Our Aggressive Strategy is Working
PRESIDENT TRUMP: “It is clear that our aggressive strategy is working, and very strongly working, I might add.”
VICE PRESIDENT PENCE: “The American people will be encouraged to know that as we stand here today, 24% of the counties of this country have no reported coronavirus cases.”
VICE PRESIDENT PENCE: “In fact, half of the states in America have less than 2,500 cases per state. This is a great tribute to the efforts by the people of those communities.”
Guidelines for Re-opening the Country
PRESIDENT TRUMP: “These encouraging developments have put us in a very strong position to finalize guidelines for states on re-opening the country, which we will be announcing – we’re going to be talking about that tomorrow.”
PRESIDENT TRUMP: “We’ll also be speaking to America’s governors tomorrow and then we’ll be announcing exactly what’s happening. You already know we’ll be opening up states, some states much sooner than others. And we think some of the states can actually open up before the deadline of May 1st.”
PRESIDENT TRUMP: “Today, I spoke with the leaders of many of our nation’s most renowned companies and organizations on how to achieve the full resurgence of the American economy. My discussions included top leaders in health and health care, transportation, technology, financial services, food, beverages, hospitality, real estate, retail, agriculture, construction, energy, labor, manufacturing, and sports industries.”
Testing Update
PRESIDENT TRUMP: “We’ve rapidly developed the most expansive and accurate testing system anywhere in the world, and have completed more than 3.3 million tests.”
PRESIDENT TRUMP: “Today, we have authorized 48 separate coronavirus tests and the FDA is working with 300 companies and labs to widen our capacity still further.”
PRESIDENT TRUMP: “Today, Abbott Labs announced that it has developed an antibody test that will determine if someone has been previously infected with the coronavirus, and potentially developed immunity … The company says these tests could be available to screen up to 20 million people in a matter of weeks.”
Medical Equipment and Supplies
PRESIDENT TRUMP: “My administration is also distributing a vast amount of medical supplies to states across the country through Project Airbridge, which has been an amazing success. We have completed 44 flights … An additional 56 flights scheduled in the near future.”
PRESIDENT TRUMP: “Through all channels, the federal government has developed and delivered 39.4 million N95 masks, 431 million gloves, 57 million surgical masks, and 10.2 million gowns. We ordered 500 million masks and they’ll be coming shortly. And we’ve distributed 100 million masks.”
PRESIDENT TRUMP: “Following our use of the Defense Production Act, GM announced that its first ventilators come off the assembly line in Kokomo, Indiana. Great Place. They did it in 11 days from start to finish. … GM will ship over 600 ventilators this month alone, with thousands more to come.”
VICE PRESIDENT PENCE: “On the subject of facial masks, which are so important for the protection of critical infrastructure – pleased to report that the average daily delivery through the commercial network through our Airbridge is 22 million facial masks coming into the marketplace. The average inventory in the network over a seven day period is 80 million masks.”
VICE PRESIDENT PENCE: “FEMA is actually working as we speak to move facial masks to priority infrastructure. … There’ll be 6.5 million masks that go out before the end of this week and additional 20 million before April the 20th. And then we’ll be adding 6.5 million each and every week.”
Paycheck Protection Program
PRESIDENT TRUMP: “To ease the economic pain of millions of American families, we’ve now processed $300 billion in loans to more than one million small businesses through the Paycheck Protection Program. This action has saved millions of American jobs.”
PRESIDENT TRUMP: “Congress must replenish the Paycheck Protection Program immediately. The Republicans want to do it, they want to do it immediately, and they want to do it now. And the Democrats are stopping it.”
Strong and Secure Food Supply
SECRETARY PERDUE: “There’s been a lot happening this week as COVID-19 is impacting food processing facilities, as you know. For Americans who may be worried about access to good food because of this, I want to assure you the American food supply is strong, resilient and safe.”
Confirming Essential Nominees During a Crisis
PRESIDENT TRUMP: “As the entire U.S. Government works to combat the global pandemic, it is absolutely essential that the key positions at relevant federal agencies are fully staffed.”
PRESIDENT TRUMP: “There are currently 129 nominees stuck in the Senate because of partisan obstruction. Many are nominated for vacancies that must be filled to assist with the coronavirus crisis, and the resulting economic challenges.”
PRESIDENT TRUMP: “The Senate should either fulfill its duty and vote on my nominees or it should formally adjourn so that I can make recess appointments. We have a tremendous number of people that have to come into the government and now more so than ever before because of the virus and the problem.”
PRESIDENT TRUMP: “If the House will not agree to that adjournment, I will exercise my constitutional authority to adjourn both chambers of Congress. The current practice of leaving town while conducting phony pro forma sessions is a dereliction of duty that the American people can’t afford during this crisis. It is a scam, what they do.”
World Health Organization
President Trump is holding the World Health Organization (WHO) accountable by putting a hold on United States funding. President Trump is placing a hold on all funding to the WHO while its mismanagement of the coronavirus pandemic is investigated. The American taxpayers provide $400 million to $500 million in funding to the WHO each year, but the WHO has failed them. China, on the other hand, provides just around one-tenth of the funding that the United States provides. The American people deserve better from the WHO, and no more funding will be provided until its mismanagement, cover-ups, and failures can be investigated. President Trump will continue fighting the coronavirus outbreak and will redirect global health aid to others directly engaged in the fight. For more information, please click here.