H.R. 1838 makes it easier for parents to request new Social Security numbers for their children when their Social Security card has been stolen.
April 1, 2019
The Honorable Kenny Marchant
24th Congressional District, Texas
2304 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
The Honorable Jason Smith
8th Congressional District, Missouri
2418 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
Dear Congressman Marchant and Congressman Smith:
On behalf of the 1.8 million members of AMAC, the Association of Mature American Citizens, I am writing in strong support of H.R. 1838, the Social Security Child Protection Act of 2018. This important piece of legislation offers more protection for children under 14 years of age who have been victims of Social Security card theft. This bill is a timely solution to better protect vulnerable children from identity theft.
The Social Security Child Protection Act is a real-life solution to a real-time problem. In 2017, approximately 16.7 million Americans were victims of identity fraud—an all-time record in U.S. history. As millions of identities are compromised each year due to Social Security card theft, children are becoming a more attractive target to identity thieves. H.R. 1838 seeks to stem the tide of Social Security card theft by making it easier for parents to request new Social Security numbers for their children when their Social Security card has been stolen, while in transit, from the Social Security Administration (SSA).
Under current SSA policy, parents of children under 14 years of age are able to request a new Social Security number only when they can demonstrate harm has occurred as a direct result of Social Security card theft. However, demonstrating a level of harm requisite with current policy is difficult for most parents because children do not typically participate in activities where harm from Social Security card theft would be made apparent (e.g., getting a driver’s license, buying a home, opening a line of credit, etc.). H.R. 1838 would make it easier for parents to get a new Social Security number for their children because they would only need to show their child’s Social Security card was stolen in transit from the SSA—not that their child suffered actual harm.
As an organization committed to representing seniors, AMAC is dedicated to ensuring senior citizens’ interests are protected. We thank you, Representatives Marchant and Smith, for your commonsense and practical solution to protect children from identity theft. AMAC is pleased to offer our organization’s full support to the Social Security Child Protection Act.
Dan Weber
President and Founder of AMAC