AMAC in the Media

AMAC Supports Resolution Calling for Medicare and Social Security to be Strengthened for Future Generations

Posted on Thursday, March 25, 2021
The Association of Mature American Citizens

Social SecurityMedicare and Social Security are necessary programs for America’s seniors and Congress should work together to strengthen the programs for future generations.

March 23, 2021

The Honorable Debbie Lesko
Arizona 8th Congressional District
1214 Longworth House Office Building
Washington D.C. 20515

Dear Congresswoman Lesko,

On behalf of the over 2.3 million members of the Association of Mature American Citizens (AMAC), I am writing in support of your resolution, Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that Medicare and Social Security provide an essential benefit for current enrollees and should be strengthened for future generations. While there are several policy disagreements as to how we should guarantee Social Security and Medicare, this resolution reaffirms to seniors that Congress will stand by its promise to ensure access to Social Security and Medicare for years to come.

Recent Trustees’ reports show that Medicare and Social Security are set to become insolvent by 2026 and 2034, respectively. To make matters worse, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) recently estimated that over $48.5 billion Medicare dollars were lost to improper payments, waste, fraud, and abuse in 2018. Similarly, the Social Security Administration (SSA) estimates that it lost $10.9 billion in 2018 due to improper payments, waste, fraud, and abuse. With Medicare and Social Security on already shaky ground, it is heartening to see Congress resolve to root out waste, fraud, and abuse to preserve the integrity of both programs.

In addition to reducing waste, fraud, and abuse, this resolution also rejects any changes to Medicare or Social Security that diminishes benefits for Americans currently enrolled in Medicare or Social Security, or who are nearing enrollment. Right now, over 60,000,000 Americans are receiving Medicare and Social Security benefits, and an additional 10,000 Baby Boomers are becoming eligible for these programs every day. It is important that Congress realize the value and benefit these programs bring to the millions of seniors who have come to rely on these programs as they enter retirement.

As an organization committed to representing mature Americans and seniors, AMAC remains dedicated to ensuring senior citizens’ interests are protected. We appreciate your ongoing and dedicated commitment to guarantee that Medicare and Social Security are provided to senior citizens. AMAC is proud to offer our organization’s full support for your thoughtful and timely Resolution.


Bob Carlstrom
AMAC Action

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2 years ago

We are so good at passing bills quickly for non citizens and forgetting those that gave them the money. Many put into social security all their lives. Think of the waste and abuse of money that isn’t the governments. Many , like me, if I passed away don’t have anyone to give my social security to. We SHOULD have more money in the program. How about an infusion of some of this money the government gives out like candy, hides it for programs we know nothing about. I have tried to contact my representatives, can’t reach them. So, if this money is my only income, which for me it isn’t, do people have to sacrifice a severe lose of income and go back to work. No! The government and those who want our vote need to know we want social security and even Medicare solvent. No more handouts until Americans, whom foot the bill for this planet, are taken cared of. This is crap. Work our butts off for these ungrateful politicians to steal. Nag these Crumbs that you want social security fixed or don’t bother me for a vote. Thank you for bringing up this important matter.

Darrell Rodeffer
Darrell Rodeffer
2 years ago

Thank you

2 years ago

They need to return all funds barrowed from social security plus intrest.

3 years ago

Write your representatives & urge them to get rid of fraudulent Medicare claims. And put stiff penalty on people that are doing the fraud claims.

3 years ago

What happened to payroll taxes that Trump told people they could defer in year 2020? He said if reelected he would forgive them & that did not happen: so did these people get nailed for tax bill in 2021. Also, never did understand why Trump said he would put Social Security in the General fund if reelected, why if fund is good until 2034 year. What am I missing?

3 years ago

What happened to payroll taxes that Trump told people they could defer in year 2020? He said if reelected he would forgive them & that did not happen: so did these people get nailed for tax bill in 2021. Also, never did understand why Trump said he would put Social Security in the General fund if reelected, why if fund is good until 2034 year. What am I missing?

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