AMAC in the Media

AMAC Supports Strengthening the SSDI Trust Fund Program

Posted on Tuesday, June 9, 2020
The Association of Mature American Citizens

AMACThe Social Security Disability Insurance trust fund is heading towards insolvency. AMAC Supports the modifications within this bill that are needed for future generations.

June 9, 2020

The Honorable Ted Yoho
Florida 3rd Congressional District
1730 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, DC 20510

Dear Congressman Yoho:

On behalf of the 2.1 million members of the Association of Mature American Citizens (AMAC), I write to you in support of H.R. 4854, the Making D.I. Work for All Americans Act.

The Social Security Disability Insurance trust fund is in desperate need of reformation. It is estimated that the SSDI trust fund will be exhausted by 2054. As an organization dedicated to American values and fiscal responsibility, we are urging Congress to usher in the needed reforms to make sure this program survives for future generations.

The Making D.I. Work for All Americans Act will make the much-needed modifications to the SSDI trust fund:
• Sets a flat monthly rate for beneficiaries • Eliminates the middleman of SSA compensate disability attorneys • Updates the outdated medical-vocational guidelines to guarantee that the applicants who wish to return to work can be match with a suitable job for the individual

The timing of this bill is critical for the next generation that enters the SSDI trust fund program. AMAC is pleased to offer our full endorsement of this legislation and we look forward to working with you to ensure the SSDI trust fund program remains solvent.


Bob Carlstrom
AMAC Action

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