This simple requirement strengthens election integrity in Arizona with no burden to voters.
March 24, 2021
The Honorable J.D. Mesnard
Arizona District 17 State Senator
Arizona State Senate Capitol Complex
Room 309
1700 West Washington
Phoenix, AZ 85007
Dear Senator Mesnard,
On behalf of the 2.37 million members of AMAC – Association of Mature American Citizens, including over 72,000 who reside in the state of Arizona, I write to offer our support for your legislation that helps to reform elections in Arizona, Senate Bill 1713.
With the activities of last November’s general election still very much fresh in their minds, AMAC members have clearly related their concern over how voter identification proposals are being portrayed by Democrats and the left. They have told us that they support basic voter identification and do not agree that asking voters to identify themselves prior to voting equates to “voter suppression.”
Your bill that merely necessitates voters disclose their date of birth and either their driver’s license number or voter registration number as well as their signature as they mail in their ballots, is a simple yet effective means of safeguarding election integrity in Arizona.
AMAC members are not alone in supporting voter identification. A simple internet search reveals major support across nearly every demographic for rudimentary election integrity measures, including voter ID.
Thank you, Senator Mesnard, for your leadership in ensuring free and fair elections in Arizona. Your legislation should be shared with other states throughout the country and AMAC is pleased to offer our association’s full support for Senate Bill 1713.
Bob Carlstrom
President, AMAC Action
Our country needs a complete verification of the people who vote as to their citizenship, legal address and voter registration!
I feel only citizens should be able to vote in our country. Every citizen should register and should show I’d. Id cards are available at the motor vehicle in every city and state.
Finally, down to earth legislation Senate bill 1713. The entire country needs this
Finally, down to earth legislation Senate bill 1713. The entire country needs this