AMAC in the Media

AMAC Supports Conservative Reforms to Section 230

Posted on Thursday, April 15, 2021
AMAC Action

Section 230Congressman Jim Banks recently introduced the Stop Shielding Culpable Platforms Act, H.R. 2000, to ensure digital platforms like social media companies are held accountable for users illegal actions. This legislation is necessary to help rein in some of the most egregious behavior found on the internet.

April 15, 2021
The Honorable Jim Banks
3rd Congressional District of Indiana
1713 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

Dear Representative Banks,

On behalf of the more than 2.3 million members of AMAC – Association of Mature American Citizens – I write to offer our support for H.R. 2000, the Stop Shielding Culpable Platforms Act. One need only review the activities leading up to and including the results of this past general election to conclude that the calculating practices of Big Tech need serious oversight. From creating algorithms to manipulate users to choosing the information they want to promote or censor, the time to reel in Big Tech is now.

Under current law, Section 230 has acted as a legal shield that protects Big Tech and social media companies when the platform knowingly shares illegal content. H.R. 2000 would clarify Section 230 by holding these companies liable as distributors of information. By taking away blanket legal immunity from interactive computer service providers, including social media platforms, this legislation will require the platforms to improve their oversight of user activity to stop the spread of illegal content.

This action is long overdue as we have witnessed the explosive growth of Big Tech giants and experienced their enormous influence both in the marketplace and in the political realm. This election will bring much needed oversight to internet platforms that have allowed the spread of
dangerous and illegal content.

Thank you, Representative Banks, for the courage to stand up to the well-financed lobbyists working to protect Big Tech. As an organization that reveres our rights as granted by the United States Constitution, AMAC is pleased to offer our full support for H.R. 2000, the Stop Shielding Culpable Platforms Act.

Bob Carlstrom
President, AMAC Action

Print Support Letter

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