AMAC in the Media

AMAC Supports Bill to Remove Section 230 Protections for Big Tech

Posted on Monday, December 14, 2020
The Association of Mature American Citizens

BigThe rampant censorship taking place on Big Technology’s platforms is just one of many reasons underscoring the need for this important legislation.

December 14, 2020

The Honorable Tulsi Gabbard
2nd Congressional District of Hawaii
1433 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

The Honorable Paul Gosar
4th Congressional District of Arizona
2057 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

Dear Representatives Gabbard and Gosar,

On behalf of the more than 2.3 million members of AMAC – Association of Mature American Citizens, I write to offer our support for H.R. 8922, the Break Up Big Tech Act.

One need only review the activities leading up to and including this past general election to conclude that the calculating practices of Big Technology need serious scrutiny and oversight. From creating algorithms to manipulate users to choosing the information they want to promote or censor, the time to reel in Big Technology is now.

H.R. 8922 removes the Section 230 legal immunity armor that protects Big Technology and social media companies and works to protect Americans’ First Amendment free speech rights. Among other things, legal immunity would be eliminated for interactive computer service providers, including social media platforms, that sell or display personalized and contextual advertising without the user’s consent, employ digital products intended to engage and addict users to the service, and act as a publisher by using algorithms to moderate or censor content without opt-in from users.
This action is long overdue as we have witnessed the explosive growth of Big Technology giants and experienced their enormous influence both in the marketplace and in the political realm. We at AMAC have first-hand knowledge of the content censorship taking place in the social media space.

Thank you, Representatives Gabbard and Gosar, for the courage to stand up to the well-financed lobbyists working to protect Big Technology. As an organization that reveres our rights as granted by the United States Constitution, AMAC is pleased to offer our full support for H.R. 8922, the Break Up Big Tech Act.


Bob Carlstrom,
President, AMAC Action

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3 years ago

I echo Dan Bongino’s (an investor in point that with the woke cancel culture we need to build & support those building a conservative economy like joining AMAC vs AARP.
I hope & trust that AMAC vettes the businesses it is involved with.

Karen Logan
Karen Logan
3 years ago

We have to stand together and STOP Big Tech! Eliminate the section 230 protections.

Lynn Kerr
Lynn Kerr
3 years ago

This must happen – our voices are no longer heard and this country is more divided than ever. No One wants to compromise – which is a huge part of life. Big Tech needs to be broken up, and they must never get a dime or support from the government as long as they continue to show their obvious favoritism. Add my name to the list for this letter! If there’s something else I need to do to continue pushing this forward, I want to hear about it.

4 years ago

A plea to rid section 230 big tech immunity from being sued from American censored internet content. We are tired of having our voices silenced jut like the people in CHINA ARE! We are the USA! We have rights where as CHINA SILENCES THE PEOPKE OF CHINA! Are we ruled by CHINA? Or does the American have rights against this?

S. Allen
S. Allen
4 years ago

People need to be careful that, in remedying one problem, they do not create another. For example, if Big Tech becomes liable for indecent material posted by users, then they will have more incentive to develop even more stringent algorithms to block content that might be indecent. If Big Tech becomes liable for “unfair”, “unbalanced”, or “offensive” (a broad category that can include just about anything), or “inaccurate” material, then they will have incentive to block anything that anyone might consider objectionable. That will lead to less free speech, not more.

Michael Marchand
Michael Marchand
4 years ago


4 years ago

Don’t hesitate to leave reviews in Google Play and the Apple store for apps that engage in social engineering. It would be good if we could let them know we don’t like/want their propaganda.

4 years ago

I approve. Put me down as a co-signer.

4 years ago

It’s getting very 1984-ish Orwellian out here. Big Tech = Big Brother. How about your “exercise mirror?” Remember the screen you can’t shut off and can see and hear you? Other spies include your cell phone & GPS, Siri and Alexa… watching and recording your every move.

4 years ago

Either this protection gap for Big tech. Is eliminated and or make them get off the US Tax payers satellites for broadband internet service…

Martin Kennedy
Martin Kennedy
4 years ago


Sandra Lee
Sandra Lee
4 years ago

One of the best ways to help with this problem is to simply DROP Facebook, Twitter etc., as well as switch from Google to other drivers like Duck Duck Go or Fire Fox, etc..
As an example, look at Fox News. They screwed up royally in their election coverage by calling Arizona 14 minutes into the count. Within 48 hours their viewership dropped by something like 32% and continues to drop. The NFL is also another very good example. Their viewership KEEPS dropping every week and they are now starting to lose revenue from advertising!!!!!
The power is IN us, folks!

But it seems to me that every time someone mentions dropping Facebook, someone else says but that’s how I keep in touch with family or some other lame EXCUSE! Pick up the darn phone to do that. Much better in person anyway, wouldn’t you think?
Again, we’re being squeamish about playing tough with the enemy and THAT’S what the DEM’s are!!

4 years ago

It has to stop. Big tech is out of control.

Rick Villa
Rick Villa
4 years ago

Hear, Hear! Big tech needs to be held accountable. Also, broken up so that they can’t have as much raw power as they currently possess and abuse.

4 years ago

As an AMAC employee & supporter, I find this reassuring to know we have a strong voice and even with the pending issues we are faced with politically; the conservative voice is supported

4 years ago

This isn’t going to happen as long as Biden is allowed to steal the Presidency!

4 years ago

People need to start paying attention to their personal information. The omitting of facts and twisting of information is out of control. Eliminate section 230 protections of these giant propaganda publishers.

4 years ago

People need to start paying attention to their personal information. The omitting of facts and twisting of information is out of control. Eliminate section 230 protections of these giant propaganda publishers.

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