Opening Up America Again
PRESIDENT TRUMP: “Based on the latest data, our team of experts now agree is that we can begin the next front in our war which we are calling: Opening up America again.”
PRESIDENT TRUMP: “As I have said for some time now, a national shutdown is not a sustainable long-term solution. To preserve the health of our citizens, we must also preserve the health and functioning of our economy.”
PRESIDENT TRUMP: “Now that we have passed the peak in new cases, we’re starting our life again. We’re starting rejuvenation of our economy again, in a safe and structured and a very responsible fashion.”
VICE PRESIDENT PENCE: “The new guidelines for Opening up America Again are a product of the best science and the best common sense that the President has marshalled on his team and from a broad range of advisors from all across the nation.”
New Federal Guidelines
PRESIDENT TRUMP: “My administration is issuing new federal guidelines that will allow governors to take a phased and deliberate approach to reopening their individual states…This strategy is based on hard, verifiable data.”
PRESIDENT TRUMP: “Our approach outlines three phases in restoring our economic life. We are not opening all at once, but one careful step at a time. And some states will be able to open up sooner than others.”
PRESIDENT TRUMP: “Our goal will be to quickly identify and address any outbreaks and put them out rapidly. If the virus returns in the fall, as some scientists think it may – possibly – these guidelines will ensure that our country is up and running, so that we can likewise put it out quickly.”
VICE PRESIDENT PENCE: “The guidelines, as Americans who are looking on will note, begin with what is the best criteria that our experts have developed: a downward trajectory in cases over a 14 day period of time, ensuring that states have proper capacity in their health care facilities.”
VICE PRESIDENT PENCE: “The second set of, of proposals includes a description of recommendations for state preparedness.”
VICE PRESIDENT PENCE: “The President directed us to propose a phased approach to reopening — to reopening our economy. It is based on up-to-date data and readiness, and we’ll continue to provide the very best data to our states, working with their health officials. The focus is on the mitigation of any risk of resurgence, or the emergence of the coronavirus in states where it’s not yet emerged.”
NIAID DIRECTOR FAUCI: “The predominant and completely driving element that we put into this was the safety and health of the American public.”
Protecting Vulnerable Populations
PRESIDENT TRUMP: “Our strategy will continue to protect senior citizens and other vulnerable populations, while allowing military and other groups of incredibly talented people to go about their real business.”
PRESIDENT TRUMP: “Instead of a blanket shutdown, we will pursue a focus on sheltering the highest risk individuals. So important. We’re establishing clear, scientific metric, and benchmarks on testing, new case growth, and hospital capacity that must be met before advancing to each phase.”
Continuing Commonsense Precautions
PRESIDENT TRUMP: “Throughout the process, citizens will continued to be called upon to use all of their weapons in this war: vigorous hygiene, teleworking when possible, staying at home if you feel sick, maintaining social distance, sanitizing commonly used services, and being highly conscious of their surroundings. Those are our weapons and they’re very powerful weapons, indeed.”
PRESIDENT TRUMP: “As we begin a science-based reopening, we must be extra vigilant in blocking the foreign entry of the virus from abroad. Border control, travel restrictions, and other limitations on entry are more important than ever to keep the virus in check and allow Americans to get back to work.”
Important Progress Made
PRESIDENT TRUMP: “Our experts and scientists report that our strategy to slow the spread has saved hundreds of thousands of lives. Models predicted between 1.5 million and 2.2 million U.S. deaths. If there was no mitigation, it could even have been higher than that. And between 100,000 and 240,000 deaths with mitigation. It’s looking like we’ll come far under even these lowest numbers.”
PRESIDENT TRUMP: “Our experts say the curve has flattened and the peak in new cases is behind us. Nationwide, more than 850 counties or nearly 30% of our country have reported no new cases in the last seven days.”
PRESIDENT TRUMP: “Because of our early and aggressive action, we have avoided the tragedy of healthcare rationing and deadly shortfalls that have befallen many other nations which, wherever possible, we are helping. In America, no person who has needed a ventilator has been denied a ventilator.”
PRESIDENT TRUMP: “The United States has achieved a significant lower mortality rate than almost all other countries.”
Expanding Testing
PRESIDENT TRUMP: “We will also continue to expand our testing capacity. We have now completed more than 3.5 million test, by far the most anywhere in the world. Areas of our country that have been hotspots have done much more testing on a per capita basis than South Korea.”
PRESIDENT TRUMP: “We will continue to work with governors to advise them on how to conduct both surveillance and diagnostic testing.”
PRESIDENT TRUMP: “In recent days, we have seen a dramatic increase in the number of tests performed by hospitals and academic institutions, with more than 120,000 tests recently reported in a single day.”
PRESIDENT TRUMP: “As Dr. Birx has been advising our governors for weeks, we continue to have an excess testing capacity of one million tests per week available for use. And our capabilities are growing every single day, especially with the new tests that are coming onto the market rapidly.”
PRESIDENT TRUMP: “As these new and better testing solutions come online, we’re seeing this additional capacity reflected in the numbers. For this reason, the number of tests processed in commercial laboratories has dropped from approximately 100,000 to roughly 75,000 tests over the last week. The reason it dropped is because we have so many other tests.”
PRESIDENT TRUMP: “This drop in the utilization of commercial laboratories is an affirmation that testing, which is at an all-time high, is growing at a historic rate.”
VICE PRESIDENT PENCE: “On March 11, we had performed a total of 23,588 tests. Because of the public-private partnership that President Trump initiated with commercial labs across the country, that number was 83,500 by March 18. And as the President just said, that number is 3.5 million today. It is our expectation we will have tested more than 5 million Americans before the end of the month of April.”
Developing New Therapies
PRESIDENT TRUMP: “At the heart of our strategy is the vital role of medical research especially for therapies that will significantly improve outcomes for high-risk patients and reduce the need for urgent care … At least 35 clinical are already underway including antiviral therapies, immune therapies, and blood therapies in the form of convalescent plasma.”