AMAC in the Media

AMAC Supports Bill to Keep Foreign Money Out of Ohio Elections

Posted on Wednesday, March 20, 2024
AMAC Action
the seal of Ohio

AMAC Supports Bill to Keep Foreign Money Out of Ohio Elections

March 20, 2024

The Honorable Jason Stephens
Speaker of the Ohio House of Representatives
77 South High Street
Floor 14
Columbus, OH 43215

Dear Speaker Stephens,

On behalf of the over 2.1 million members of AMAC – Association of Mature American Citizens, including over 90,900 residing in the state of Ohio, I write to offer our strong support for S.B. 215, the Prohibit Foreign National Contributions for Ballot Issues Act that is now being considered in the Ohio House of Representatives.

It is a direct assault on the sovereignty of our nation to allow foreign agents of any kind to use financial contributions to influence national, state, county, or local politics in any way. In the final tally of votes on a measure, this kind of manipulation conflicts with the will of the people and sets a path void of fidelity in the message that voters truly intend for their governments. It allows those without the best interest of our Nation and individual States to exploit our future for their needs while denigrating the primacy of our citizens. In every way, Americans should stand against these efforts by foreign agents and complicit elected officials who value financial gain over loyalty to their constituents.

An effective way to reduce foreign influence over the future of Ohio is to pass laws to “prohibit foreign national contributions for ballot issues.” Section 3517(W) of Senate Bill 215 places a hard stop on foreign financial control efforts in paragraphs (1)(a) & (b). Paragraphs (2)(a) & (b) block elected officials and other government entities and efforts from accepting foreign money as well. Indeed, the legislation defines penalties for breaking this law as a deterrent against these actions by potential beneficiaries of ill-gotten financial gain. This bill, when made law, is a fine example of what it looks like to support and defend the state of Ohio from all enemies, foreign and domestic.
AMAC thanks you, Speaker Stephens, and your House colleagues, for your consideration of S.B. 215, and we strongly encourage you to ensure it becomes law in Ohio.


Bob Carlstrom
AMAC Action

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6 months ago

There is to much foreign investment in our political system! Who is benefiting from this 300% water tax that was put on cyahoga county in the form of a SEWER BILL. Or issue 107 a few years ago that allowed renters and non property owners to vote for an increase on our property taxes! To benefit the schools?! .63 cents on every dollar I spend on personal property tax, goes straight to the teachers union! Ohio has become a joke!

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