AMAC in the Media

Bankrupt, Resist, Bipartisan

Posted on Friday, August 13, 2021
The Association of Mature American Citizens
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Jeff Noncent
Jeff Noncent
3 years ago

It’s sickening

Lynne Pace
Lynne Pace
3 years ago

THANK YOU SENATOR PAUL! I would rather listen to a Doctor, than a bureaucrat!

Lynne Pace
Lynne Pace
3 years ago

How is taxing all the miles you drive NOT a tax on people that make under $400K a year? Once more, proof they lie out of both sides of their face and they really don’t care if you call them on it.

3 years ago

Rand Paul is an American hero. He has the courage to take a stand against very evil people. I hope there is a majority of Americans that appreciate what he is doing. It breaks my heart to see what is happening to our country, and SO fast. If there is any bright spot in the Biden administration, it is that we can CLEARLY see all of the RINOs that exist in our corrupt government. We may not be able to “drain the swamp” it may just be too big, but we can try. There is no clear leader anywhere in the world right now. The Bible teaches there is one called the Anti-Christ that will rule the entire world. We are quickly headed in that direction. Until then, we MUST do everything in our power to stop the evil that is going on all around us. Pray, write your leaders, educate others and do NOT give up your vote. 2022 is coming!

Philip Hammersley
Philip Hammersley
3 years ago

SCUMMER has the usual statement:” Make the wealthy pay.” If you confiscate all of the money from the top 10% it would only run the government for less than ONE year. The money is in the middle class (US!). They will HAVE to raise OUR taxes. Notice the inclusion of the per-mile tax. In NYC or SF , they drive at most 10 or 20 miles per workday. How many of US drive much more than that. How about the western states : MT, ID, TX, etc.?

Edward A. Posuniak.Jr
Edward A. Posuniak.Jr
3 years ago

They may not care but God cares. When their term limits on earth is up they will be held accoutable by God. He cannot be bought and they will pay the consequences when they leave this world. I pity their souls.

3 years ago

What is this country turning into? Biden and Pelosi have destroyed our government and our institutions from the top down. They have taken the hammer and sickle to not just Trump but to all of us that believe in the American way of life , freedom and liberty. They have also unleashed our foreign enemies to plot against us with not a care. Where is the American pride to lead us out of this mess? God help us all. Vote these grifters out of office in 22

3 years ago

Come On . . . do you really think sending 98000 Emails or any other complaining missives to “our” congress is going to mean anything!!! I doubt if “our” “senators” or “representatives” are going to make any difference !!! They aren’t even listening to us “constituants” anymore! They have stolen our government! And are doing anything and everything they want to make us Venezuela. Does anyone out there agree with me ? I DO NOT WANT MY GREAT, GREAT, GREAT, GREAT, GRANDCHILDREN PAYING FOR THIS CONGRESS’S BAD BILLS AND LAWS.
Doesn’t it look like something or someone is going to need to step up to stop this. We don’t seem to be getting anywhere by talking. According to what I read in my BIBLE any nation that turns it’s back on GOD is doomed to the trash bins of history. (1 Kings 22:8-28, 2 Chronicles 18:7-27 and others). And what God and what He wants is being left out of this whole dialog! So, besides praying what can people who love this nation and don’t want to see it wind up destroyed do ? What happens next !!!

Maureen Edmond
Maureen Edmond
3 years ago

Never before has the Will of the People been thrown in their faces! Take a breathalyzer test in your car or your car won’t start??!! Who says I have to get a new car? Where do these elitist Legislators live? Fantasy Island? The “rich” includes all of them, if you ask me. I’ve never earned a 6-figure salary in my entire life and they walk around with million dollar bank accounts, spending money that clearly isn’t theirs, and taking it FROM US! I hope they like that unemployment line because I will do my best to vote as many of them into it as possible. Signed: a member of the Vanishing Middle Class.

3 years ago

I beleive in equality for everyone legal citizen. Yet, Bipartisan – nothing more than reverse discrimination.

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
3 years ago

Dont worry. China will take care of us. Do you like fish heads and Rice. ????

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
3 years ago

Dont worry. China will take care of us. Do you like fish heads and Rice. ????

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