AMAC in the Media

Biden Debate, Pro-Life, Benefits

Posted on Friday, August 7, 2020
The Association of Mature American Citizens
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4 years ago

The Left/Liberals are scared to death to put Biden up against Trump because Trump will eat him alive! You need to watch this…

Phil Hammersley
Phil Hammersley
4 years ago

Joe Lockhart. paid Clinton liar, cannot state ANY lie that our president said! DJT likes to hyperbolize but that’s what all businessmen do! Would the CEO of Ford say, “Chevies are better than Fords”? Of course not.
Biden, Piglosi, Scummer all tell BLATANT lies–knowing the truth but refusing to say it.

Phil M
Phil M
4 years ago

Come on, Amac!! I don’t watch these for the commercials, and I suspect most others don’t as well. Yes, it is fine to toot your own horn, but not for fully half the news program.

Now, about the cops that made the arrest for the chalk incident. These cops are of the same ilk as the Minneapolis cop that killed George Floyd. They are bullies that should not be allowed to carry guns. Throw their butts out onto the street after taking their liability insurers for their policy limits.

4 years ago

Ben did it again: “AMAC supports our democracy”. We have a Republic, not a democracy! Our forefathers loathed the word democracy. It does not appear in the U.S. Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, or in any of the state constitutions.

Harry L. Mallory
Harry L. Mallory
4 years ago

The cops should know better then to arrest the chalk writers. They need to start telling these politicians to pound sand when they order this kind of crap.

4 years ago

This just proves how scared Sleepy Joe Biden’s own supporters are. They know he would most likely fumble his way through a debate and make himself look bad. I could say so much more, but I won’t.

Art A
Art A
4 years ago

The Chalk Protest- Pure censorship. Some our more famous mayors will tell you what and how to think. How about Bowser,Wheeler,Lightfoot,or De Blasio just for starters?

Debates- I would find it entertaining to see POTUS get into a battle of wits with an unarmed Biden. Poor Sleepy.

Theodore Olson
Theodore Olson
4 years ago

I love Ama

Nancy Cudney
Nancy Cudney
4 years ago

The fact that Biden is refusing to debate Trump in s presidential debate is just another reason to not vote for him. This info needs to reach all voters both republicans, democrats and all citizens. This shows how incompetent Biden is. Also thank you for all the benefits for members being worked oit every day.

Eliot Russell Johnson
Eliot Russell Johnson
4 years ago

You say share your weekly AMAC report and have never been able to find out how to do it. I do not see a share button.

4 years ago

I would LOVE to see a debate this weekend! After President Trumps’ address tonight – he has got the momentum. He is making things happen – he proved once again he supports the American people. He is a true patriot and I am so proud to support him!

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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