This legislative package prevents the promotion of Critical Race Theory programming in South Dakota’s schools. It offers protections for students and employees attending and working in elementary schools and secondary schools with these protections extending through higher education institutions.
February 16, 2022
The Honorable Kristi Noem
Governor of South Dakota
500 East Capitol Avenue
Pierre, South Dakota 57501
Dear Governor Noem,
On behalf of the 2.3 million members of AMAC – Association of Mature American Citizens, including nearly 10,800 who reside in the state of South Dakota, I write to express our support for your legislative package that protects elementary, secondary, and higher education students and employees from indoctrination of the discordant Critical Race Theory (CRT) curriculum.
H.B. 1337 prevents the promotion of divisive CRT concepts that include teaching that individuals are inherently racist, sexist, or oppressive due to their race, skin color, gender, etc. through curriculum and instruction to elementary and secondary school children. The bill also ensures that school employees do not receive training that promotes CRT. The bill does not, however, prevent balanced and objective discussion of divisive concepts.
H.B. 1012 extends these protections to institutions of higher learning by preventing compelling students and employees from having to endorse the disruptive concepts behind CRT through orientations, trainings, or professional development. Notably, this bill does not interfere with the robust academic freedoms these institutions enjoy, nor does it impact classroom curriculum on a college level.
Thank you, Governor Noem, for addressing the serious concerns AMAC members have with the proliferation of CRT programming in schools and institutions throughout the country. Your courageous bills should serve as models for other states to adopt and AMAC is pleased to offer our organization’s full support for H.B. 1337 and H.B. 1012.
Bob Carlstrom
AMAC Action
We do not need Critical Race Theory programming it is in away racist in it’s self.
True. Children aren’t inherently racist, sexist, or oppressive due to their race, skin color or gender. They are taught those traits by their parents and other adults in their lives.
True. Children aren’t inherently racist, sexist, or oppressive due to their race, skin color or gender. They are taught those traits by their parents and other adults in their lives.