen to each issue then write my response. It wasn’t possible since I assume there must be a time limit once I begin my comment. Considering you are addressing seniors, who have memory issues, it would be good to not have responses timed.

3 years ago

He has broken 3 promises that he made so far. So what is next! Listen to Tim Scott, and he is right. We do not want socialism.

Phil Hammersley
Phil Hammersley
3 years ago

When I see/hear Jen Psaki, I want to THROW UP! She is the biggest LIAR in that position in history. And the senile “leader” who wears a mask on a ZOOM call or in a 1-on-1 meeting with someone who is both vaccinated and masked!
Urge anyone you know or love to vote all DIMMs out in 2022!

3 years ago

Why haven’t the damn democrats denied, socialism? Are 50% of the American public that stupid?
For once I am glad I am 80yo, I won’t have to suffer as long as my grandkids. What a shame.

3 years ago

As long as more people believe the socialist dream might come true, the longer it will take for this country to wake up. Ben-and-friends’ videos explain very clearly why socialism is a nightmare. All we need to do is to listen, and then we’ll understand what’s going on in D.C.

3 years ago

We are being lied to, not only on a national level by Biden and his cronies, but on a state level. I live in Oregon and frequently write emails to all the “elected” officials (I say “elected” because I don’t believe any of the dems were fairly elected, they all cheated) and I get responses back that tell me what a great job the governor has done with covid (mind you we are in yet another lockdown) and if she had responded like the governors of South Dakota and Arizona, we would be much worse off. I basically get responses that tell me what a great plan HB1 is and they flat out LIE when they tell me how it will benefit me. I am so tired of it, and am seriously considering moving out of state to somewhere with freedom and where they uphold the Constitution. Until I am able to move, I am getting more involved locally where I can, but to be quite honest I feel very deflated and frustrated with the whole state of affairs from the whole lot of them.

Mike S
Mike S
3 years ago

Problem seems to have been corrected. I watched it on you tube earlier.

C. Haessler
C. Haessler
3 years ago

Stop with “socialism” as I have lived under socialism and what we have here is outright communist takeover of our Republic. Don’t forget their 1963 publishing the DNC’s Communist Manifesto and now we have allowed it to take place. My husband lived under communism and barely escaped as some years. Wise up that this is a battle royal before us to recover our country and remove the DNC Party to never again be paid of our Congress!

James Adams
James Adams
3 years ago

I can view the video any ideas on opening it?

Sue Marie Mariska
Sue Marie Mariska
3 years ago

I can’t open the weekly update

Lynne Pace
Lynne Pace
3 years ago

Plays fine thru the app on my phone?

3 years ago

I watched it on the AMAC app

3 years ago

No video????

Bill Humiston
Bill Humiston
3 years ago

Folks, you can always try the YouTube channel for AMAC to get the video. Here’s the link:
Biden, Tim Scott, Socialism – YouTube

3 years ago

I see no one else got the video either so I guess the left found another way to silence us.

3 years ago

Hey guys, a glitch in your news?

Thomas Bayer
Thomas Bayer
3 years ago

no video

Carol Zieba
Carol Zieba
3 years ago

I cannot get the video either

3 years ago

I am unable to get this week’s video news update.

3 years ago

Can’t get the weekly news video

3 years ago

my computer doesn’t play the videos any more what could be the problem?

Danny R Smith
Danny R Smith
3 years ago

Cannot get video

3 years ago

Traitor Bidens so called speech was HORRIBLE !!!!!!!!!!

3 years ago


Michael N Getsi
Michael N Getsi
3 years ago

I can’t view the AMAC weekly news. Seems to be a technical glitch.

3 years ago

I’m my opinion along with others he is not my President. The election was a sham and a disgrace to our country. He is a babbling idiot with an socialist agenda. I will never watch or listen to anything either one one them have to say.

3 years ago

The video is not coming up.

3 years ago

Biden is Peter Pan in sheep’s clothing. He wants to bring his “dreamy” socialist fantasy to life in the USA. ☹️

Mike S
Mike S
3 years ago

This has to be part of shutting down conservative opinions. The left has gone too far.
Didn’t anyone have to read 1984 when they were in school? I want my Amac News!

3 years ago

Some real news please I need this video!

3 years ago

Someone should tell Nancy she looks fat in the pink dress!

3 years ago

4/30/2021 Weekly News, doesn’t play. Why???, & I do not do fb.

Margaret L Garcia
Margaret L Garcia
3 years ago

Calling Ben Ferguson! Want my weekly news update from AMAC!

3 years ago

Try this link on youtube. Hopefully it will stay up and not be censored:

Tim Scott Slams “Socialist Dreams” In GOP Response To Biden Address To Joint Session Of Congress – YouTube

3 years ago

No video. Not AMAC’s fault

3 years ago

Me too. No video

james r owens
james r owens
3 years ago

guess woke shut down the video

David A Raun
David A Raun
3 years ago

Find it on Facebook.

Charles Anderson
Charles Anderson
3 years ago

yes, this is not a good thing. Keep the video, keep it free, especially now, it’s critical.

3 years ago

Absolutely effects those on a fixed income when he raises taxes to businesses that have to pay those taxes by raising prices. The Cost Of Living will be the death of many Seniors…thanks joe… I hope he does get the filibuster and then loses control of the House ccx and the Senate in 2022.

3 years ago

Me too, No video to watch…. What is the point of having a headline that no one can see.
I sent a complaint to AMAC, as I too am a subscriber

Mike D.
Mike D.
3 years ago

No video link!?!?

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